CannaWizard's (AMC) Lounge


Well-Known Member
I like team og slayer.... All my og chucked pollen was a gift I had to grow them out and out of 30 seeds only one suits my pallet ... I liked headband an ogiesel but fuvking a ... Everything is polluted with chemdog/ og... I am a fruity skunky pot guy myself


Well-Known Member
great pics
*thnx brah.,

**current conditions**

--boosting c02 to 2kppm, temps at steady @t 75f, ambhums is @t 50%.. scrubber set to clean every 4hours, ..having a prob w/ the dehumidifier running on cont*.. might have to just mc guyver a solution :Þ


Well-Known Member
that will already be a teenage clone when it you have an entire grow catalogue in your place.seems like you got just about eveything.


Well-Known Member
that will already be a teenage clone when it you have an entire grow catalogue in your place.seems like you got just about eveything.
**nothing fancy, just 3-4 moms, and a bunch of clones that will be flowered to see which ones will be kept for future projects :)