who knows how to make pictures bigger?


Well-Known Member
id post this in the art section but id like your guys' opinions nad for those of you with the skills to enlarge them so i can post it on facebook



New Member
you can't really enlarge em. Best thing to do is to get a good scanner. Stretching it will make it pixelated. But if you still want to, download photoshop and you can stretch images. First stretch out the size of the pallet, in the corner box of the picture. Then hit ctrl + a (select all) and I think it's ctrl+ t to open the box to stretch the image. Hold shift while you drag to make it stretch the image both ways at the same time making it uniform.

You can make images appear bigger in your posts here by adding the image in, then hovering over the image. There will be a little pencil, click that and then select large or full


Active Member
Agree with above, it's a pretty small pic to try and stretch. ms paint will let you stretch them as well under image>stretch/skew, no need to dl nothing.


New Member
Agree with above, it's a pretty small pic to try and stretch. ms paint will let you stretch them as well under image>stretch/skew, no need to dl nothing.
yea I was going to say paint too but photoshop produces better quality pictures overall. She'll have better results with photoshop (less pixelation). Plus photoshop is nice to have around to manipulate pictures with if you notice something after the fact of drawing it. Or just playing around, making images.