Lumberjack Needs Some Trees To Cut Down Again...


Well-Known Member
usin strait perlite isnt just a good idea its a great yes no other soil additives the 1k rockin today....oh an speaking of cops i had one in the parking lot of my you can ask lj it aint but a hop skip jump to the front door from golden..we get you outta there on the asap..peace az


i hear you on the rep lol. i would tonight but i am all out for today, i will hit u up soon. man that sucks about your apartment situation. i wanted to ask you about the cuts you have in straight perlite. do you just use the perlite as a medium and nothing else? sounds like a good idea to me.
cuts first go into a ghetto bubble cloner that i made... once they pop some roots they go into the 100% perlite (i'm even using the miracle grow stuff with the stupid nutes added in with litte or no ill effect)

they're in 16oz beer cups, with a hole made about 1 inch from the bottom... it creates a mini resvoir that the rest of the perlite wick water up from... but they still get plenty of air in the mix too...

right now i'm also trying cloning in rockwool... my previous attempt dried out and died... but that hopefully won't be the case this time... if i can do this successfully that would be great... my bubble cloner is kinda messy... and the rockwool cubes line up nicely and make for easy transplant...

once we have enough moms, this is gonna be the way we'll have to go... and just wait till the roots grow profusely through the rockwool... then straight into a 32 oz cup of perlite iwth a hole about 2 inches up... that'll be all the room they'll need for flowering... and they'll be spaced 4/sqft...

but like i said... we need the moms to do that

which is exactly what we're looking for right now, and hence the mass onslaught of beans of different strains... there won't be any more pics for another week just cuz there isn't anything to really show you guys now... most of the bigger plants went to flower yesterday... the rest are just cuts waiting to root or clones just starting to put on growth... with just a few more mature plants in there...

OH YEAH... i had to kill my raft mom... or, well, i somehow mostly killed it on accident and threw it away today... granted, this mom had been in a 3 inch pot (holding maybe 2 cups of dirt) for the past 3 or 4 months... and i had over watered it and when i did my last major cut taking the excess roots died off and rotted in the over moist environment... so i'm gonna need to build another bonsai mom... maybe i'll make a thread for it...


Well-Known Member
We now commence her body to the ground. She has been very generous and kind to us. May her spirit live on forever! ;)


Well-Known Member
well somebody overwatered a buncth an left it in a 3in was bound to happen..a lil update..i got purple spaceship,lemon air,black lights,, an white satin...all in flower an transplanted....peace az


Well-Known Member
Looking good, bro :joint:....Hey what breeder were those BB seeds you had? I'm smoking some DP right now and it's some of the best weed I've ever had:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah
i also got 15 seeds of S99 which is Sourdiesel x Cinderalla99... fuckin YUM!
i'm only gonna try and germ 10 though, cuz i have 4 other strains to pop too... pac mama jack, ultraviolet, some dogxogers cross... and something else... LUI maybe? i'd have to check...
Hahaha you're a fucking pimp:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hahaha you're a fucking pimp
cant i claim pimpness on this heri's are looking rediclues...i cant wait for friday..ima take em out an dark em out for 36 an see what happens...peace az


i would like to know myself
i shot her an email just now

she uses a few different forums, so she might be hiding out somewhere else...

edit: i just looked at her profile and she logged in only 10 days ago... she's just lurkin i guess...


hey LJI definitely let us know how that goes, ive also hear about that :D

Zeitgeist - The Movie

spread the word!!! watch the whole thing its great! or skip the religious part and go to 40mins!

you must forgive my ignorance, but i have not seen that movie... and TBH i don't really feel like sitting and watching it... haha

any reason to have posted that in my thread besides just to clutter it up?:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol goddamn look at lj policien his shit...well i'll go ahead an take credit for this..ima a FUCKING moron...when i hung the 1k i didn't put it up high enough an now i have semi fucked will take about a week to repair what i did....also i have pushed a little hard on the pk boosters an combined with the light kinda smoked the tips...heheh...grow an learn i always say...this is a new system so bumps are bound to happen...grow on an keep em green...peace az