The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
Why is organic better? I use botanicare pure blend pro grow/bloom, cal mag +, liquid karma, hydroplex, sweet. That's my "full lineup" I don't use it all at once obviously.

I've deviated from 6 bottle routine to 2-3 bottle routine.

I'm going to experiment with some GH. 1 bottle. Sounds nice. Or the lucas formula. 2 bottles, bloomand micro.

People think because bottled nutrients skip the "metabolic stage" and deliver straight proteins and amino acids, its "different". Organics don't use chemicals? How does it work then? The plants don't care.

Its like saying "I don't like store bought ketchup, I buy my own tomatoes and make my ketchup" ok, to me its still ketchup. I just bought ketchup and you bought tomatoes. Whoa I said ketchup too much now it sounds weird.

If I was growing outdoors, under the sun, I would go organic. If I had a greenhouse I would go organic, if I went organic I would do subcools super soil and compost and worm teas. Its great to be all natural and I appreciate the environmental aspect to it.

Idk maybe I'm just lazy. I never taste ANY chemicals, even with a 2 day dry n smoke sample bud.


New Member
agreed+ on the dank for trash.

hydro = me (all day every day)

i dream in flood cycles & i assure you nobodys product tastes better, is nicer, or whatever. its all in how you do what you do.

& just sent out all kinds of fat gear... FREE ...& not a trade.

i definitely dont want average in return... or anything for that matter.

in fact, giving out my safe addy to a newbie is not gonna happen... trusted regulars only.

on super skunk, grown it twice (nirvana's) & it was neither super nor skunky. lol.

i've grown shiva (now will be 3x) & its always head knock, tastey, and triched out.

with the freebies... i keep them ...and grow them as "filler" in containers... i just popped dinafem's "fruit automatic".

never grew an auto & we were discussing that about 50 pages ago :-) so i dug in the stash and gonna give it a whirl.

id say good for me for this very reason ==> i need more coco experience & why keep throwing down fat shit when i can practice with freebies.

still want that shit to come out BOMB though.

e$ko has decided to drop beans from the sky... we call it family photos with the kids.

when they get here (not sure what the strains will be but always 15 to 20 seeds of 3 types) imma break the regulars off in this thread.

c99 is in final selection (one single bad ass plant) today :-)

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Yeah his super soil recipe is good. And I love that he brought it to the masses. I use a similar
Method but with cocoa right now. Plants loved it and I only have to water with water and molasses. I think I might try the revs TLO method soon. I like that he explains a little bit more on the why's and how's. If I'm not mistaken the only thing u use that's not is the cal mag right? I've seen the hydroplex but am unfamiliar with it. Gh makes an organic cal mag that I was looking at side by side to the botanicare one the other day. I'd use the Gh one but that's me. I started on the botanicare pro blend organic line loved it. As for why one is better than the other I ran multiple side by sides chem vs organic. The flavor smell and burn of the organic was always better. Not that my Chemmy weed sucked at all just didn't measure up side by side.


Well-Known Member
My fruit auto never grew. It popped up, started 2 leaves and stayed that way till I killed it.

Tried this aeration formula crap and I blame that, I killed every plant in that shit. They were so weak and puny. Its like coco with perlite and organic suplements. Idk what I did wrong but I hate that stuff. The consistency was like, foam. I could never tell if it was wet or dry.

Gud how's the coco plants lookin now?


New Member
the one's i fucked up... 3 in particular... 2 came back nice... and look like they'll give me good results.

i have another 4 in coco that look outstanding... so im learning.

going through my stash & finding those coco nutes was a blessing in that department.

dont have $ for botanicare's calmag+ ...which i definitely think the 3rd one needs ...and shit's derpessing me cause i cant help her. was gonna chop off all the tops as everything below that looks fabulous... but im gonna ride it out for the knowledge & experience.

once i get my $ right, scoring a gallon of calgmag+ , cns17 coco grow & bloom, & a pound of powdered kelp pronto.

with hydro, my first run in rockwool cube (mini's) on the 4x2 looks to be a solid pound of of dry product with strains i never grew.

also i never mix strains on a tray... so my next movement from tray 2 to tray 3 is all afghan kush... which looks outstanding right now.

