LSD Overdose

but what we experience is within ourselves and it doesnt matter what the people around us do or say, they are not in the world nor have they experienced the world as if to say there is no one living inside, we are the world in which is created in the pathway, there is no persons or spirits, there is nothin but the information we percieve as reality which in turn really is reality that the mind and with the help of lucy has opened up for us, the only problem i see in this world is there is no interaction with anyone around us, you are not anything but the figmeant of imagination of ourselves, we are all one streaming into each other this is the only percievable way i can see this happening, all the information, all the feelings of emotions of everyone all colaborates in a world that e cannot reach, but when we do reach that world this is how we are able to open up the information around us, we are diving into someone elses path and reach of there mind and spirit, but we cannot touch unless we have the permission to grasp what we need to grasp to change our spirits into what they need to be to survive this physical world, without my exsperience i highly doubt i would have changed the place around to what it needs to be to be comfortable in my own mind, at ease with consciounsness however you spell it, and without the permission to grasp what we did, we would be stuck in the world beyond ours as which the mind needs to be to be in a stable possition, well thats my 2 cents anyways, if you understand then you know where ive been, if not then one day youll be there
bad trips are bad trips. nothing you can do about it. it has nothing to do with the L or the dosage. i have had 3 bad trips in my life and everytime i knew right away my gears werent turning right. and it never had anything to do with the cid or the dose. i have taken retarded amounts of L to the point of tripping myself blind with no problem and then go and eat 1 hit and have a crazy bad trip that couldnt be had again if i ate a 100 of the same hits the next week. i think alot of people get overwhelming trips mixed up with bad trips. bad trips are something that just dont click right ,some wire gets crossed and your fucked. and to all the "all natural" fucktards out there you can have a bad trip on shrooms to. so go stick that in your toad and lick it
I find it is easier to have a bad experience on mushrooms - although the ramifications of such an experience aren't as bad - the trip doesn't last as long but mushrooms have a habit of wipping out the old psychic mirror on your ass and holding it in front of your eyes. Personal assessment and evaluation, though helpful and cathartic can turn into a very personal and very disturbing hell.
I find it is easier to have a bad experience on mushrooms - although the ramifications of such an experience aren't as bad - the trip doesn't last as long but mushrooms have a habit of wipping out the old psychic mirror on your ass and holding it in front of your eyes. Personal assessment and evaluation, though helpful and cathartic can turn into a very personal and very disturbing hell.

i agree its not as bad but still happens. i hate the assholes that have this shit in there head that if its natural it wont hurt you
i agree its not as bad but still happens. i hate the assholes that have this shit in there head that if its natural it wont hurt you

If you review my posts you will see all sorts of rants against the "it's natural" crowd. Morphine is natural, radiation is natural, belladona is natural. Note sven I opined that it was more likely to have a bad trip on that natural substance psylocibin. I have often asked how natural pot that has been grown completely under artificial light is . . . natural at all.
shit cobra venom will make ya trip balls to cant closer to nature than that. there ya go you all natural guys grab up your nasty hair unshaved woman hike into the jungle and start poking snakes with sticks
umm okay, but anyways, like i said before, u may hav had a bad trip mate and ur still able to trip again, ive had bad trips before and still tripped again, but after this one, if you didnt read properly, i cant have quarter of a tab without wigging balls and going into the same state i was that night, trust me, im no longer able to trip, i would if i could, trust me, i love L and always will, but ill never be able to trip the way it used to be ever again, hard to explain but yeh
It's what happens man... a good friend of mine told me "once the gates open, they don't close." Very VERY true. I personally have never had a bad L trip, but I also don't take it too much, and doubt I will take again in the near future. There's only so many times you can go completely out of reality without shit hitting the fan... Hallucinogens are always meant to be special, once nothing is new to your brain anymore, the drug won't be nearly as fun.
thats true hey, those gates never close, it sucks coz they just keep openin wider an wider each time you have em, till you can close them off from reality..
ok so.. where to start,

a few months back now i had been really getting into the acid tabs, now in australia, well where i live anyway, it is really hard to fing clean and pure lsd.

