Collecting Seeds?

I dont know if im posting this in the right area, if not mods... please move. ive searched the forums and have come up empty handed. im wondering how one goes about collecting seeds and how to tell when to collect them off of a female plant.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if im posting this in the right area, if not mods... please move. ive searched the forums and have come up empty handed. im wondering how one goes about collecting seeds and how to tell when to collect them off of a female plant.
im not sure if i understand your question but i think you mean how are seeds made ? ... well you need a male plant under 12/12 and you need that plant to produce pollen , the pollen then needs to hit a female plant at around 3-4 weeks flower , the female plant will then produce seeds instead of smokeable bud or a mixture of smokeable bud with seeds in , the seeds are ready once your female plant finishes flower and you just pick them out and let them dry for a few days a week then there ready to germinate ...

i hope thats the info your after , its not indepth but im not sure if thats what your asking for lol
no no... i get how they are formed, just wondering how i collect them.. like say i dont chop the plant down when i do the others.. will it continue to make seeds and drop them onto the ground etc. or do i just keep checking for split seed sacs and pull them out?


Well-Known Member
no no... i get how they are formed, just wondering how i collect them.. like say i dont chop the plant down when i do the others.. will it continue to make seeds and drop them onto the ground etc. or do i just keep checking for split seed sacs and pull them out?
the seeds will form inside your buds mate , you chop your plant like normal and then dry your buds and check for seeds , if you dont chop your plant you wont make more seeds unless it goes into shock and self herms .


Well-Known Member
You could try gently shaking your plant on it's side to try and get any lose seeds to fall out. (don't be to rough with it) Your plants whole goal in life is to grow big and produce seeds to pass it's genetics on and keep the strain alive. Once your plant has been pollinated and forms seeds those are the only seeds it'll produce (unless you really stress it out and force your plant to herm, but then the seeds wont be the same as the ones you got form pollinating).

Now if you have a plant that hasn't been pollinated then if you let the plant grow past it's prime then it'll produce seeds as a last ditch effort to pass it's genetics along, but you might have a lot of hermie seeds.

If I get seeds I usually wait until the plant is ready to give me the seeds or I cut the bitch down and take her seeds during drying/curing.


New Member
Personally, I took one smaller branch and manually started opening the pods to confirm seed maturity. Once maturity was confirmed I cut the plant and proceeded as normal i.e. trimmed and manicured the buds and currently have them hanging in my drying room. Once the buds are bone dry I intend to simply hold the buds between the palms of my hands and roll them over a catch plate (shallow cardboard box). I will then use a system similar to dry panning for gold to separate the light bud material from the heavier seeds. I then take the pile of seeds and slowly pour them from one hand to the other while gently blowing away any lighter material. This is a time tested method and it works well for me.
Seed storage for me is usually just a pill bottle after letting the seeds sit out for a week or so in an open tray.
I have studied some on long term seed storage and viability. As near as I can tell seeds need ~12% or was it 23%? humidity and a steady 56 degree fahrenheit temperature to remain viable for extended periods (this is in reference to 1000 year old viable corn found in a cave somewhere).
Seeds keep easily for a year or two once dried correctly and stored in a pill bottle or sealed cellophane.