

Well-Known Member
I already talked about things like knives etc. The danger of a gun is that you can shoot someone from FAR away. Where as with an axe you have to get up close to use it. Most men kill themselves by guns because it's the easiest less painful way out, if you don't survive that is.
In my state you just need to provide valid Id and age to purchase a long gun or shotgun....


New Member
Ok first off, I don't carry a handgun to keep it locked in a cabinet. I carry to defend myself because that is my right. I would be convinced that over 99% of people or even more who carry a firearm are going to be the people not committing the crimes., I'm not sure you're aware that you must go through training and pay a ton of money for it. On top of that you must be approved by the sherriff in your county, after an extremely thorough background check. You are trained man, they don't just say "ok thanks for the money here is your gun".
Very least there should be a gun lock on the gun, making it so you need a key to open the thing. I'm not talking about walking around with it, it's the US and they have concealed weapon permits. But if its at your house, it should have at least a gun lock on the trigger. I'm also saying there should be more specific training to the gun you wish to purchase. If you buy a hand gun, you need a hand gun license, if you buy a rifle, you need a rifle license, same goes for shotties and etc. You could go as far as semi and full auto training too. As for extremely thorough background check, I really doubt its all that thorough besides making sure you're not a criminal. That guy who shot up that salon was a cop who went crazy, mental health check would have took away his gun until he's better and the shooting would have had a better chance of not happening.


Well-Known Member
The Bow and Arrow is badass. I don't know too much about crossbows, but I shot a compound bow for 8 years. If you are a hunter I suggest bow hunting, it's way more satisfying than using a gun. Archery is a great way to relax and focus/concentrate as well. Good stress reliever too. Anyone else here bowhunt or shoot a bow?


Well-Known Member
Oh, my bad, i didnt mean for it sound that way, i meant that it sucks that i cant find a good holster for it, it just dont fit in any of the 5 that i have boughten it... YEa, im a bit lazy at cleaning it, but it still pops off like new...

i love the way it shoots... what ammo you use?

i use pdx1 home defense, hornandy home defense, and winchester personal defense

What don't you like about it? the holster part or the gun itself and how it shoots? And I always suggest cleaning your gun after shooting it (it takes 2 minutes)


Well-Known Member
any of you guys buy ammo online?
Haven't tried any yet but I'm looking for somewhere reputable to get storable ammunition. Anyone have any recommendations? I have heard cheaperthandirt.com is good but I wanted to get some more opinions before I purchased from there.