i had been taking two black and white checker tabs (that what they called them) every weekend for 3 weekends in a row and they where the cleanest most strongest lsd i had ever tried and all was well for all those trips, it was the fourth weekend it happened.

as i put both tabs in my mouth it was a half hour later that i started to realise something different about the onset of this trip, then all of a sudden BAM! i was fully tripping out of nowhere this onset of just scattered thoughts and hallucinations that was uncontrolable, now this story may take awahile so here goes.

it was a cruisey satdy night at my mates house and girlfriends house (they where brother an sister) when we got the call to say the new batch was in after we had depleted the supply of the old batch which were of the same name and same brand (black and white checkers) accordin to the the sellers they where the second strongest in western australia but we had been taking them for the previous 3 weekends so we thought nothing of it, yes they were stronger then normal lsd we would buy but considering it was the fourth weekend we were going to get them we got the same amount as usual, me and my girlfriennd, whos name shall not be mentioned bothed dropped two straight away, half an hour later we were both sitting side by side in the lounge room waiting for the effects, as i sat there concentrating on the tv my other friend ill call jackson in this story was sitting in the arm chair next to us, as the trip started to set in something was feeling a little bit more subtle inn the way the trip approached me.

forty five minutes had passed since we had takin the tabs and i was fully tripping by this stage, as i look to the left in the armchair jackson would be talking to me normally and i would be responding as usual and havin a conversation, the next time i was to look at jackson his dreadlocks were razor sharp points and his face had the devilish grin of a sphycopath on it and as this happened the whole lounge room would turn bright red, at first i was telling myself its all the trip its fine even though it constantly happened every single time he was to speak to me, then an hour and a half had past since we had dropped and i was fully gone, i wouldnt say tripping, i wouldnt say panicking but for the life of me i couldnt seem to stay in a state of conciousness for more then ten seconds without fully wigging out of every single itty bityy detail of everything and anything around me, as i start to realise this is a very hard trip i pik myself up and attempt to go into the backroom of the house, as i do this my girlfriend follows me to see if i am okay...

thats where i go blank, the next thing i know i am struggling to stand clenching the waist of my girlfriends in the back room trying to breath, as this feeling is coming over me i start to feel a pain so emense (and i know this is seriously going to sound crazy but i know what i felt was true) the pain so emense is the heartbeat of my heart slowing down and slowly missbeating to try and meet the heartbeat of the girl i loved, to the day i still dont understand it it but anyway as i am holding her so dam tightly the exspression on my girlfriends face was to say holy shit i can feel what you are feeling inside of you, the pain is undescribable, i mean INTENSE PAIN the worst feeling i have ever felt, as this happened my girlfriends was trying to talk me throuh the trip and i go blank again, next thing i know im sitting in the kitchen with her by my side trying to concentrate to determan reality from the acid, this was not possible, every ten seconds i would move my head to try concentrate and bang im gone again, after this experience i ended up in her room on her bed as im lying the emotionless, sore, and scarred for my life as wat feels as if i was about to die then ten seconds or so pass and all i know is im finding myself trying to pierce my chest with a toothpick to ease my pain, 3 times i attempted to stab it through and all three times my girlfriend was there to stop me, for the next 18 hours was all a blur with little parts that i remember but all the memories were just of me lying emotionless on the bed clenching my chest, since then i was woking at my old work (mechanic) and i was lifting a tyre as i suddenly colapsed and fell to the ground, i was carried away to the emergency and put on a drip for 12 hours, turns out i had lost 80 percent of the fluids in my body the doctors were stunned i could even walk let alone breath by myself, i had also lost 3 kilos over that weekend and was vomiting up everything i ate and drank, even some normal fruit juice, needless to say i have been to many doctors since then.

the doctors have told me i now have a heart murmer which never used to be there and i have mild schizophrenia which causes me to snap at someone if they annoy me with really small things. i have tried to find awnsers everywhere as to how and why all this happened after i have a high tolerence to the stuff, i dont understand how i could have tripped that hard to do personal damage to my heart and mind in one night. please for my sake if ANYONE out there has also exsperienced this or anything close to this where it has actually almost killed someone please bring your story forward, since that day i have only ever touched it once and i had quarter of a tab and it was like having a whole tab and a half, i will not ever touch it again, please someone help me find awnsers. i dont know why this happened after havin atleast 40 or so in my lifetime before all this.

