ak48 45th day flowering 2 more weeks?


Scientia Cannabis
You want to check for:

Trichome appearance (clear - cloudy - amber)
Swollen calyxes
Receding pistils.

Being part AK I know it to have around 60 day flowering, but you should go after what the plant tells you (the info I posted above).
You want: Swollen calyxes, receding pistils and as close to 100% cloudy trichomes.


Active Member
Idk, I am a firm believer that plants are done when they buds look done. Don't mistake this with the "I want to smoke this plant so bad, yeah its done" thought that every grower gets at some point. That doesnt look done. I see a lot of white pistols still, actually mainly all whites - it looks to me like that bad girl has about 3-4 weeks left. Id say after 2 weeks keep and eye on it and watch for an amber coating starting to color the top kola. Once the top kola is amber shaded the rest of the plant will be milky white trics - you can either leave it a day or so to turn the entire plant highly amber tric % or cut it right then and at the "idealistic" range. I always let my plants amber out. People tell me "that lowers the THC content by 3%!" cool, tell that to me and my girl when we rip a fat ass bong of this shit and time warp watching animal planet for hours on end. PS the "THC" is lost but replaced by CBCs which are a more sedative high rather than cloudy whites that give you a "smoke and go out" feeling.


I just finished AK48. I know everything from environment to lights, etc. can change the harvest but mine took 75 days of flower. I was also growing under 357 LED's which I know changes the landscape. I waited until the pistils turned brown and started curling in. I think that is an easy indicator to harvest.


Well-Known Member
I only grow AK48, tried it about 1 1/2 years ago and decided to just grow it.

Under a 600w HPS they almost religiously take 59 days, don't bother waiting for Amber trics, it's a mostly head strain so try go for all cloudy or you'll miss the whole point of it.

Hope this helps.


New Member
Very very green leaves still. One month more I bet. Stop the nitrogen? Then again I just chopped a branch with 90% cloudy trichs and all red hairs and it didn't get me high at all so wtf do I know.


Well-Known Member
The colour of the plant has nothing to do with it's harvest time... Keep your plant green until the end for optimum photosynthesis...pretty basic plant biology.

And don't listen to people about the Amber trics, there's no point growing a plant with a sativa dominant high if youre going to ruin it by harvesting it too late when most of the THC has degraded.

As I said Iv grown alot of this strain.