Is Cali Still Flooded?

Matt Rize

hey yall just checking in. good things. seems less flooded than last year right now. we'll see whats really up when everyones diesels finish. wet trim has been passing off outs as ins.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
hey yall just checking in. good things. seems less flooded than last year right now. we'll see whats really up when everyones diesels finish. wet trim has been passing off outs as ins.
I'm getting an unusual sense of desperation coming from clubs recently. I've been getting calls from dispensaries asking me to come in who've never asked me for anything before. Is it possible this years OD crop in Cali is going to be a weak one? I've got 3 clubs all asking me for a pack of OD that was picked ~1.5 weeks early offering 28 cash. WTF? Last year at this time clubs were offering so little I sealed up all my jars and waited for summer.

Matt Rize

I'm getting an unusual sense of desperation coming from clubs recently. I've been getting calls from dispensaries asking me to come in who've never asked me for anything before. Is it possible this years OD crop in Cali is going to be a weak one? I've got 3 clubs all asking me for a pack of OD that was picked ~1.5 weeks early offering 28 cash. WTF? Last year at this time clubs were offering so little I sealed up all my jars and waited for summer.
its possible everyone wised up and is moving their peas out of state for higher $. I've heard 22 on the outs that we wet trimmed.
28! sick! take it bro.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
its possible everyone wised up and is moving their peas out of state for higher $. I've heard 22 on the outs that we wet trimmed.
28! sick! take it bro.
I know a lot of people who had to pull early this year and lost a lot to mold. I'm thinking this might be a good year for prices.

Matt Rize

I know a lot of people who had to pull early this year and lost a lot to mold. I'm thinking this might be a good year for prices.
good, everyone is blowing it up, more room for the small farmers who focus on quality. the outdoor I've been working with is less than 1% mold. actinovate + serenade ftw


Well-Known Member
Not sure whats goin on out there havent been to a shop in forever. hey matt you know kotton mouth kings? Think hes in yyr town we chilled gona head north soon. i herd the shops up there might close. i love good deals. i been paying 1500 for outdoor. good stuff to

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Weird weather, caterpillars, and mold. All kinds of people are singing the blues.
That's why I've diversified. Gotta do both indoor and outdoor, otherwise something like that can ruin your year. It's going to be a good year for hydro growers!