Club 600

Morning to you, D :-)
20GBP is a lot of scratch for a student to lose out on. I hope she actually managed to get it all back. But pessimism rules my thoughts these days.

Someone returned a wallet I had lost.
Only had 26 dollars in it and a credit card & ID.
When he showed up and handed it to me I expected the money to be gone, possibly the credit card, but it was all there.
I took out $20 and gave it to him.
He tried to politely refuse, but I insisted, saying if he hadn't returned it, I would have nothing, and I appreciated him being an honest man and doing the right thing.
I still have hope for a vast majority of people, but that small percentage of ne'er-do-wells are the ones the media focuses on, so we too often forget that there are still decent folks all over, often in places you'd least expect to find them.
Gives me a glimmer of hope for humanity.
doobie i agree, there are those that are honest. n the media... they do focus on the neg, hell it sells bottom line...
my old man used to say you knew what you were going to do with a found walet before you picked it up reguardless how much money was in it :)
n DST he also said the only reason someone would be a police man was they were too damn lazy to get a real job lmao i agree
Well I roughly chopped the 3 Deep Blues, aka Deep Limes, real strange run. I had real problems with this lot, out of the 5 females, and the various males, they all went yellow. 3 of them (already harvested and mostly smoked now) bounced back and I think I had some pics of them up a while ago, dark green, but these stayed light the whole way through. They had a rough start and I think the soil I had them in was a bit to fresh for them as far as my composting skills are concerned I am still on a learning curve with that. Anyway, the compost heap is looking nice, substrate looks nice and rich. Still a lot to compost down but it's an ongoing process. Good work out turning it!!! Probably do my back in but hey ho. Anyway, couple of pics.


I just got sick of looking at these fuckers, it's all going to be made into ERL, that's why I didn't bother with too much of a trim.

After so long flowering (god knows actually, probably like 3 months) still struggling to find a lot of Amber, ffs, lmao.

And something BEAUTIFUL to finish off with......aaah, this sooths my eyes every morning.

Peace, DST
Looking like some nice chops going on in your neck of the woods!
And, as pretty as our plants are under various indoor lights, they sure are smacking in natural light. And looks like some nice colors coming in, too.
Also, I've had some phenos of the MTF seeds I got that were still pumping out new pistils at 92 days, and not a milky trich in site.
Huge donkey dong kolas, and worried about bud rot and chopped them, just in case.
But it was still a totally cerebral high, with a hard after-kick to the couch that crept in after about 10 minutes.
I hope some of my few remaining seeds of MTF have that pheno. Would love to have some more like it.

It could be nice to have some oil that doesn't send you to sleep. 92 days is a long time eh. Madness.
Looking like some nice chops going on in your neck of the woods!
And, as pretty as our plants are under various indoor lights, they sure are smacking in natural light. And looks like some nice colors coming in, too.
Also, I've had some phenos of the MTF seeds I got that were still pumping out new pistils at 92 days, and not a milky trich in site.
Huge donkey dong kolas, and worried about bud rot and chopped them, just in case.
But it was still a totally cerebral high, with a hard after-kick to the couch that crept in after about 10 minutes.
I hope some of my few remaining seeds of MTF have that pheno. Would love to have some more like it.

Looking forward to a smoke report on it!

I've been laying a smidge of hash on my bongola's and adding MTF kief and man am I wiped. :-)
Well, it's also about 2:30am here, too.
Definitely makes sleeping a breeze ;-)
Good sunday morning my fellow six hundred roger watters. As to the portable vaporizer, I have no idea of the make or the type of battery it takes, I think it's a lithium battery and the vaporizer works great. Whoever posted the link, that's the baby we were using, the silver one. I believe my buddy got his for about $150.

So today starts week six for my girls, the start of the second half of flower. I'm thinking ten weeks although the colombian and skunk may finish sooner since they are clones. Here's my weekly update taken this morning before lights on.


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Thanks whodat, that shot is of the colombian gold. She is putting out the frost, now I hope she starts to gain some weight. A lovely smoke which I would recommend to any sativa lover. The beans were from world of seeds and are supposedly a landrace bean.

Edit. The second shot you posted is of the super skunk, nice golf ball type buds on her. My critical+kali mist is starting to smell very much like a killing fields.
Closest to harvest is the little DWC romulan that ran out of air, my fault on that one :D

Tiny Black Rose

BSB x Casey, need to look into the yellowing but there are 4 strains on the same reservoir :p



As you can see my grow is not a very practical one, thankyou basementlighting :D
Practical? I personally never viewed folks like us as practical. Who cares about practical, we're looking for end results.
Hey bill, I use nothing but dyna-gro. I've used Foliage Pro all the way through flower once (super leafy end product, lol), but I use their regular grow formula now. It's great stuff, period. Cheap, concentrated but won't burn your plants. Let me know if you need any more info.

Anyone have any experience with Dynagrow Foliagepro?
I agree that a 3.5x3.5 is just about perfect for a six double O. I know I've said it before but I run the 40x40 tents and like them for multiple reasons but the main reason behind buying this size was that you can fit any 3x3 E&F table in them (most are actually bigger than 3x3 overall).

