What can you tell me about these MUSHROOMS?

Thanks for all your input. And I learned another new word...mycological.:hump:I don't think that I'll become a mycologist any time soon. I realize that its difficult to id mushrooms. But I was out the other day and was happy to find some - so I picked them. Now is a good time of year for the area that I live. Maybe I will find some more or meet some good friends.
80% of mushrooms are posoinous.
Wouldn't try it.

Where do you come up with that figure? Factor in that many mushrooms are inedible, many simply don't taste good, very many are too small to eat - I am not sure you can make that assertion. In act I would wager only a small percentage of mushrooms are truely poisonous.
I had that question...what percentage of mushrooms are poisonous vs non-poisonous? I dunno, but most mushrooms are probably innocuous.

Canndo sure knows a lot about them.
These are fresh picked. What can you tell me about them?

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They look fine, not sure if they are magical, where are you in IL ? (PM ME)
I'll try some, seeing as you are weary, I am near downtown chicago..