Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

Do you guys think it is over watering or bud rot or something worse. I think I gave too much water on Friday. On Sunday I came home and saw this. Plants are growing in soil. Yesterday I checked the soil and it was completely dry. Should I water plants or wait they'll get any better.


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Do you guys think it is over watering or bud rot or something worse. I think I gave too much water on Friday. On Sunday I came home and saw this. Plants are growing in soil. Yesterday I checked the soil and it was completely dry. Should I water plants or wait they'll get any better.

Looks like you've lost the root system.

With a good soil mix, you can't give a plant too much water as the drain holes will take care of excesses and foliage will wick off excess soil moisture. When you water, water until there is a lot of free runoff and don't ever let the pot go dry. Also, get a book on indoor plant culture and learn the basics.

Good luck,
I have grown two crops without problems. There are drain holes on pots and same companys soil I used before this crop. Its weird if both got root problems. Yesterday I checked soil the roots were white. :/ Hope that they'll get better. :confused:
ok dis is on a different topic bt i feel like if i dnt ask it here it will never get answered. ok me n a couple of homies decided 2 add a homemade co2 gen and on top of dat were using selter water. Now my question is, is there such a thing as 2 much co2 and if so wat r da symtoms
my girl is 2weeks into flower an for sum reason a quarter of them leafs r saging an curling down into it self ill post pic the lights r off in pic but she is a xxx-somthing im thinkn 420 but she def a hybred i got in 4half gallon bucket she bout 3"7 lol


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my girl is 2weeks into flower an for sum reason a quarter of them leafs r saging an curling down into it self ill post pic the lights r off in pic but she is a xxx-somthing im thinkn 420 but she def a hybred i got in 4half gallon bucket she bout 3"7 lol

i would say the soil is a lil too moist and/or a lil too much food. just dont feed them any food right this second and make sure the soil is dryin out real good before watering.

ok dis is on a different topic bt i feel like if i dnt ask it here it will never get answered. ok me n a couple of homies decided 2 add a homemade co2 gen and on top of dat were using selter water. Now my question is, is there such a thing as 2 much co2 and if so wat r da symtoms

Yes there is such thing as too much co2 , but you will never reach that level with "homemade co2". If you are concerned with the co2 levels you should defiantly invest in a co2 meter to check the ppm in the room.
whats "selter water" ?

Do you guys think it is over watering or bud rot or something worse. I think I gave too much water on Friday. On Sunday I came home and saw this. Plants are growing in soil. Yesterday I checked the soil and it was completely dry. Should I water plants or wait they'll get any better.

they need water right NOW ! those plants will be fine , yes you might have overwatered an messed up the roots and if they are flowering then that cycle is fucked up too , but they will be just fine , that is just a major lack of water .... those will perk up within hours if your watered them before they died.

I repeat but in a different way, who said you don't give seedlings nutes from the get-go? If you're doing hydro, you better give them a full profile of elements or you're not only not going to have any growth or vigor, you stand a good chance of losing them. The cotyledons are insufficient regarding the provision of sugars. Why in the hell would any one want to starve their plants, because some Troll-It-Up marihuana nerd said so?

Most soils have a nutrient charge and will carry the seedling for quite a while. Want to see some vigor? This is how you do it -

Make sure you're giving your plants plenty of light which can only be measured with a f.c. meter. Seedlings can take full sun if exposed from the time of germination on.


My apologies, I misunderstood.

I switched to Dyna-gro Foliage Pro about 2 weeks ago after finding one of your many helpful threads, my plants are loving it. Just topped 4 of my girls using your 4 cola technique. I should just have you move in at this point :) finishing up my grow for me, lol. Yep, I'm amongst the masses listening to bad grow info out there. I bought into it. Explains my lack of vigor from seed. Should I have the ppm at a certain amount for seeds?

Thought Spin-out was for soil? I'm hydro. Comparable?

Can I give my girls Dyna-pro FP as seedlings? Or do you recommend something else? Also, thought I saw in the same Dyna-gro post that you recommend the 9-3-6 through flower?

Ballast can do 300, 400, 600, or super lumens. When do you suggest bumping up from 300? Any specific time period, or anytime and just watch how close they are to the light?

Have you written a book? I'd love to see all of your info in a cohesive form. So far, everything I have from you and followed has given me beautiful results.

Once again, thank you.
OK guys im 3 weeks into flower and i have noticed some of the top fan leaves turning yellowish on the edges of the leaf and a general yellowing of the whole leaf ,bud leaves are unaffected ,i did a flush about 5 days ago and im growing organicly in plagron royalty mix i have added nothing but water ,i am thinking to wait a few more days ,but if it carrys on should i get some pk14/15 or something like this ??
night time temps are going from between 5- 10 c
also the tips of the fan leaves and around the edges seem to be getting a slight purplish colour
my girl is 2weeks into flower an for sum reason a quarter of them leafs r saging an curling down into it self ill post pic the lights r off in pic but she is a xxx-somthing im thinkn 420 but she def a hybred i got in 4half gallon bucket she bout 3"7 lol

You have to help (and figure this out) yourself. The problem may be your root system or overall lack of understanding of basic plant culture. Buy Mel Frank's "MJ Insiders Growers Guide". It is your shortcut to success.

The following is the best write up on soil container gardening I've seen in my 40+ years of gardening. The post (member) replies to Al the author is amazing.

Good luck,
Fellers, I'm sorry but even though I respond to problems that revolve around the cultural issues and the basics from time to time, I just don't have the patience to teach the basics, that's your job. Do a search at regular gardening forums. There's too much noise and bad info here....blind leading the blind.

I have literally spent AT LEAST 6 hours this weekend lurking and doing searches on various topics of interest at 3 different (regular) gardening forums......and learned a helluva a lot! Out of all that time lurking I wrote perhaps 3 posts.

You have to learn to balance ALL the cultural elements and requirements of your plants. I can't do it for you.

Good luck,
Fellers, I'm sorry but even though I respond to problems that revolve around the cultural issues and the basics from time to time, I just don't have the patience to teach the basics, that's your job. Do a search at regular gardening forums. There's too much noise and bad info here....blind leading the blind.

I have literally spent AT LEAST 6 hours this weekend lurking and doing searches on various topics of interest at 3 different (regular) gardening forums......and learned a helluva a lot! Out of all that time lurking I wrote perhaps 3 posts.

You have to learn to balance ALL the cultural elements and requirements of your plants. I can't do it for you.

Good luck,

It's hard to find the RELIABLE sources, as you know. In my experience, I think I have a gem of a source, turns out to be among the masses of misinformants. That's why I asked if you had written a book. If you have any recommendations of authors, books, websites for hydro, I'd love the info. If not, I'll keep trying to weed through your many threads with numerous pages to collect the info I can. Your knowledge is the most practical, effective and straightforward have found to date. Thank you.
Never written a book, thanks for the vote of confidence.

Mel Frank's book will be your shortcut to success.

kiaora plants are in soil well mixture of dolomite blood and bone,sheep shit.The size of pots are 30litre pots i have three under 400hps in 1.2sqmetre 7ft high little. also fan, air purifierionizir temp not over 25degrees to 27 at most.feed them table spoon each of potash sulphate. 90% of plant big green and looks healthly.All top tips bit yellow and edges of new tip leaves are folding in.had previous problem with leaf tip burn. Also cant flush out.shit i think to much water size of plants 20" high about1/2 a metre round please help me all was going good maybe want 2 give them 2 much please help me. Kiaora and thank you.