Woman beat with pipe by McDonald's cashier faces permanent brain damage

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
No one deserves to be beaten brutally with a metal rod in the head.

Am I the only sane one here?
very true but when you and your friend gang up on some one you get what you get, and thats it, dont be a pc clown too

the incident has happened and he was defending himself. thats end of story. either you support someone defending themselves and that at the point the two women decided to gang up on him they have excepted the risk of their actions

antagonist vs protagonist


Well-Known Member
I think I got my participants mixed up in my previous post. I meant to say that the person with the metal rod went way overboard. Person jumping over the counter was wrong, but rod person needs to go to jail.
Wish I could make out what's being said but I don't get a word.


Well-Known Member
very true but when you and your friend gang up on some one you get what you get, and thats it, dont be a pc clown too

the incident has happened and he was defending himself. thats end of story. either you support someone defending themselves and that at the point the two women decided to gang up on him they have excepted the risk of their actions

antagonist vs protagonist

I have friends here? I'm super cool.

I'll clown on you and I ain't talkin no bozo.


Well-Known Member
Just to myself clear I don't think this KILLER had to use a fucking metal rod to defend himself and cause very serious injuries when it didn't need to go down like that.


Well-Known Member
that video is fucked up as shit but honestly. 2 people were coming at the fool at the same time with what appeard to be intent to jump him and hurt him so fuck it in my book hit the bitch and the guy. but i have no justification on hitting her way way way after the fact when she was trying to get up


Well-Known Member
that video is fucked up as shit but honestly. 2 people were coming at the fool at the same time with what appeard to be intent to jump him and hurt him so fuck it in my book hit the bitch and the guy. but i have no justification on hitting her way way way after the fact when she was trying to get up
i didn't know there was a guy behind the counter...

but yes i agree to a point

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Bitch is going to jail. lol Both of them. He's going to prison for another 10 years. But she slapped him, he did two hooks to the jaw, one jumped over the counter and the other went around, he backed up and tried to get away, they cornered him, started wailing on him, he grabbed around for something, started smacking the one that didn't jump the counter, once she was down he smacked the other one a couple times till she ran away, the one on the ground was grabbing on him so he bashed her good.

What I said over an hour ago needs a bump.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Just to myself clear I don't think this KILLER had to use a fucking metal rod to defend himself and cause very serious injuries when it didn't need to go down like that.
killer or not thats why you dont try to attack people, they got what they got becuase they attacked him, end of story

20% of americans have anger issue, and he wasnt a small man those women were dangerous and im happy that they got served at mcdonalds and not on the street where other weapons would have or could have been used

i hope they look like gargoyles after this, If you want to act all agressive then thats what you get agression better stay out of the kitchen if you cant take the heat

the worst thig is these women will live just fine, while hes going back to jail for a long time(most likely), fuck our justice system