drugs do that.
they say its really hard to lower you iq and to up your iq i actually lowered mine by 5 points from all the gravol i did (moition sickness drug) because that drug actually shuts down parts of your brain, and i did probably 8-15 every night for 2 years..
i also have anxiety now from other drugs,
my metabolism is fucked up,
yeah im just a big bowl of fucked now.
ok so.. where to start,

a few months back now i had been really getting into the acid tabs, now in australia, well where i live anyway, it is really hard to fing clean and pure lsd.

i had been taking two black and white checker tabs (that what they called them) every weekend for 3 weekends in a row and they where the cleanest most strongest lsd i had ever tried and all was well for all those trips, it was the fourth weekend it happened.

as i put both tabs in my mouth it was a half hour later that i started to realise something different about the onset of this trip, then all of a sudden BAM! i was fully tripping out of nowhere this onset of just scattered thoughts and hallucinations that was uncontrolable, now this story may take awahile so here goes.

it was a cruisey satdy night at my mates house and girlfriends house (they where brother an sister) when we got the call to say the new batch was in after we had depleted the supply of the old batch which were of the same name and same brand (black and white checkers) accordin to the the sellers they where the second strongest in western australia but we had been taking them for the previous 3 weekends so we thought nothing of it, yes they were stronger then normal lsd we would buy but considering it was the fourth weekend we were going to get them we got the same amount as usual, me and my girlfriennd, whos name shall not be mentioned bothed dropped two straight away, half an hour later we were both sitting side by side in the lounge room waiting for the effects, as i sat there concentrating on the tv my other friend ill call jackson in this story was sitting in the arm chair next to us, as the trip started to set in something was feeling a little bit more subtle inn the way the trip approached me.

forty five minutes had passed since we had takin the tabs and i was fully tripping by this stage, as i look to the left in the armchair jackson would be talking to me normally and i would be responding as usual and havin a conversation, the next time i was to look at jackson his dreadlocks were razor sharp points and his face had the devilish grin of a sphycopath on it and as this happened the whole lounge room would turn bright red, at first i was telling myself its all the trip its fine even though it constantly happened every single time he was to speak to me, then an hour and a half had past since we had dropped and i was fully gone, i wouldnt say tripping, i wouldnt say panicking but for the life of me i couldnt seem to stay in a state of conciousness for more then ten seconds without fully wigging out of every single itty bityy detail of everything and anything around me, as i start to realise this is a very hard trip i pik myself up and attempt to go into the backroom of the house, as i do this my girlfriend follows me to see if i am okay...

thats where i go blank, the next thing i know i am struggling to stand clenching the waist of my girlfriends in the back room trying to breath, as this feeling is coming over me i start to feel a pain so emense (and i know this is seriously going to sound crazy but i know what i felt was true) the pain so emense is the heartbeat of my heart slowing down and slowly missbeating to try and meet the heartbeat of the girl i loved, to the day i still dont understand it it but anyway as i am holding her so dam tightly the exspression on my girlfriends face was to say holy shit i can feel what you are feeling inside of you, the pain is undescribable, i mean INTENSE PAIN the worst feeling i have ever felt, as this happened my girlfriends was trying to talk me throuh the trip and i go blank again, next thing i know im sitting in the kitchen with her by my side trying to concentrate to determan reality from the acid, this was not possible, every ten seconds i would move my head to try concentrate and bang im gone again, after this experience i ended up in her room on her bed as im lying the emotionless, sore, and scarred for my life as wat feels as if i was about to die then ten seconds or so pass and all i know is im finding myself trying to pierce my chest with a toothpick to ease my pain, 3 times i attempted to stab it through and all three times my girlfriend was there to stop me, for the next 18 hours was all a blur with little parts that i remember but all the memories were just of me lying emotionless on the bed clenching my chest, since then i was woking at my old work (mechanic) and i was lifting a tyre as i suddenly colapsed and fell to the ground, i was carried away to the emergency and put on a drip for 12 hours, turns out i had lost 80 percent of the fluids in my body the doctors were stunned i could even walk let alone breath by myself, i had also lost 3 kilos over that weekend and was vomiting up everything i ate and drank, even some normal fruit juice, needless to say i have been to many doctors since then.

