Ursus marijanus
You might have missed it but I was referring to the normal practice of how Native American tribes would attack other Native American tribes killing males, kidnapping women and children, raping some and making slaves of some.
Not to turn this into a black slavery thing, but it is somewhat similar to what occurred in Africa. Tribes would attack each other and kill males, kidnap women and children, rape women, make slaves of some those from another tribe they kidnapped. Also, some people tend to forget that it was tribesmen who kidnapped members of other tribes and then sold them to slavers. Also, when slavery is mentioned the U.S. always seems to take center stage, but the slave trade flourished for many, many years in Europe and other areas of the world well before the U.S. ever existed. Those nations always get a pass though while the U.S. is crucified for the part it played.
Brick Top, the USA is on the slavery hot seat because we're the last suviving major power to allow the practice on our soil. The Ottoman empire is gone, so they get a pass. being the most recent is a strong factor imo. cn