ways to pass my piss test in a week.....


i need to get my piss clean in a week.... i no i can have some one piss for me.
but i would like to pass with out doing that. so im just wondering about some ways that have worked for you.im a daily smoker some days i smoke a gram and some i smoke an 8th or more.. :wall:


Well-Known Member
add oxygen to it.

the way you do it is, piss in a ziplock bag, then put a straw in it and blow bubbles in it.

it deoxygenates the thx out of your piss. trust me. try it.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
go to GNC and ask them. they always have something for "testing" as the lady told me. Tell them you need something to detox. they have several from 1 day -30 day stuff to get you clean.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
i need to get my piss clean in a week.... i no i can have some one piss for me.
but i would like to pass with out doing that. so im just wondering about some ways that have worked for you.im a daily smoker some days i smoke a gram and some i smoke an 8th or more.. :wall:
Well, THC is fat soluble. It comes out of your body in sweat, urine, and bowel movements. The FASTEST way to lower or remove THC from your body is to cleanse the body out with water and to lose weight. The fastest (unhealthy) way to lose weight would be to crash diet. This means you can only consume water and low calorie liquids for 3-5 days. If you don't want to fast then you need to eat a very low calorie diet for a week and continue drinking WATER. I suggest drinking 8 glasses a day. Try to strive for urinating every hour.


New Member
drink a SHIT load of water(gallons and gallons), use a detox kit from a headshop a few hours before as per instructions, and take a LOT of vitamin B to cover the fact that you diluted your piss with water(makes it look yellow).

Do all this and you too can pass a piss test!


Well-Known Member
Once I used Cranberry Extract pills...I went to GNC, bought a bottle of 30 pills...They were like 500mg each...I started taking them 4 days before the test, eating 8 a day and following each one up with 10oz of water...Ate a few more the morning of the test, pissed as much as I could before the test, and passed 2 times this way, smoking 4 days before each test...I don't recommend this, and the last drug test I took I used someone else's piss in a ziploc bag, taped up real good with duct tape and shoved between my nutsack and my thigh an hour prior to bring it to body temp.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
The only thing about synthetic urine is that you have to bring it WARM. Most diagnostic labs will have cups with temperature gage stickers on the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be awesome if the people selling this "Synthetic Urine" were just peeing in bottles and charging 30 bucks for it?? Haha!
I wouldn't be surprised, but thinking it's fake grosses me out less than someone elses pee. It's gotten me numerous jobs...

The only thing about synthetic urine is that you have to bring it WARM. Most diagnostic labs will have cups with temperature gage stickers on the bottom.
They come will a little pack that once you crack (like a glowstick) it stays warm (96degrees) for up to 6 hours.


Well-Known Member
how do i get that our head shop sucks and i dont no about ordering it online....
I don't know about that one... I just pick it up from my local head shop... Ever since it became legal they're popping up on every corner (head shops).

But I'm loyal to the same shop I've been going to for years.

Maybe there's one around you that you don't know about that carries it. Good Luck!


Active Member
Kmksrh beat me to it

It's actually goat pee and it works for either male or females.

It has gotten me lots of jobs as well they have no idea it isnt your pee. It isn't like they watch you whip your junk out at a job interview.

Joos Springsteen

Well-Known Member
In the event that you've known about this upcoming screening, or the possibility thereof, my first piece of advice and the first step to getting clean urine would be to stop smoking marijuana. If you've known about this screening, or that a screen was imminent, with some important aspect of your life hanging in the balance, and you've continued to smoke throughout the period of time where this screening was possible, you may have an addiction.

Other than that, I've seen the rest of the advice these guys have posted work time and time again for my friends. One thing about detox kits performing or failing is that from box to box each detox kit is the same, person to person everyone has a great deal of variation. Factors, of course, such as weight, body composition, and frequency of marijuana use can all have a hand in the success or failure of a detox kit. Like Rogaine and Wartol, expect the worst, hope for the best.