nice sambs.. no budder yet

it's on backorder apparently... somehow managed to get oversold.. oh well super maroc it is for the moment.. also said we would get a few freebies for delay and cockup - so not complaining really..
they really need to hurry up with the 2nd season.. seems like its scheduled for spring 2012? fakkk can't wait that long..
i've started on a new series called Terra Nova.. looks to be shaping up nicely... its a Spielberg thing so they dumped a fuck ton of money into the thing...
its kinda like a Jurassic park series except the story line is a bit different (got a bit of an avatar vibe about it - also got Stephen Lang in it.. the guy who was the general in avatar).. people in the future have fucked up the earth so bad - you can't go outside without an airfilter blah blah.. some scientists "found" a tear in the time space continuam and have started sending people back 85million years to repopulate the the planet before it got all screwed up .. only problem is its full of dinosaurs... not sure how they are going to work in the survival of the human race when the dino's get wiped out.. probably over analyzing things a bit lol

i suppose if they know its coming they can try avoid it or summat..
overall seems decent enough to waste a few hours
alrite mantz how was that budder? how ya been?
im all good gonna chop me plants today, almost finished book 5 of a song of ice and fire fucking really good read i didnt no either that its new i assumed it was a old series of books that come alive again since game of thrones was on tele but its not, book 5 that im reading now only came out this year not even in paperback yet and theres 2 more books to come, the way the books go and also how big they are i doubt very much it will get much further than the second book televised maybe the 2 parts of book 3 but i doubt it.