Thats some nice KUSH


Well-Known Member
I dont know if its just me, but ever since I have started growing and really taking an interest into the world of cannaculture, I REALLY FUCKING HATE when people call weed what its not. For example I will be smoking a joint with someone, and they will say something like "damn this is some nice Kush". I will correct them and say "nah brother this is the Mataro Blue".......Hour later the same fucker will call and be like" Hey man do you have anymore of that Kush". Each strain has its own unique name because every strain has its own unique characteristics. I dont know why but this is one thing that bugs me lol...possibily even more then crying babies.
Can anyone relate?


Active Member
:weed:i feel your pain! same way up here kush this kush that! from my personal undersdaning true KUSH comes from the Hind?Kush mountion region in afganistan i read that only 2 breeders have TRUE KUSH i bleive it was dutch passion master kush and i think either sensi or flying dutchman not sure but like you say everthing is kush now cause all the rappers got it hyped up like jordans heck i wear the north face they run 140-150 @ REI and way more comfy i got kandykush which is ogxtrainwreck ? a mix how is it kush?


Well-Known Member
PHEW...its good to see im not the only one feelin this way. Your right the real Kush is from the Kush reigon Of the Hindu Moutains.
When you have a mix I can see how people would say its Kush from the very unique smell kush omits, but still its a mix and it has its name Kandykush for a reason. 99% of ppl would just hear the word Kush and want it....totally disregarding the fact that the word Kandy is in front of it.
Btw how is the strain Kandykush and who breeds it?


Active Member
I hear ya brother around here everyone thinks there is only two kinds of good weed and that "crippy" and "dro" i will pay someone if they can tell me what is the mother and father and who bred those strains lol. Its all just slang and its retarded. like if you would named your kid josh and then start calling him jimmy because it sounded cooler.

Vapor Nation

Well-Known Member
When I was living in Vancouver prior to getting my medical card I was purchasing from this one dude and every time I asked what he was holding, it was the same old story, "It's KUSH man." And it was never any specific kind either, simply kush... no matter what.


Well-Known Member
When I was living in Vancouver prior to getting my medical card I was purchasing from this one dude and every time I asked what he was holding, it was the same old story, "It's KUSH man." And it was never any specific kind either, simply kush... no matter what.
HAHA I got a buddy just like that. Its like hes afraid to loose a sale if he tells the real name so everything is Kush. If its shitty he calls it China bud. He literally tried to tell me his weed was Kush and it smelt like fuckin cucumbers. Almost lost my nuts laughin

lvl i k e y

Active Member
I think a lot of the dealers really don't care what its called and neither do the junkies. So the dealers hype it up "GOT THE KUUUSH" haha bugs the fuck out of me.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
the people who buy into the fake name hype are the same ones who keep the price of weed up in a lot of areas.

"you paid WHAT?? you got ripped off"
"naw, son. this is that chronkushdro. they be smokin this shit in the videos."
"dude that's mids lol."

either people are ignorant and buy into the hype, OR they know their shit and use it to fool idiots. either way it's sickening. status seekers are such easy targets, though.


Well-Known Member
Damn y'all must be hanging out with some retards. Eveeryone I hangout with will always make an educated guess, and never jump to conclusions. We are very paticular about all the buds that come in. Or if you can't guess just ask. I don't know anyone that goes its good weed must be kush..that person would be retarted. That beeing said a lot of people just don't care and just wanna smoke pot no matter what it is. Mainly kids I bet.


Well-Known Member
the word kush has been commericalized by rappers and teenagers. Now people think any type of high grade marijuana is kush.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing is when I tell someone I have OGK #18, (O.G. Kush 18 ).. It really is kush I grew (but they dont know that). kush kush kush I love the word, And I love having kush!