

Ph of what? resovoir? run off? What are u taking ph off. If its the res you mean, which is most probable, a ph fluctuation is due to the plants eating the nutrients. Nobody can answer your question unless you specify. peace


Sector 5 Moderator
My guess is that you have a microbe getting a foothold. Check your roots; if they are tan or turning brown, your plants are dying. You can give the microbes a shock and kill them off by using H2O2. About half a bottle of the best drug store stuff you can get should do it.


Well-Known Member
My guess is that you have a microbe getting a foothold. Check your roots; if they are tan or turning brown, your plants are dying. You can give the microbes a shock and kill them off by using H2O2. About half a bottle of the best drug store stuff you can get should do it.
so my guess this ph jumping could be caused by dirt plants that where transferred to a drip/DWC combo system?


Sector 5 Moderator
Could be sconer; not sure where the bacteria came from. I've transplanted from soil to hydro with no problem but you never know what will happen.