DNA Genetics-Cinderella 99


Well-Known Member
Flower Day 17
They are budding like crazy and begining to stink a bit. THC production has already begun. It is very hard to describe the smell. never smelled pot like this befor. sweet candy Citrus tropical cleaner I guess.
I watered yesteday with plain water nothing els. I have a little buring happening but nothing too bad at all. They seem fine after the watering no more burning. So next time I will feed them some bloom nutes.

This one with the pink hairs is budding the fastest and is the real stinky one!!



Well-Known Member
wow looking pretty good!! its amazing what good genetics can do for anyone. can't wait til they really start swelling up.


Well-Known Member
the hairs even have a little pink in them i love it
There is only one plant with pink hairs. Its is my plant with the most vigor it seems. budding faster than the rest and more THC so far

wow looking pretty good!! its amazing what good genetics can do for anyone. can't wait til they really start swelling up.
One more week and they will go nuts! I never put my trust in bagseeds. Its good practice for a fist timer, but if you want really good results go spend the cash on good Genetics from a reputable breeder


Well-Known Member
yeah i hear ya on that one mattso...i recently harvested my first bagseed grow, results were very miminal yield, fluffy buds not dense at all. the buds although are very stinky, and sticky. and a few days i tossed 2 more bagseed females into flower. i'm hoping they are gonna produce better for me, as they were very good looking seeds.


Well-Known Member
best of luck to you man. I am not saying you wont get good results from bagseed I have seen may good grows. But you just never know for sure untill they are done. I dont want to take that chance. I just want the garentee that I will get good results when grown right


Well-Known Member
if your useing the same bagseeds as your last grow its gonna be fluffy its the genes of the plant not your growing.


Well-Known Member
if your useing the same bagseeds as your last grow its gonna be fluffy its the genes of the plant not your growing.
THis is true many "new" grower think it is them that is doing something wrong when its really just weak genetics. When using bag seed the genetics are weakened for the original and will also produce different phenotypes than the original. THese Phenotypes may have undesirable qualities. like Very little THC production or very leafy buds or bud that will never fill out. or you might find a gem. Buy F1's so you know exactly what your getting

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Hey matt your babes are looking amazing bro, we will totally harvest at about the same time, thats tight. Nice job with the grow. Ill be watching.


Well-Known Member
Hey matt your babes are looking amazing bro, we will totally harvest at about the same time, thats tight. Nice job with the grow. Ill be watching.
Too bad your out west we could have our very own Cannabis cup. at least sample and judge each other fantastic ganja. Idea! regardless there should be a reignal Rolltop growers cup. I could start the Ontario chapter.fuck that would be fun!


New Member
Hiya Mr. Matt. I have some plants growing that have reddish orange hairs. I've never seen anything like it but it is taking ages to complete flowering. its like it has only just started or something.:confused:
There is only one plant with pink hairs. Its is my plant with the most vigor it seems. budding faster than the rest and more THC so far

One more week and they will go nuts! I never put my trust in bagseeds. Its good practice for a fist timer, but if you want really good results go spend the cash on good Genetics from a reputable breeder