How Much Do Outdoor Plants Yield?

I pulled about 12 oz of bud plus an ounce of hash off of a Dairy Queen I grew outdoors this summer. Pics at the end of the thread in my signature line.
A better question is "what needs to be done to yeild more". From my experiance half of a bag of ocean forest in the ground and without watering more then a few times yielded 2 Oz dry in upper midwest. Now what if a whole bag was used and what if water was taken out there 1 time per week? IDK. And what if 2 bags were used and so one and so forth. It would be nice to know. Id probaly test the 2 senerios to see the differance, that would take years since theres only 1 season per year :)
anywere from a 1/4lb to pounds, depends on the strain and sun availibilty...theres quite a few pound plants for outdoors
i've been growing a clone of.... well i'm not too sure what it is but it's in a raised bed in a greenhouse, grew to 10 1/2 feet tall and i started chopping her at the beginning of this week. i still have 1/3 to go and i've pulled off close to 9 oz which is currently in cure as of today. first time grow and i've got enough to last me a year already. and the kolas that are still on her are getting juicier and juicier. i'm stoked.

and a big thanks to everyone on this forum. couldn't have done it without you all
What's goody? A friend of mines have a 9th tall 4ft wide cali og kush much can he expect to yeild with a plant this size?
Thanks in advance!
No one ever mentions pot size or how big their holes are. I grew in 10 gallon pots and got only a few ounces per plant. This year I stepped up to 25 gallon smart pots and my plants are 7-8 feet tall on average with long branches. Next year ima step it up again to at least 100 gallon smart pots. In 100 gallon pots the average I’ve seen with maximum sunlight, proper nutrients, and proper watering is 2-4 pounds. If your growing in 25 gallons or smaller it would be a miracle to get 2 pounds dry per plant. This is also my 6th year growing. I never had much money to support my grows until the last 3 years. I grew 7 6-9 footers in Vegas lol and got 4 pounds 3 years ago. If I can grow outdoor in Vegas and get that much off pure indoor clones, you can grow well in northern Cali. That’s where I have grow every time but the one in Vegas.
No one ever mentions pot size or how big their holes are. I grew in 10 gallon pots and got only a few ounces per plant. This year I stepped up to 25 gallon smart pots and my plants are 7-8 feet tall on average with long branches. Next year ima step it up again to at least 100 gallon smart pots. In 100 gallon pots the average I’ve seen with maximum sunlight, proper nutrients, and proper watering is 2-4 pounds. If your growing in 25 gallons or smaller it would be a miracle to get 2 pounds dry per plant. This is also my 6th year growing. I never had much money to support my grows until the last 3 years. I grew 7 6-9 footers in Vegas lol and got 4 pounds 3 years ago. If I can grow outdoor in Vegas and get that much off pure indoor clones, you can grow well in northern Cali. That’s where I have grow every time but the one in Vegas.
Oh for sure... I went from 25 to 50 to 200 and now I'm in 400 gallons. What a game changer..
Going from oz to pounds
No one ever mentions pot size or how big their holes are. I grew in 10 gallon pots and got only a few ounces per plant. This year I stepped up to 25 gallon smart pots and my plants are 7-8 feet tall on average with long branches. Next year ima step it up again to at least 100 gallon smart pots. In 100 gallon pots the average I’ve seen with maximum sunlight, proper nutrients, and proper watering is 2-4 pounds. If your growing in 25 gallons or smaller it would be a miracle to get 2 pounds dry per plant. This is also my 6th year growing. I never had much money to support my grows until the last 3 years. I grew 7 6-9 footers in Vegas lol and got 4 pounds 3 years ago. If I can grow outdoor in Vegas and get that much off pure indoor clones, you can grow well in northern Cali. That’s where I have grow every time but the one in Vegas.
P.s. for me this was the difference between 200gallon and 400gallon
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Last year a got a 1 3/4lbs off two plants. One plant alone was over a pound. This year has yet to be told. Different strains but more plants this year hoping for around 2 1/2.
No one ever mentions pot size or how big their holes are. I grew in 10 gallon pots and got only a few ounces per plant. This year I stepped up to 25 gallon smart pots and my plants are 7-8 feet tall on average with long branches. Next year ima step it up again to at least 100 gallon smart pots. In 100 gallon pots the average I’ve seen with maximum sunlight, proper nutrients, and proper watering is 2-4 pounds. If your growing in 25 gallons or smaller it would be a miracle to get 2 pounds dry per plant. This is also my 6th year growing. I never had much money to support my grows until the last 3 years. I grew 7 6-9 footers in Vegas lol and got 4 pounds 3 years ago. If I can grow outdoor in Vegas and get that much off pure indoor clones, you can grow well in northern Cali. That’s where I have grow every time but the one in Vegas.
Desert grower here too. same here 7 gallons got few ounces but end of summer my house blocks the south sun so no point in going bigger but it seems smart pots are the only way to go if you don't want the substrate to overheat and rot.

