Club 600

In all fairness I have only tried once. Perhaps I am just having a dumb moment. If I time it I don't actually need the auto drain as I clear it in the morning, late afternoon, and then bedtime. I guess with a bucket of water it would just create more humidity and exacerbate the problem anyway.

Would be handy to know for when I am away all day though.
and you can't get it to auto-drain......................

i had one that didn't like to drain i tilted it back a couple of degrees and hey ho it worked.

edit, pipped me at the post god dammnit! and yes it is horrific, can't even grind the shiz just powder
Well if this lot kicks in, I am going offline...even with a proxy I don't see how you could get away....
I hear you D. If you don't see me around anymore you'll know why. People think I'm all paranoid. Well that may be true but at least I'm not uninformed with my head in the sand asking to be Phukked up the ass. I hate when people say, "well if your not doing anything wrong then you shouldn't have anything to worry about". What an ignoramous thing to think, never mind say. So why don't you go stand on the middle line of a busy freeway. As long as you don't move you should be okay but you better hope nobody is sleeping at the wheel when they pass by you. Or even worse. They're sadistic power hungry individuals that are looking to an easy target like you. Doesn't matter who it is, they just need a target.

Yes I'm paranoid in some way and there is good reason to be.
If I let my built-in bucket fill the machine will turn off in 3 hrs. I drain about 8 gallons over
Built in bucket holds like 3 I think.

I am a very suspicious, pessimistic, and paranoid person not by nature, but from life experiences.
I have learned that ppl are generally out for themselves and no one else.
I have a hard time understanding this way of thinking, and I just get pissed and react to ppls poor nature.

We talked about road (and other types ) of rage the other day.
I decided to try to kill myself less by stressing less (stress causes you to release more cortisol, causing weight gain muscle loss bone loss and cancer).
I know ppl are gonna cut me off not use a signal and not look when changing lanes.....
Today this guy did a u-turn crossing traffic and cut me close. I was about to honk swear u name it....but something happened....I didnt.
I made a goofy smile and waved at him with both hands until he saw me in his rear view and I laughed and kept smiling....he looked puzzled and started to smile and waved back.and we both went on our way.
I was gifted some psychosis from a friend and found 3 seeds in it. Very curious to see what pollenated the plant. Anyone no of any nanners in the psycho??
I was gifted some psychosis from a friend and found 3 seeds in it. Very curious to see what pollenated the plant. Anyone no of any nanners in the psycho??
My purple dragon has some seeds and all my other strains dont, maybe it is just a genetic thing without ever being pollinated, or a lil,stress?
Ya I was looking at my plants last night and Im pretty sure I saw at least one calyx swelling up with a seed on one of my ICE plants. Seen no other plants like that, but I did find a male stamen on one of the Strawberry Goo that Im pretty sure is due to her age.
I am sure the seeds will be interesting Willy. I have never smoked the original but only hear good things. And all the pyscho crosses Fred has done are pukka so....

Nice way of dealing with things bassman. A smile works wonder for you.

If I let my built-in bucket fill the machine will turn off in 3 hrs. I drain about 8 gallons over
Built in bucket holds like 3 I think.

I am a very suspicious, pessimistic, and paranoid person not by nature, but from life experiences.
I have learned that ppl are generally out for themselves and no one else.
I have a hard time understanding this way of thinking, and I just get pissed and react to ppls poor nature.

We talked about road (and other types ) of rage the other day.
I decided to try to kill myself less by stressing less (stress causes you to release more cortisol, causing weight gain muscle loss bone loss and cancer).
I know ppl are gonna cut me off not use a signal and not look when changing lanes.....
Today this guy did a u-turn crossing traffic and cut me close. I was about to honk swear u name it....but something happened....I didnt.
I made a goofy smile and waved at him with both hands until he saw me in his rear view and I laughed and kept smiling....he looked puzzled and started to smile and waved back.and we both went on our way.

