ever sat in a viper? they are tiny. the funny thing is, they are designed for rich men. i'm only 6'1", though i do find myself cramped up in most cars. i don't fit in the wife's BMW either. it has those stupid molded seats that pinch my hips. my dodge is the only truck i've found that my head doesn't hit the ceiling of. it sucks to be so limited on what i can drive simply because i'm too tall.
No can't say i have or ever want 2, i don't like penis extension cars , ur correct they are designed for small euro men or rich white dudes that can't drive a truck

Men should own trucks, the wife has the car, just seems to work well in a family type setting.
But women need to not rely on men all the time, i'm guilty 2, i'm small and allow people to do things because they assume i'm fragile or delicate because i'm female and petite, but i'm the first to jump out and push if we get stuck, i can even change my cars oil faster then most men can

I hate useless women!!!!