& i definitely got the thrips under control.

& i took all my hash bombs early... so i got smokables... yea!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i use general hydro's organic line called general organics, i love the stuff....tried botanicare and general hydro's non-organic stuff but the gen organic works better imo.

most organic nutes are still salt based...which in turn, makes them not organic lol...gotta read the fine print :)

edit - you hydro guys shouldnt use gen organics cuz ive heard it foams up real bad when run thru the pump/sprayer.


Well-Known Member
in fact, giving out my safe addy to a newbie is not gonna happen... trusted regulars only.
So if I have 532 posts that means I'm not DEA and can be trusted? I guess you have met (in person) and verified them? Let me know how that verification systems works out, I'll send you a cake with a hacksaw baked in to it.

Once again the ASSHOLES of RIU failed to disappoint. I have never met a more eager bunch of 'keyboard rambos' in my life. Every post on this board is filled with 90% asshole responses.

If anyone had bothered to engage me in conversation you would find out that I have a private box for a major concert venue as well as season tix for NFL & NCAA football. I may not have #1 grade seeds to swap but I have SkyMiles, Hilton points & an ASSLOAD of PRIME football tickets to sweeten the deal. But . . . You motherfuckers know everything.

I'll have 4 tix for the SEC Championship game, lower level, 25 yard line, row 13 behind the Home bench.


Well-Known Member
So if I have 532 posts that means I'm not DEA and can be trusted? I guess you have met (in person) and verified them? Let me know how that verification systems works out, I'll send you a cake with a hacksaw baked in to it.

Once again the ASSHOLES of RIU failed to disappoint. I have never met a more eager bunch of 'keyboard rambos' in my life. Every post on this board is filled with 90% asshole responses.

If anyone had bothered to engage me in conversation you would find out that I have a private box for a major concert venue as well as season tix for NFL & NCAA football. I may not have #1 grade seeds to swap but I have SkyMiles, Hilton points & an ASSLOAD of PRIME football tickets to sweeten the deal. But . . . You motherfuckers know everything.

I'll have 4 tix for the SEC Championship game, lower level, 25 yard line, row 13 behind the Home bench.

And that SHIT means what!!! Not a fucking thing at all.......


Well-Known Member
sorry dude....but you just dont understand...not being an asshole, just tellin ya like it is. we only have posts to go off of for how trustworthy you can be...its still risky as fuck with members with high post counts, but its less risky that way. we were all in your place at one point, dont get all pissy, you're just hurting your chances. i cant grow tickets bro...


New Member
city boy all the way... u'd never say that sh*t to my face.

tickets? for dank beans?


why dont you tell the cops which seat i'll be occupying ...& you know i'll have a pocket full of pre-rolled goodtime.

go back to your room now & pound that meat , childrens.

& im more than happy to share with a few TRUSTED people over anybody who randomly posts up.
just makes sense when you hold mad plants.

reason #580 why breeders trust people like me & not people like you.

pay dues b*tch.

hold up let's make friends, you got trainwreck?



Well-Known Member
I've been using super soil for the last year and a half. It works great for me. I occasionally add some roots or botanicare nutes if I get a girl with an appetite. I do bud candy and sugar in the raw 3-5 times throughout flowering. The water is not the best where I'm at, so I've been tweaking the recipe a little more each time I mix up a batch to try and compensate. I see people arguing on riu all the time about soil vs hydro. Personally, I don't care how it's grown, if it's good I'll smoke it! I've seen both great and horrible examples of weed grown in about anything. Imo if it's done right you'll get great results either way.

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
If u have so much money buy some good genetics playboy. I got tickets to the moon and VIP to the penthouse penthouse. And bro u can pee on the floor or wherever u want there! Hahaha I'm not buying what you're selling. And wasn't really trying to be an ass but like everyone else said put your time in. Not just on the page but in our culture. Or grow some nuts use your some of your sky miles fly to Cali get a med card and go buy some sick clones from a shop. Then take em home and grow em up. I call bullshit im a head bro and I know plenty of rich dudes who pay people like me to grow for them. And im not some Internet thug either. I've put my time in in more way than one.

