dehumidifier for closet?


Active Member
Im in need of some help growers! Im about to go into flower and my humidity is at around 60%, so I need help on a good working dehumidifier for a small space. But im not trying to pay $100 for it. I need one for around $50 to $70 and quick! The last thing I want is bud rot on my girl! Can someone please help on where i should look for a good one for my price range? Or any other ideas on lowering the humidity in my closet while she's flowering?


Active Member
A heater, silica gel, kitty litter, more fans, cheap dehumidifier from walmart or ebay...
Thanks man! I tried a heater but it gets way to hot even if I turn it all the way down. I'll get some silica gel and a dehumidifier but I've been reading some bad reviews on most of them saying they don't work or they work great.. for about a month. But thanks for the help!
For that price, your best bet is a used dehumidifier from Amazon. I've also heard about using silica gel but apparently, they don't work. Are you trying it out? Let us know how that turns out.


Active Member
For that price, your best bet is a used dehumidifier from Amazon. I've also heard about using silica gel but apparently, they don't work. Are you trying it out? Let us know how that turns out.
I just got done ordering a dehumidifier from Walmart but its the same one ive been seeing on amazon but ive got some bullshit products from amazon before and took forever to return so I went with walmart. And yeah ill try some silica gel too and let you know! Thanks for the help!