Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)


Well-Known Member
Paranoia lurked,
When raven asked for some help,
Cop situation

Paranoia gone,
Raven is too trustworthy.
He is not a cop, :).


Well-Known Member
Funny you say that,
ryan became a drug dog,
on this family guy.

Right when I read that,
Ryan and joe were running,
off to cocaine bust.

don't make him freak out!
I'm so sick of being dry! :p
can joke afterwards :D


Well-Known Member
vanilla kush, huh?
chocolate kush with chocolope,
will be in my grow.

a joint with them both,
would it be like ice cream swirl?
I'll have to find out :D


Well-Known Member
I wish it legal
we could chill with no fear,
good toke friends youd be.

though tyler, my boy,
the windy city I'll see,
summer brings raven :D