2nd Flower. 3 Strain, 600w HPS


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

^^Before & After


just 2 days difference between pics.

this saturday will be day 50 flowering, and i will have pics an possibly a new vid!!!!

still no roots on the cuttlings, but the CD is a slow rooter... will update after a few more days


Well-Known Member
Sup bitches!!!!!! How's shit, fuckers?!?

Shit fuckers = dirty dick

So anyway...Whats gooooing on guys? How's stuff, NorCal? Choppy chop closing in fast!


Well-Known Member
Sup bitches!!!!!! How's shit, fuckers?!?

Shit fuckers = dirty dick

So anyway...Whats gooooing on guys? How's stuff, NorCal? Choppy chop closing in fast!
hahaha fuckin nut! its comin bro! waterin with nutes tomarrow am, then flush sequence. BIG UPDATE SATURDAY pics, vid, info!


Well-Known Member
You know it, buddy! I'm a fan of different flavors...lol...What can I say? So my lady is getting her car fixed, but I'm thinking we're taking Thanksgiving weekend off, might try to hit Tahoe, but gotta makesure the funds are up to speed...

But yeah, Harvest time is awesome time! I just gotta keep telling myself motivated during all the trimming..."It's worth it, do a good job, Meta...You're smoking this bud yourself, don't get lazy now!" Sometimes I feel like tickling my ladies pussy with fat colas, but then I tell myself that it might cause mold...haha


Well-Known Member
its all good here brother, tahoe is sexy as shit 100x beter than socal. ill be here for thanksgiving, i got you an another hommie stayn from tennesee er florida...idk, but he cool i served with him for a wile!

yo ive goten lazy as fuck with my laser:) when ever i notice a spider in a celing corner, i jus power up n fry his ass with out liftin a cheek. butt cheek that is hehee


Well-Known Member
its all good here brother, tahoe is sexy as shit 100x beter than socal. ill be here for thanksgiving, i got you an another hommie stayn from tennesee er florida...idk, but he cool i served with him for a wile!

yo ive goten lazy as fuck with my laser:) when ever i notice a spider in a celing corner, i jus power up n fry his ass with out liftin a cheek. butt cheek that is hehee
Yo thats sick, dawg...lol...frying bugs from across the room! On Thanksgiving thursady I'm working a buffet for like 400 people, but I'm thinking we'll try to take off either hat night , or friday morning. Still gotta get the money situation under control, we've both been pretty tight on the cash flow...But I'm looking forwards to just taking some time off, even if I don't get to go crazy with the spending.

Haha, should have a nice selection of homegrown by the end of November, like 8 or 9 strains at least! Right now I'm sitting on 4, and have the first of the Grapefruit Krush drying in the closet right now...lol...So thats 5, I have 6 different strains outdoors, 5 of which will be done by Thanksgiving...yeah...If the Dr. Grinspoon pulls off a miracle, that'll be 11 strains by Thanksgiving....geeze.....I need more, MORE!!!!


Well-Known Member
wow thats crazy as fuck bro you are an amazing grower! hey my hotel costs no moneys bud if ya need to stay here:) im still a good ways from tahoe an shur you and yours would much enjoy the road break haha!


Well-Known Member
wow thats crazy as fuck bro you are an amazing grower! hey my hotel costs no moneys bud if ya need to stay here:) im still a good ways from tahoe an shur you and yours would much enjoy the road break haha!
You know I can't pass up laser tokes! I wish I was a better grower...Working in kitchens, I spend a lot of time at work, not to mention the fact that I commute 2 hours every day(one there, one back), so I don't have nearly as much time as I would like to have with my garden...But it's all good! Just hoping my bud is up to par with yours...lol...Oh well, I just love weed, and mine gets me high! :)