Apple pipe


Active Member
And then I hit a dead end...
I think I got the cold sholder...
I guess this is why I'm still single, no one really wants to be with me- even if I'm willing to go out of my way to try and make it exciting...
I was getting my clifford suit out and everything, I even got her a red bow she could wear in her hair-
I'm kind of sad about it.. The chick in her avater is super fine, if she was half as good looking in person I would be more than satisfied & if you throw in a good personality, I'm ready to get married, but Not for me, I'm alone again- Oh I could get laid if I wanted tonight but i'm looking for more than that so i'm alone but I've got the last laugh because while everyones chasing some fake ass bullshit- I've got all that I need
too bad for you I dont believe in marriage.


Well-Known Member
I've seen so many people say that then get married..... but still it doesn't mean you can't love each other forever.
That's what i'm saying, you'll never know unless you try it- And I thought she said she would do anything... I guess that doesn't include a lifetime with me- How average, that's what all the chicks say.
So many women find disease a turn off or a deal breaker, thats lame I thought honesty was supposed to be the best policy, but after you say herpese or warts people get all holier than tho


Active Member
So there is a chance....?
I'm not nessicarily stuck on offical marriage- It's life time commitment i'm looking for
I'm open to lifetime commitment, i just don't believe in "marriage".

I want to eventually find a person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I just won't "marry" them


Well-Known Member
I'm open to lifetime commitment, i just don't believe in "marriage".

I want to eventually find a person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I just won't "marry" them
If your sure about that,
Then i'm ok with it too, I'd love to give you a chance..
When your ready let me know


Well-Known Member
>.< im flattered but no thank you.
Can someone marry a tijuana hooker and take her back as a citizen? do you think they would stay or take off? would they do dishes? If shes your wife she can just come back with you right? Would she be grateful or would she still be a ho? If I could get a cool one I would be down.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
You should pick her up in your helicoptor!

On the helicopter.... You know how everyone on RIU said you need training and shit so you dont crash or get arrested at the airport by the FAA?

What if you just bought a submarine like all the cartels do.... Who needs a passport when you have a submarine??


Well-Known Member
You should pick her up in your helicoptor!

On the helicopter.... You know how everyone on RIU said you need training and shit so you dont crash or get arrested at the airport by the FAA?

What if you just bought a submarine like all the cartels do.... Who needs a passport when you have a submarine??
These bitches don't know nothing about tha choppa... SWAG
Yeah right... do you think they've got a submarine licence? too many haters cant let them stop you from flying

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
These bitches don't know nothing about tha choppa...
Yeah right... do you think they've got a submarine licence? too many haters cant let them stop you from flying

But I feel like you could do some serious shit with a submarine.... They can't cost much more to buy, or operate as a helicopter or an airplane!

Think of all the shit you could get away with if you had a sub. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
But I feel like you could do some serious shit with a submarine.... They can't cost much more to buy, or operate as a helicopter or an airplane!

Think of all the shit you could get away with if you had a sub. :eyesmoke:
some hero would find you and the dea would film blowing ya out the water to say your a bad guy moving pot into the country


Well-Known Member
But I feel like you could do some serious shit with a submarine.... They can't cost much more to buy, or operate as a helicopter or an airplane!

Think of all the shit you could get away with if you had a sub. :eyesmoke:
Submarines are over rated, I'm scared of them I don't want to be under water, I thought about a sail boat but theres to many pirates so I got the helicopter and a dude who can fly it but i'm flying it to and going to fly into Texas in Nov


Well-Known Member
Ah so basically yesterday i was sitting at home bored all day. i decided to smoke, but im tired of my pipe. I remembered all my friends mentioning apple pipes, and im like fuck it, ive never tried it, might as well.

Holy shit i got tore up. plus the smoke tasted delicious like apples. I decided to do another first as well yesterday, rolled my first blunt. Normally ill bribe my sister into rolling it for me. It actually worked pretty good too.

Ah i smoked way too much yesterday. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D oh well so much fun.
Sorry to get off the topic, back to the apple, better get aquainted with them swansons- Swansons apple pie