Well damn,
I was gifted more than a shoebox full of 40+ original Quaaludes, 100's of Mandrex and 100's of Placidyls, one winter from a friend who was going into the military, he stopped cold turkey I guess, and I never heard from his or his family since. I spent over 2 years going through that box. Those meanie greenie's will take you places that truly are magical. I have taken just about every form of lsd there is and a lot of it as a teen. Peyote, Mescaline and every blotter under the sun. Done coke, meth, smoked heroin and eaten enough valium to stone a small city.
All those, imo, fail in comparison to what 2 - 750mg Placidyls will do to you. I survived those times only because I had a praying Mother and Grandmother. God looks after damn fools and babies, I must fit in there somewhere.
Long behind me are those days. Would I trade them, never. I now enjoy a less chaotic life now, kids are grown and gone and have families of their own. I grow my dank, enjoy my bourbon and toast a few fine cigars in the meantime...oh...and I am one fishing mother f___ker