Very nice Hotsause. Looks great.

Doobie. I've seen that interview with Bon before but I don't think that's him on that audio of Back in Black.

Buddy. My tip would be to make sure that you pick a spot with a) sufficient circuits to run your equipment. A 600 ballast is about 5 or 6 amps alone. Add some fans and stuff your getting up there on a plain 15 amp circuit. That circuit may also run through another room (like your daughters bedroom that houses that fancy blow dryer I keep telling her to use somewhere else) and run other stuff so keep that in mind and b) Close to somewhere to run fresh air and exhaust.

Whodat, I love the mask. I'm thinking that would be a great Av.

Thanks for the input fellas! Especially considering this thread gets packed fast with fine buds and the resulting disussion!!

I definently want to have a big room to house everything, I think it would be more inconspicous in the long run. However as far as getting set up in the first place - I do have a bunch of old white/tan poly that I saved from when my old man's carport collpased last winter. I cut it up though into manageable pieces so I have no clue what the dimensions of those pieces I have are.

I could try to make a little "tent" by hanging sheets of that from the ceiling. Eventually enclose it all. What about light though? That poly is sure not light proof. I could get blue tarps and hang them on the outside but still.

Also, I plan on running some new wires. I do have one breaker completely unused and 5 extra banks... the old homeowner had an above ground pool. :) I disconnected all of that and for now I just have a GFI sitting next to the fuse box. A fairly new pool time is there too, I've already disconnected that.. I should take it down and disconnect all the wires inside.
I've been using the Dyna Gro 7-9-5 as well for the past cpl of grows and I can't say enough good things about it. I was using the bloom formula as well but now I think there is no need for it and won't be using it this time to see what kind of results I get.

I have some 9-3-6 dyna gro that I am now using on my babies due to what I consider a premature yellowing of my plants. So far so good, most of them have responded favorably only the colombian gold seems to still be yellowing but at a slower rate. In another couple of weeks I think she will drop a good portion of her leaves. I have used it for other grows but now I'm trying to go with only organic stuff but my grow nutes were pretty low in N so for the rest of the grow they will be getting the 9-3-6 plus their flower nutes.
Another couple of months and the six hundred will be two years old. Take a bow one and all for your contributions. Bravo!!!
It now walks and talks all by it's lonesome!!! Feedings are a breeze and it sleeps like...well it doesn't seem to sleep much, lol. Club 600. We love you!!!
So this morning i chopped the rest of the buds down to be put into jars. When i got done the paper i was cutting on was filled with hairs so i loaded a bowl with them and im high as fuck lol
anybody smoke a bowl of just hairs? I didnt think id be this high but damn must have had alot of trics stuck to them

Also my scale is WAY OFF i put almost all my buds on it and it read 0 g so im gonna have to wait for final yield but soon enough
So this morning i chopped the rest of the buds down to be put into jars. When i got done the paper i was cutting on was filled with hairs so i loaded a bowl with them and im high as fuck lol
anybody smoke a bowl of just hairs? I didnt think id be this high but damn must have had alot of trics stuck to them

Also my scale is WAY OFF i put almost all my buds on it and it read 0 g so im gonna have to wait for final yield but soon enough

Way back when I was a young teen my pops scored some outdoor homegrown. It was pretty good stuff but it was seedy as hell. Well he kept seeding the stuff and would put the seeds in a container.

Well you know when your a teen with no money and no smoke you will do some crazy shit to get high. I must have spent an hour or so peeling the the outer husk off those seeds, that would be the calyx that the seed grows in.

Let me tell ya that right there will stone the hell out of ya too.
Love the crochet work HS!!! Looks very colourful. Bloody hell, just got back from my favourite brewery and they didn't have my favourite drink!! (Zatte). So I was relegated to drinking IJ Wit, (white beer). It's Bok bier time in Europe. All the special Autumn beers come out. I prefer my ale though. Ah well, has been a great chillfull Sunday with my wife (who is now busy hoovering - she knows her place!!!) What was that?....
okay, I now know my place!
Hope everyone elses Sunday is going so well (home made chicken pie for dinner!!! yum yum)

Peace, DST
Love the crochet work HS!!! Looks very colourful. Bloody hell, just got back from my favourite brewery and they didn't have my favourite drink!! (Zatte). So I was relegated to drinking IJ Wit, (white beer). It's Bok bier time in Europe. All the special Autumn beers come out. I prefer my ale though. Ah well, has been a great chillfull Sunday with my wife (who is now busy hoovering - she knows her place!!!) What was that?....
okay, I now know my place!
Hope everyone elses Sunday is going so well (home made chicken pie for dinner!!! yum yum)

Peace, DST
Lmao if only i could take the credit for the crocheting. Im not much of a drinker but White Beer sounds kinda tasty. AND YOU LUCKY SON OF A home made chicken pie sounds delicious tell the wife im coming from America right now to get a plate :D