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Rebel From The North
Hey HR I noticed you said not to use any sweetners in the system would carbo blast be considereda sweetener of sorts I'm currently using it with other Holland Secret nutes and likng what I'm seeing but I am also doing dtw in 5 gallon coco buckets
Cant say ive got no exp on carbo blast, just be ready to do a res dump asap if shit goes south!


Active Member
I may not even use it in the new system I haven't even set it up yet as I'm waiting to finish up my ww grow that is currently in week 6 . As soon as it finishes the new titan will go up and I will be popping some plush berry thanks for all the advice even if it hasn't been directed to me specifically I have read every page on your thread and have learned a ton. Much appreciated
Stay safe


Well-Known Member
Hey HR, I was just kinda thinking a little bit. Do you think that the bennys eat enough of the molasis in the water when brewing a tea in order for it to not count as a carboloader? I was thinkin about it, and instead of adding more bennys to your resi (the 1 cup per 3 days)you could just keep on mixing up your resi with an air pump and just put molasis in your resi like once a day or 3 days to feed the bennys?


Rebel From The North
As long as your on top of the bad bactiria adding sugars are fine, but without control of the bad
Your just feeding them steroids! Im gunna go back to the drawing boards on finishers like sugar
Daddy, overdrive, or even gh pineapple rush all of these i had issues with but with no control, i
Feel theses products are important during the bloom cycle but most of all during the last weeks
When your buds are starting to harden! Im looking hard into this last weeks, means alot on how
Much your buds shrink!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the guy who gave me the strain swears by using molasis and bud candy, he's claiming a 30% increase in his harvest this time around. Off 6 plants he pulled 1 1/2 p's under 1 thousand.. his last harvest wasn't nearly as close. So thats why a while back I was asking you about it. IDK what to think lol.


Well-Known Member
My aero system was flawless before say... 3 months ago, but now I'm totally second guessing myself. Just checked my new clones, and some look like the stems are hollowing out on them. Incredibly frustrating. I'll know by next saturday.


Well-Known Member
ez cloners have issues, a lot of people I know had great luck with them, and their success rate kept dropping every cycle. Bleach cleaning, clearex, all kinds of cleaning efforts with non-stellar results.. I'm starting to think the motor goes bad, and over time picks up more and more heat.. Just a hypothesis, but I am going to run a rez cooler through mine when I get it setup to go through my 55gal rez.

just my .02


Well-Known Member
you got a eazy cloner?
Yeah, pretty much. I just made it. Before I just stuck clones in it, and they would root in like 10 days. Then I got that pythium stuff and it was going bad every time. I'm hoping that the cooler weather, and some better cuttings and cleaning will take care of it though.


Active Member
Yeah, pretty much. I just made it. Before I just stuck clones in it, and they would root in like 10 days. Then I got that pythium stuff and it was going bad every time. I'm hoping that the cooler weather, and some better cuttings and cleaning will take care of it though.
I also use al b's method. 100% so far, it's all about rockwool and that powdered hormone.
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