the doctors have told me i now have a heart murmer which never used to be there and i have mild schizophrenia which causes me to snap at someone if they annoy me with really small things. i have tried to find awnsers everywhere as to how and why all this happened after i have a high tolerence to the stuff, i dont understand how i could have tripped that hard to do personal damage to my heart and mind in one night. please for my sake if ANYONE out there has also exsperienced this or anything close to this where it has actually almost killed someone please bring your story forward, since that day i have only ever touched it once and i had quarter of a tab and it was like having a whole tab and a half, i will not ever touch it again, please someone help me find awnsers. i dont know why this happened after havin atleast 40 or so in my lifetime before all this.

Bummer dude> one must think ggod thoughts to enhance the random release of acetycholine and cholenesterase -when cross circuting neural pathways. I also might suggest Mushrooms instead, from now on - if you create your own fear.

So where was the cool music?
I never took lsd.. I have tried shrooms.. & i would say it was an unplesant trip.. not because of How I felt.. but of the choices I made.. The decision to go on a walk @ 3am down a HUGE HILL IN COLD WEATHER... wearing shorts & a wife beater. 1/2 way through my walk.. I though to myself.. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU WALK WAY DOWN HERE. Worst walk home ever.. When I made it to the house, I was simply wishing I had sat in my room w/ my lights off to enjoy the high.. but I didd'nt my dumbass went on a walk.
stick with the weed man , stay off that acid , that shit could kill u

i loved the acid when i was young but you soon grow out of that
ive taken lsd 3 times an never had anything that bad almost sounds like there were other chemical present that shouldnt have been?
a walk really is the best-

next time try to remember to put your pants on.LOL

anyway. are you sure your girl and buddy are brother and sister?maybe the acid was tryin to tell ya somethin?
I only smoke weed, i have NEVER experienced acid. In the mental state you are in now, do you regret ever doing acid? Are the risks to high to ever do acid? i've heard the AMAZING and unexplainable feeling you get from acid and i think i can even imagine what it would be like... im just wondering if i should try it?
I only smoke weed, i have NEVER experienced acid. In the mental state you are in now, do you regret ever doing acid? Are the risks to high to ever do acid? i've heard the AMAZING and unexplainable feeling you get from acid and i think i can even imagine what it would be like... im just wondering if i should try it?

It is amazing and unexplainable....for me it's like taking the best part of a shroom trip and mixing it with pure mdma. You should definitely try it if you have a good source

Just don't do it a lot...maybe a few times a year. If even that.
With mushrooms a bad trip normaly consists of faceing an aspect of yourself that you do not like.
With LSD, the illusion of the halucinations can be more enveloping and assaults you at the level of all senses to the point where like with salvia, you realy think what "you think" is happeing is real.
With mushrooms and other tryptamines you always know you are tripping.
true, LSD can get you to the point of not knowing why you are tripping so hard. I fucking love acid, I really do. I have done it over a 1000 times in my life, but I do believe it changed my attitude for the worse. I am much more of a realist, but also more imaginative than most. I also snap at people for ridiculous things, its part of the lifestyle. Smoking weed all day, having really high highs and the lowests of the lows. Its not the happiest life style and it's not for everybody.

As far as the heart issue, that must be a coincidence or like others have said - stress induced. I don't have much to say about that because I cannot relate. I hope that issue does not get worse over time but all in all, I have to admit that acid isn't good for you at all. And the ability to buy it on the drug market is probably enough risk in itself to your body, to your name. You know you are a smarter, faster, better person from taking it, but in reality it alters your life if you push its limits. It will effect your life in a negative way, unfortunately. Not because of the drug, but because society generally does not agree with the mentality you achieve after tripping too many times.

Its a drug everyone should experience but its the most dangerous drug in the world. Nothing is more painful that having your memory erased and your personality altered. We are who we are and when our body changes personalities, we have died and are suffering until the body dies too.