its my first grow do i really need to cure it?


Well-Known Member
Hey I am about a month out from harvest and having read a bunch of these threads I am a bit curious about curing. I am growing some girls that came from a bag of good mids already the bud looks a million times better than it did. I guess what I'm trying to say is is it worth it to cure even though I don't have some super crazy strain? She is sativa and I am really I mean really looking forward to smoking these girls. I am not asking for a heated argument just some ideas. I really appreciate the help. I don't know if I honestly have the patience to wait another 60 days lol.
if you just want to cut and smoke really fast just leave it out in a dark place after trimming and you will be able to smoke it in a week if you want to take your time id jar cure it it always turns out better that way in my opinion but that is a longer process


Well-Known Member
How long does curing actually take? I'm really not trying to be difficult I just haven't seen any buds but these in months and its kinda drivin me crazy.


Active Member
Yeup always throw that shit in a jar. Even if you are still pinching outta it you will still have better weed. I used to get weed from dispenseries in lake tahoe and id put it in a jar and smoke on it and it would look more crystaly and gnarly after just a week.
for me it was like 5 days of hanging the plant and 1 month in the jar pulling the lid off like 2 times a day every day ... its a process and you have the potential to get mold witch would suck how much do u think you will have at harvest and do u have pics?


Well-Known Member
Thank you that was one of the questions I couldn't figure out how to ask. I'm thinking about keeping a little out but knowing I can just pick some out of the jar is a good thing to know that's gonna be my plan then. Any opinions on all this put shit (peeled herbs etc) into the jars? Is it necessary? I'm just trying to wrap my mind around this process. I have been so worried about not killing them that I really did not even think about this. Like I said I'm about a month out and figure its time to start digging into this.


Well-Known Member
Honestly after I have brutalized these girls by screw up after screw up I'm really not expecting much I can post some, what ya wanna see?
dont use peels that if for somereason you get your weed to dry it does happen you take a qtip and wet both ends and pit it in the jar qo u have pics of the girl?


Well-Known Member
I'm using 6500k daylight tubes in a ballast as well as two 6500k cfls with cones I have them in a five gallon pot I know its too small but by the time I figured that out the roots were already entwined. Lesson learned though it will be better next time.


Well-Known Member
I am saving up for a much more powerful light set up this was just kind of my dry run to see if I could do it ya know now that I'm a little bit comfortable I'm not against investing some cash into it. But for under 100 bucks its not a bad set up.


Well-Known Member
thoes need another 4-6 weeks my friend.

regarding the curing Q. I would cure, aside from the bud not being top notch in the 1st place you should wanna make the best out of what you get. I always test samples of my smoke while drying.. but I always put some in jars to cure. Why waste all that time for something you KNOW you could have improved easily w/ time.


Well-Known Member
I still am learning about the curing stage how long has it taken you guys. I have read a bit about it but these guys are curing a bunch of bud it doesn't look like ill get more than an oz. Again this is a fools guess being as before I started this I'd never seen bud on the vine so I'm really not sure what to expect