Apple pipe


Pickle Queen
But most guys are egotistical douches and most girls are emotional bitches.

And I don't have a lot of time (or want) to date

I'm sorry but making this statement afte u called a dick a "peepee" just makes me giggle (insert squincy faced bunny ears thing here)

Where the fuck is my cryptypoo when i need him ;)


Active Member
I'm sorry but making this statement afte u called a dick a "peepee" just makes me giggle (insert squincy faced bunny ears thing here)

Where the fuck is my cryptypoo when i need him ;)
lol peepee....just say it out loud....i started using it after a lot of my kids used it. Actually most of them say peepee. its cute >.<


Well-Known Member
I had blueberry cheese cake lube but someone used it up playing with himself, on a side note i found all my missing left socks !!! who does that!!!!
damn lol. now thats some fucked up shit. at least I only use my own socks