Minor caught with marijuana in School need info!!!


Well-Known Member
I love how so many people are pretending they didn't bring weed to school.
Having the scale is bad, but he can say he was buying and though the guy was ripping him off.
I don't know CA law but I'm sure it's stricter here and it's not a big deal. Kids looking at probation, some community service and a drug evaluation/counseling. And a fine. It's probably even unsupervised probation where you go once and make a file and you never see em again if you don't get busted again in the time period.


Well-Known Member
half zip and a scale implies he was selling weed at school. He is FUCKED. What douche bag adult sold him the herb so he could get busted and fuck his life up? Its one thing to smoke a kid out or kick him a bowl pack but giving them weight is just plain wrong.
in your opinion.

at 17 your old enough to know whats right and wrong. you cant blame a dealer for selling to someone thats 17 you sound like someones mom logged in on their account.


Well-Known Member
whatever dude, I had weed on me more then a few times during high school. I love how people on here act like their the shit and did nothing but wise decisions throughout their life. Bullshit, you just didn't get caught.
As a matter of fact I NEVER took my herb into school. We had drug dogs that the cops would cruise around randomly through the parking lots and past the lockers. Every morning after I would smoke, I stashed my shit in the same place in an alley by my school, and went to get it after I got outta class. I definitely did some dumb shit in high school, but always minded my p's and q's... thats probably why I never got fucked with...


Well-Known Member
I love how so many people are pretending they didn't bring weed to school.
Having the scale is bad, but he can say he was buying and though the guy was ripping him off.
I don't know CA law but I'm sure it's stricter here and it's not a big deal. Kids looking at probation, some community service and a drug evaluation/counseling. And a fine. It's probably even unsupervised probation where you go once and make a file and you never see em again if you don't get busted again in the time period.
ya i used to bring weed to school but only like a gram at most NEVER a ounce and a half, a scale and pipe. Thats retarded!


Well-Known Member
As a matter of fact I NEVER took my herb into school. We had drug dogs that the cops would cruise around randomly through the parking lots and past the lockers. Every morning after I would smoke, I stashed my shit in the same place in an alley by my school, and went to get it after I got outta class. I definitely did some dumb shit in high school, but always minded my p's and q's... thats probably why I never got fucked with...
Really? Used to bring bud to school, even skipped class to smoke with some friends on more then a few occasions. Huh, not one drug related charge on my record. Do you really think you could have never got busted retrieving you stash in the alley way?! You got lucky like most of us, nothing more. Had you gotten busted doing that, some asshole just like you would have tried to come off holier then thou, just like you did. Just the facts.


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6496061 said:
ya i used to bring weed to school but only like a gram at most NEVER a ounce and a half, a scale and pipe. Thats retarded!
I will have to agree the pipe was a bit much. I was good at stashing, and never took more then I could swallow. With that said, hes a teenager. Teenagers do stupid shit. THATS WHAT THEY DO...its not always the same stupid shit, but if we looked at you history of stupid shit from your high school days I bet we wouldn't find an empty list.


Well-Known Member
half zip and a scale implies he was selling weed at school. He is FUCKED. What douche bag adult sold him the herb so he could get busted and fuck his life up? Its one thing to smoke a kid out or kick him a bowl pack but giving them weight is just plain wrong.
Whatever, I was moving pounds at his age. Glad the guy that dealt with me dealt with me. 17 is old enough to make your own decisions. Where we are fucking up as a society is making those mistakes world ending. Harsher penalties have shown to have the opposite effect of what they were intended for, but it makes people feel like their being tough on a problem. It makes them feel somehow good about themselves. Its all bullshit.


Well-Known Member
i was older but 1st offence cost me 12000.00----hope he has better luck and i agree---that kid was a dumb ass.not cops fault----i been out of school for 43 yrs and i know not to speed--carry dope--drink around a school zones little lone in school.


Well-Known Member
i was older but 1st offence cost me 12000.00----hope he has better luck and i agree---that kid was a dumb ass.not cops fault----i been out of school for 43 yrs and i know not to speed--carry dope--drink around a school zones little lone in school.
1) Your a grown ass man, not the same thing, that would be like me doing that, but worse.
2) If you didn't have drugs in school, basing from the time period, you were a minority from what I've heard from gents of the same generation. Perhaps it so far past you have problems remembering it clearly? They say memory is the first to go, afterall.....


Well-Known Member
whatever dude, I had weed on me more then a few times during high school. I love how people on here act like their the shit and did nothing but wise decisions throughout their life. Bullshit, you just didn't get caught.

I dont really see where he was acting like he was the shit. Relax dude....


Well-Known Member
1) Your a grown ass man, not the same thing, that would be like me doing that, but worse.
2) If you didn't have drugs in school, basing from the time period, you were a minority from what I've heard from gents of the same generation. Perhaps it so far past you have problems remembering it clearly? They say memory is the first to go, afterall.....
Relax bro, you are taking it way too serious. It IS dumb to posses weed in a school zone and it can fuck you over. we aint beating the guy up, if it was myself i would still consider it a dumb thing because it is dumb things. taking risks like like bringing scales and 1/2 to school is foolish.


Well-Known Member
whatever dude, I had weed on me more then a few times during high school. I love how people on here act like their the shit and did nothing but wise decisions throughout their life. Bullshit, you just didn't get caught.

I dont really see where he was acting like he was the shit. Relax dude....
"sucks for your buddy, maybe next time he won't be a dipshit..." Your seriously going to try to sell me that isn't condescending? Your my boy, but we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I stand by what I said.

I am taking it seriously, probably to much so, but I'm getting tired of people getting condescending with new blood because they somehow think their better. Was it a stupid thing to do? Yea, kids do stupid shit. but that statement made it pretty clear he thought he was better then him.


Well-Known Member
if you called me a dipshit for making a stupid error like that i would consider it justified because that would be a dipshit move on my part.


Well-Known Member
if you called me a dipshit for making a stupid error like that i would consider it justified because that would be a dipshit move on my part.
†s† again, we're going to have to agree to disagree brother. Kids do stupid shit, but blowing it off as "sucks to be him" isn't anymore right. By making it so world ending that making it hard for that kid to ever do anything BUT deal, because no job is going to want to hire him. when I was his age, and that was only 14 years ago, it probably would have been a short stent in juvie, they would have let him out, after a certain age, forget what it was because it never came up for me, it gets whiped off their record, by which time they had the chance to grow up and make better decisions. By over reacting to his mistake now they ensure he'll make many more mistakes for lack of a better option. And thats why that attitude is pissing me off. We're selling these kids down the river for doing stupid shit, and thats what kids do. Again, its not always the same mistakes, but we all made no shortage of mistakes in our time, and a high concentration of them happened between 13 and 18, before you get out into the world and learn some responsibility. Granted, the age has been pushed up as more and more kids seem to stay at home well into their 20's, but thats another discussion all together. .


Well-Known Member
oh, the sucks to be him part is what pissed you off. i see where your coming from and agree with what you said about the system there, at the same time though i often say "sucks to be you" or "sucks to be him" or even "sucks to be me" off handed just messing around in a kind of joking manner. i think penguin king was doing the same.