Grow your own marijuana billboards!

Okay so i was watching some occupy wall street RT news clip on youtube and i heard a site mentioned that offered to pay for an occupy wall street billboard in time square if enough people visited the site. Needless to say this got me very interested in the site so i decided to check it out, upon arriving at the site i discovered that the basic idea is that the people can get a billboard put up that supports their message by splitting the cost of the billboard... Anyways yeah i just thought that this was a pretty cool concept so i figured i would tell you guys about it,

I also came up with a campaign for a billboard but i am not sure if it has been approved yet any ways here is a link to my campaign for " Grow your own marijuana billboards", if you agree please comment or contact the site in support of the message. Here is my sales pitch for the billboard.i also thought a free Marc emery billboard would be a good idea to...

For far to long the governments prohibition of marijuana has gone on, the illegality of this harmless plant and other drugs has put unfathomable amounts of money into the hands of drug lords and street gangs. The laws we have in place to protect us from these supposedly awful substances are creating a bigger problem than the actual substances, with these laws the government has virtually financed the deaths of millions of people over the decades, and put us further and further in debt every day we have let it go on, prohibition didn't work in the 1920s and it doesn't work now. The American government spends 8 billion dollars a year in tax payer dollars to fight a war on marijuana that they can't win, while Americans spend another 8 billion dollars a year on marijuana that goes to Mexico and other country's helping their economy's not ours. I am a firm believer in Marc Emery's over grow the world philosophy and i believe that instead of giving our money to other county's we should be buying American and supporting our economy, for this reason i would like to see billboards set up advertising the growing of your own marijuana, stop financing the drug lords and street gangs, lets over grow the cartels, the street gangs, the government, and the world...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
High times sells magazines that tell you how to grow weed but i couldn't get a billboard put up that tells people to Google it?
There is a federal law against marijuana cultivation, distribution, and use. A Billboard Company is an advertising agency. They will not advocate illegal behavior.


Well-Known Member
You could change it to "Learn how to grow your own marijuana" then it isn't advocating illegal behavior. You can learn how to hack computers and it isn't illegal until you actually commit the crime of unauthorized entry.
You could change it to "Learn how to grow your own marijuana" then it isn't advocating illegal behavior. You can learn how to hack computers and it isn't illegal until you actually commit the crime of unauthorized entry.
Thats a good idea I'm going to try that if they don't approve it but im going to wait and see what the company has to say first.


Well-Known Member
Thanks but be warned... if you continue this endeavor I'll put money down that you get searched or raided. They'll try to find anything on you in order to shut you up and put you away. Don't let the fear discourage you, though, just be careful.


Well-Known Member
Billboard companies are languishing right now. They will put up anything that isn't outright illegal.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You could change it to "Learn how to grow your own marijuana" then it isn't advocating illegal behavior. You can learn how to hack computers and it isn't illegal until you actually commit the crime of unauthorized entry.
Let me know how it goes for you. I seriously doubt a billboard company is going to make that distinction.
here is a suggestion for a billboard from grasscity

I'd rather have a billboard put up that looks something like this.

These are actual U.S death statistics
Tobacco 435,000
Alcohol 85,000
Marijuana 0
No deaths have ever occurred from ingesting cannabis,
This should be a billboard if some one could please make a draft so we could post it on the site it would be awesome, also if anyone would like to remake my grow your own billboard that would be cool to, i don't have very good photo shop skills so mine kinda sucks...
They are selling stuff though, guess it really doesn't matter either way Ive sent multiple emails to the site about my pending billboard and no one will respond, it Pretty fucked up that a site that's built on the principle of every one being able to get their message out there cant even email a mother fucker back about this....


Well-Known Member
They are selling stuff though, guess it really doesn't matter either way Ive sent multiple emails to the site about my pending billboard and no one will respond, it Pretty fucked up that a site that's built on the principle of every one being able to get their message out there cant even email a mother fucker back about this....
Put the money on the table and their response is guaranteed.
I received an email back from epic step about my campaign.

Hey Xxxxx,

I just looked at your pending campaign, sorry for the delay.

Do you have an existing base to support this campaign - how do you plan to get visitors to your campaign page if approved? Do you have some existing social media presence (facebook, twitter, email lists, etc.) or were you planning to start from scratch?


No problem on the delay and thanks for taking the time to respond to my email, in response to your question about where i would find support for the campaign, there are many very large forums out there that are dedicated to activism and the legalization of marijuana, i am a participating member of several of these community's and would use my membership on these sites to spread the word about the campaign, I could also set up a face book page dedicated to the campaign and use other means to get the word out. I believe that there are a lot of people who would agree with the statements i made in the about section of the campaign and i believe there would be enough people out their in your web sites regular traffic to generate the funds to get the campaign finished i however would do all i could threw social net working to make the campaign successful.