What media do you use? I'm guessing a supersoil
Mountain grower here, all i can say after my experience to maximize yields it all depends on what strain you choose that fits best your environment.(altitude, precipitation, temperatures, climate)

When I choose the right strain i take out per plant 1kg and above. In my environment Indica strains highly resistent to mold resist the best and I take out the most in weight and quality. This year since I had an prelonged summer and good temperatures until now I had great result aswell with my hybrid strains. My sativas started flowering only recently and we are expecting temperature drops towards the freezing point so im not sure if they will manage to finish their cycle. For sativa outdoor in my region I can only do it with autoflowering seeds that yield around 100gr per plant around the end of July.
Must have been shit soil cuz your not even pulling an ounce a plant! Lol... I grew 4 autos this year outdoor, each topped once and that’s it. Avg yield was a little under 3 ounces a plant. In good soil. Definitely strive for a better yield because those numbers suck bro lmao
So many variables to consider. I pulled 2.5 pounds out of a 10 gallon smart pot last year, plant next to it was same strain and in 150 gallons and yielded closer to 2p. Smaller one got higher concentration of nutrients and much better soil, ended up with high quality and quantity bud. Pot size don’t mean a damn unless everything else is on point.
^Dumbest thing I have ever heard. *Pot size don't mean a damn unless everything else is on point". No shit sherlock. Now, if you are doing everything at least halfway right, pot size has EVERYTHING to do with how large your plant is going to get. Even if you fuck up a little, your plant will still get bigger in a big pot. Generalities, Generalities, Generalities.
I think my biggest plant was about 7oz. I haven’t grown any pounders YET but each year gets better and better and I know exactly why. Let’s go from Start to finish.

Seeds/genetics... this is where the story starts. While you can hypothetically get a LB from any strain, some strains are genetically positioned to yield better than others. So if you want a big yield buy your genetics from a trusted source that’s know to produce.

Next is the medium. We’re not talking little bonsai plants. We’re talking trees! They need allot of support underneath the ground and by support I mean some living soil that has microorganisms down there helping you help the plant. You need quality, well drained loamy soil so those roots can just keep going and going and going and going lol

Pot size is obviously next right because for the roots to keep going and going they gotta have space to do that right? Idc what anyone says. If you want consistently big plants pot size matters! If your looking to grow some LBS off one plant why would you grab a 5-10 gallon???? You don’t. You get a 15-20 gallon and you fill her up to the top with that loamy soil we were just talking about.

Nutrients cuz she’s gotta eat. Pregnant women and bigger people eat more than smaller folks. Cannabis is no different. A big plant is going to need allot of nutrients to help support that long, big life cycle. This can be achieved by using amendments in your soil from the beginning like a super soil where you top dress later down the line or liquid nutrients you add when watering. Either way your going to have to figure out a way to feed her throughout her life.

Lastly I’d say is when you start her. Obviously a big plant needs to veg more than a little while to get a big yield. You can start her early indoors and put her out when your areas light cycle permits or with quality genetics plant seedlings outside at the beginning of the outdoor season and watch them turn into monsters.

After saying all that it still just depends man. You got allot of seeds. Get you some big pots or dig some big holes and give em a chance. You said stealth is a big problem for you then you better figure that out first because it’s just kinda hard to hide 7 feet tall weed plants