First Grow - 2kw Tent 12 plant Grow - Gods Gift!


Active Member
Yeah that extra little N probably gave your girls a little boost in growth during the transition instead of going right to bloom. I have to say for being your first grow (alone) your doing a damn good job man!

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
Yeah that extra little N probably gave your girls a little boost in growth during the transition instead of going right to bloom. I have to say for being your first grow (alone) your doing a damn good job man!
thanks dude. yeah i have done tons of research and learned through my friends past grows mistakes and put more dedication in. but yes (knock on wood) everything is going really good, only 5 more weeks :p

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
so another update today. they are on day 13 of flowering. i have them at 1450 ppms this week. bud growth is noticeable everyday. they are still growing an in or 2 a day so im just waiting for them to stop growing vertical because my lights are only a few inches away from the ceiling cap. haha. no signs of nute burn or light / heat stress. took some close up pics for you all.



Active Member
Yeah I can't believe this journal isn't getting attention. These girls are looking sexy! yeah the next 5 weeks will be very exciting...pack on that weight!! correct me if i'm wrong gods gift is (GDPXMasterKush)?

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
Yeah I can't believe this journal isn't getting attention. These girls are looking sexy! yeah the next 5 weeks will be very exciting...pack on that weight!! correct me if i'm wrong gods gift is (GDPXMasterKush)?
it is gdp x og kush from what i looked up. idk exactly what it came from. yeah im excited too. just trimmed the shit out of them tonight. took off the lowest 3 branches on every plant (the little skinny guys that wouldnt make it past the canopy anyways.) i dont think they will suffer from it...want production in those top colas. each plant has at least 4 - 6 main colas its crazy bush madness. the buds are gonna be so fat its only day 14. haha. 50 more days to go. lol i hope they stop growing vertical i still havent tied em down yet. hopefully the pruning will stress em out enough to slow growth down a little so they stop growing vertically. my lights are at max height.

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
ok another update. this is day 19 flowering. this one is a good one with the pictures. buds starting to form and get all frosty. soo many budsites on each plant. they are really starting to take form im pretty happy with this update.

nutrient schedule: flushed them for 2 days of this weekend. then hit em with zone, liquid karma, budswell, budcandy, heavy 16 bloom a + b ppms = 1550. might up them to 1600 throughout the week.

Dude, those look nice! Good work! I got some Gods gift going to, on day 29. Looks like you may be doing better than I with the extra light. My heat was a little out of control about a week ago. Check 'em out. I didn't read the whole thread, what nutes are you using?


mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
Dude, those look nice! Good work! I got some Gods gift going to, on day 29. Looks like you may be doing better than I. My heat was a little out of control about a week ago so that could be it. Check 'em out. I didn't read the whole thread, what nutes are you using, how many plants?

looking very nice. they look like the same strain so that's good haha. I have 12 plants in my setup and they are running on heavy 16 nutes + other additives. yeah my plants are day 19 right now so I wonder what they will look like in ten days.

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
I've been away for the past couple days having my friend watch em for me ill have an update done later tonight or tomorrow. I haven't seen em in 5 days

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
ok finally another update after my long crazy halloween weekend. im now back after my friend helped me watch them while i was gone. im keeping them at 1600ppms this week and will probably flush them the last 2 days after this week before i up them to 1700 for starting week 5.

this is day 27 of flowering.


mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
So when I was away I think the plans didn't like the 1600ppms so much they keep drinking more water than nutes so I'm flushing them for 2 days and dropping the ppms to 1530 where they liked it before I left a week ago. I want to fix this rising ppm level problem before I have other problems. But other than that the buds are forming nicely.
Looking good! It's funny, I never seem to really pay attention to my ppm's. I think partial due to my water being so high in ppm's alone (around 400). Usually my meter wont read the ppm's because it's over 2,000. I've never had an issue with nutrient lock out or anything like that. Could be that I'm actually at 1,600 if you factor in the 400 my tap water has alone.

My plants are starting to stink so bad, had to buy another filter.

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
Looking good! It's funny, I never seem to really pay attention to my ppm's. I think partial due to my water being so high in ppm's alone (around 400). Usually my meter wont read the ppm's because it's over 2,000. I've never had an issue with nutrient lock out or anything like that. Could be that I'm actually at 1,600 if you factor in the 400 my tap water has alone.

My plants are starting to stink so bad, had to buy another filter.
nice. yeah well mine are just starting to stink a little right now. but nothing ridiculously crazy yet. some plants are changing to purple right now. others are still just green i took pictures last night and ill upload them today. they are exactly 2 months old as of yesterday and have another 4 weeks to go.

how far are u along malibusteve? should be like week 6 or 7 for your flowering right?

and also having ur ppms so high do u have any signs of nute burning? my plants show very very slight signs of burning on tips and a little spotting on only a few top layer fan leaves out on 2 or 3 plants all others are good.

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
ok another update today. day 32 of flower. dropped ppms down to 1500. they are steadily rising up by 10 or 20 each day...seems ok to me. all buds are forming well and they are all fairly uniform. they stopped growing vertically at around the end of week 3 or 4. all focusing on bud development im guessing in this stage. in a few pics you can see the purple hue coming in nicely. cant wait to see these babies get their purps on. :weed:

heres the pics taken yesterday and today.

nice. yeah well mine are just starting to stink a little right now. but nothing ridiculously crazy yet. some plants are changing to purple right now. others are still just green i took pictures last night and ill upload them today. they are exactly 2 months old as of yesterday and have another 4 weeks to go.

how far are u along malibusteve? should be like week 6 or 7 for your flowering right?

and also having ur ppms so high do u have any signs of nute burning? my plants show very very slight signs of burning on tips and a little spotting on only a few top layer fan leaves out on 2 or 3 plants all others are good.
Just finished week 6, on 7 now. SUPER dense and SUPER stank. Keeping the humidity low to avoid bud rot right now because the nugs are like rocks. I took this yesterday

I've noticed some slight burn on the tips of a few leaves here and there and a few spots on some of the older, lower fan leaves but other than that, they seem to take whatever I throw at 'em. However, I'm not going over board.

Only flushed once like week three of flower because I thought something was up but found out the micro hardwater was starving my plants of calcium. Fixed that.

Pretty much I've done it every way possible. Did it like a dr where I was meticulous about cleaning EVERYTHING. This time I was as sloppy and as dirty as possible and am still having great results. Good to know I can be a little lazy lol :lol: