DWC Plants Stunted ? (plenty of pics)


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have 4 plants in a DWC setup there in 90l containers with about 40l of water in, two of the plants are fine and are growing and look big but the other two are stunted !.

The water and room temprature last week was VERY VERY High water temps up to 25-27C and room temps up to 35C, iv recently brought a AC unit which has took my room temps down to 23-27 and my water temps are constantly below 23 now, and go down to 19-20 when i add the ice bottles.

The plants stopped growing after the temps rose, at first i thought it was root rot as the roots have changed to a yellowish colour ? am i right in thinking they should be white ?

The plants have been like this for a few days now and have not grown at all the water temps have been below 23 for about 3 days and leaves are still drooping and no new growth, some of the leaves are yellowing as well but only on the two stunted plants could this be over feeding or is everything been caused by the temps in my res and room.

Im cleaning all my res tmmoro and im going to put some root rot stop ion which i brought the other day do you think they will perk back up or are these two baby's goners ?? its my first DWC Grow and i didnt relise the temps would get that high.

ill give plenty of pics so you can see what im talking about really need help as these are meant to be going into 12/12 next week and id like to see some growth before i switch.

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Well-Known Member
i would clean system up use rot stop keep humidity up in the 50-55% it would help if ur ph was mentioned ph can say alot and keep grow room temps around 23-27c 73-80f water temps no higher than 22c-71f give it a few days or a week an everything should be ok keep ph at 5.8 for a week...


Well-Known Member
I should have copied and pasted from those other threads I was just discussing things about, insulated res and grow chambers people, at least grow chambers. If you can't handle lowering the temps prepare to add h2o2 every couple days or so or you could run bennies which in my mind is better but is kinda risky too with high temps..


Well-Known Member
Why should i be keeping the humidty at 50-55% ? my AC Sucks humidity out of the room its at 35-40%
humidty helps in veg low humitdty high temps was makin ur plant drink more water but it could not absorb water fast from the look ov ur plants......from the pics plus low do levels did not help


Well-Known Member
Left them for a week now and still have not changed, when i added the rot stop the ph went up drastically ? i used ph down to bring it back down, the roots on my smallest plants were dead and have now been pulled off i only ran my fingers through them to get them off but they have come off and have started developing new roots which im hoping will keep the plant alive, iv also started having this problem with my leaves they have dried up and started curling and dis coloring not sure what it is, my EC is at 1.0 they have been vegging for 4 and a half weeks and they were stunted about 3 and a half weeks in to veg.

any ideas on the leaves ?

im changing the water again tommoro and just putting the nutrients in and going to leave it at that and see what happens.



Well-Known Member
Left them for a week now and still have not changed, when i added the rot stop the ph went up drastically ? i used ph down to bring it back down, the roots on my smallest plants were dead and have now been pulled off i only ran my fingers through them to get them off but they have come off and have started developing new roots which im hoping will keep the plant alive, iv also started having this problem with my leaves they have dried up and started curling and dis coloring not sure what it is, my EC is at 1.0 they have been vegging for 4 and a half weeks and they were stunted about 3 and a half weeks in to veg.

any ideas on the leaves ?

im changing the water again tommoro and just putting the nutrients in and going to leave it at that and see what happens.
Looks like when you added your nutrients to your res, you burned them. It is important not to add full strength nutrients directly to your res, it will burn them in a heartbeat. Best thing to do for top off's with the least amount of stress and shock, is to prepare your solution in a separate bucket add oxygen and let it sit for about 24 hours, keep your temperature of this bucket level and you can top off your res with no problems.

For instance, you have a 30 gal res and you need to top off with 5 gals every 2-4 days depending on how much they drink. You fill your 5 gal bucket with your water, nutrients @ 30 gal strength, THEN pH this bucket...add oxygen and let it bubble for 24 hours keep your temp around 68, use frozen water bottles if need be. The 24 hour period isn't completely necessary, only if you have bad tap water with high levels of chlorine. I hope that clarifies and it works out well for you!


Well-Known Member
how long should it be untill i start seeing the leaves perk up ? everything is correct and iv changed the water in my res ?


Well-Known Member
The leaves that are already burnt will not recover, as long as you do not see it progressively get worse, you fixed the issue. You should see them recover within 24-48 hours.


Well-Known Member
Ive had this same problem. I dont think its nuteburn =/ Mine look the same and certainly arent burnt. =( Ive been on the mj plant problems forum and they suggest cal/mag or p/k def's. I just had to increase the amount of nutes I was using and it has improved but not cured it. I use cal/mag foliar sprays and everytthinggg ><


hey man.. how far away is the light?? it looks like a 250-400w hps.. If it were me i would move my light up and check my canopy temperatures..


if you look at the pics of my plant, from the first day i transplanted it from soil into a DWC system, you can see the plant come out of shock, its pretty cool. It just takes time.