Well-Known Member
Lets say i lived in a place where I could only flower 3 plants under a 600, I'd probably try DWC or ebb and grow, some kind of single site hydro system like that. I've actually run those systems in the past and had great results in terms of yield, though daily maintenance was annoying, res changes weren't possible without moving the plants around and cleaning equipment at harvest was time consuming. I feel like the more room one has for a healthy root system, the better the results will be in terms of yield.HB, if you were to grow just 3 plants under a 600, would you still use a 6" RW block? or would you go for something bigger.
Based on the system I've settled into, and believe it or not I actually put a lot of thought into it in terms of making things easy on myself, minimizing waste, and being able to move hydro plants from veg to flower without having to move equipment around. So based on what I do now, if I only ran 3 plants at a time, I'd train them for even bushier structures and allow their roots to grow into at least 2 six inch blocks (not stacked but next to one another). I happen to really like flood and drain systems