Don Gin and Ton
Well-Known Member
aye i'll get me arse in gear and pop up to BnQ
i'm THE biggest toya fan
i was posting this
feelin it Doc! tho i fear Dre fell off big time 11 years for an album. say whaaaat! lest we not forget his early days in the world class wreckin cru! hahahahawhat up dawgie dawg?
that video didnt post for me.
so im going to throw this one up for cuz im feeling that groovy gangsta too
what did song did you post?
Hey man, sleep was a bit of a struggle, It's so quiet without the fan running. Weird how you tune it out but miss it when its gone!Hey hey in here Donnie boyHope you're having yourself a good evening in dreamland. . .
Easy pukka Mon. My night temps were between 16-18 daytime 24-27 in through summer bit different last couple of weeks. End it wqs seemingly just the psychoand livers affected!? It's a puzzler eh. Cheers fella!Eyup Don much drop in temps you had at night mate? Just askin cos I was readin somethin the other day about controlin strech by havin hardly any change in temp with lights on lights out makes them bushy.........just a stab in the dark bro lol
Hope you get it sorted before you move mate! Good luck
Hahaha I guess you can bite my style seeing as your other side of the worldyour style sounds wicked cool. can you post a picture of your self with your new sunglasses on with your flat cap and northface jacket too. i think i might want to steal your style. I have a northface jacket so far..
i saw snoop doggy dog in concert in San Bernadino Ca at a Lallapalloza once, right after 2 pac died so we were all a little sad..but Snoopy dog is so funny i would love to blaze it up with him and of course the boys of Cypress Hill! i got that video post dj dgt.. nice one mate.