And Gud the super skunk I grew was sensi seeds. And we hunted for it the right way. I'm hoping my super sour skunk is made with a pheno like that! That's why I grabbed them. I have this picture in my head of what that crosss will be like. Fingers crossed. U wanna go to the penthouse penthouse with me?


Well-Known Member
Mr. Mindmelt wins the RIU ASSHOLE of the week award! Congrats!!!

What it means is that I have other things to offer in trade.


Well-Known Member
Oh shit I forgot did you guys see the cannaventure is bringing back tgas black russian for a limited release!

Edit: and another new breeder,king cobra, he is workin with east side pride (chemd x blueberry by ink), killer queen, and kromes blockhead!

Cannaventures harvesting his seeds this week


Well-Known Member
Mr. Mindmelt wins the RIU ASSHOLE of the week award! Congrats!!!

What it means is that I have other things to offer in trade.
Good!! It means i have not lost the touch yet.You have so much fucking money! Man up and buy some good genetics.Nobody wants to trade meaningless game tickets for the Holy Beans or cuttings.Move along now and go pander your richness to some other folks.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys wussup....
Yah i got a bunch of DinaFem's 2nd Grade Haze Auto's (10) as Freebies, they were complete garbage... Too bad to i was looking forward to a fast Haze crop..
I got a Freebie Royal Queen- Royal Dwarf Auto (1) and she sprouted quick, so we'll see how she turns out... the genetics are just listed as Ruderalis x (Indica x Sativa) ... Has anyone tried this one?
Next i had one of each Critical+ and Critical Jack Auto's that were both started at the same time as RQ-RD but nothin doin yet.... i figured all these autos would be a nice snack while im waitin for the real Meal to be Served!
Also i got a bunch of Samsara Seeds as im sure everyone has anyone popped em, since Samsara is a Sub-Division of WOS i would assume their pretty on-point...

Ive never gone the straight coco route... I use a Soil mix, it varies slightly each time, but i usually start off with FF Ocean Forest/FF Happy Frog, Ancient Forest EWC, Perlite, Hydroton. I could go with just that but i usually add another bag of Roots Organic, or whatever catches my fancy... If a particular mix performed especially well, i have the results recorded and the recipes for every mix... I even do a small test batch with stuff like Scotts Tops Soil, Hyponex, Great Gardens, and etc... or whatever else i can use to get a varaible from the more expensive brands.... And some perform well, some not so well.

The one thing i cant wait for though is these fuckin A-11's, theyll be here monday and thats still too long too wait!!!!!
Bout to run to the sorting house knock on the door and be like,
-EcheHem.. excuse me.. Sir.. I think that Package right there.. Yah that one.. Its mine....


Well-Known Member
was hopeing you knew of a breeder that had some :)
nope, if i knew of 1, then it wouldnt be on my want would be in my grow room :)

most of the strains on there arent available anymore, gotta dig around for em...which is part of the fun.

i know someone in here that bought a 5 pack of original outlaw dpd...possibly the last pack available....but he is takin his sweet ass time poppin em and makin f2's for us lol..... :p racer


Well-Known Member
city boy all the way... u'd never say that sh*t to my face.

tickets? for dank beans?


why dont you tell the cops which seat i'll be occupying ...& you know i'll have a pocket full of pre-rolled goodtime.

go back to your room now & pound that meat , childrens.

& im more than happy to share with a few TRUSTED people over anybody who randomly posts up.
just makes sense when you hold mad plants.

reason #580 why breeders trust people like me & not people like you.

pay dues b*tch.

hold up let's make friends, you got trainwreck?


As a matter of fact I would say it to your face. I can guarantee that! and I'm about as country as you get.

As for the tix swap . . . I already have 3 offers via PM. You guys have fun playing 'keyboard rambo.' I got what I need no thanks to you guys.