I was gifted some psychosis from a friend and found 3 seeds in it. Very curious to see what pollenated the plant. Anyone no of any nanners in the psycho??
My girl has road-rage (she blames it on being in the car with me when I display it) and my kids get mad easily too at times. I feel I am not just hurting myself, but I seem to be setting the wrong example for those that are impressionable.
Anyone have any experience with a strain called mr nice?
I have 2 from clone.
They turned purple (the buds not leaves) naturally not cold induced.
The smell is like nothing I have smelled before.
I would have to say like blueberry morning cereal.
I dont know if anyone ever had that.
Try blowing them a kiss instead of shouting i used to do it to peeps that i had thrown out of clubs and watch them going mental knowing there was fuck all they could do about it as they'd only get a pasting if they came back playing up
Anyone have any experience with a strain called mr nice?
I have 2 from clone.
They turned purple (the buds not leaves) naturally not cold induced.
The smell is like nothing I have smelled before.
I would have to say like blueberry morning cereal.
I dont know if anyone ever had that.

mr nice is a seedbank man, maybe you got the breeder and strain names mixed up.

either that or there really is a strain called mr nice, but i've not heard of it, if you have purple flowers and not leaves thaty is quite special, see highlanders cave, he's the man in the know with purple flowers
They dont look nearly as purple in the pics for some reason!?!

mr nice is a seedbank man, maybe you got the breeder and strain names mixed up.

either that or there really is a strain called mr nice, but i've not heard of it, if you have purple flowers and not leaves thaty is quite special, see highlanders cave, he's the man in the know with purple flowers
heres what I found:

Mr. Nice is a cross between the legendary G13 strain and the Hash Plant. Previously unavailable since the '80s, Sensi Seed Bank has put this hybrid on the market again. He is named in honor of Howard Marks, the Oxford graduate who became one of the biggest Marijuana smugglers of our time. After his time in federal prison Howard released his autobiography entitled "Mr. Nice".
This indica dominant plant has extremely dense buds with a sweet smell. Mr. Nice will creep up and provide you with a strong, mellow high.
ah i see, looks delicious and resin covered, i can see a slight hue to the flowers but it's not carried over that well in the pics, no mould too which is a bonus
the buds are not really big and that is the reason for no mold, that and they are not by any air leaks or doors, so they get less outside air at night. at least thats what I think. I have a white rhino a blackberry and a sativa looking thing and all my mango plants that are doing well too. All smaller plants except the sativa that was supposed to be a blackberry.
sounds like you have a small forest going there, must attract a lot of attention from other people on your park.
exactly, thats why I put up lights and bells and alarms.....

Ok so I got the night humidity to hold at 59% at the highest, and daytime with doors open and air circulating high velocity 20" fan expelling humidity to get as low as 35% at times and usually around 45%
Maybe I can hold out on pulling for a week or two now........

Had 16 plants now just 12 left
i think you will be fine, i posted earlier saying that the plants you found mould on will be most likely to continue to have problems so keep a close eye on them. with regards to theft i'm pretty sure you will be ok, it would take a pretty desperate person to try and tresspass on your property to steal a few plants, especially if you have taken visible measure to deter them.

good luck
Holy shit, there is a lot of pr0n up in dis beech right now. COF and Duchie, nice friggin jobs! I'd rep you all, but it won't let me. Some stupid riu algirhythm (sp?), I'm sure. Pukka, it let me rep you, and well deserved. That plant is aggressive!

Thing's have been busy around Chez Bobo. Getting ready to move to a new pad-- a pad that won't be MJ grower friendly (even tho it has the bestestest place in the world). So when I chopped my last two Cheese (mini flying spaghetti monsters) tonight, I unplugged my 600, and I'm not sure when it will be plugged back in. I'm really, really sad about that :(

THIS IS NOT THE END, tho. I must stress that to myself, and everyone else here. The 600 will ride on. :peace:

i repped everyone for you and me Boo. awesome sexy sweet kickass budporn as usual. good luck with the move Boo