DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
like it, looks like a big face.

i'm a fan of the white pud too. i was lookin in the supermarkets recently and they don't sell any with actual blood in it anymore :( its hemoglobin pooder now or some guff.


Well-Known Member
And here they are today.....


You can see some of the Amber bulbous heads on this

This one is a bit behind the others...

New Exo Cheese VSCROG

And some Exo clones, being cloned without any additional light, I just have a box over them at the window. Seem pretty happy to me.

OG Kush babies

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
like it, looks like a big face.

i'm a fan of the white pud too. i was lookin in the supermarkets recently and they don't sell any with actual blood in it anymore :( its hemoglobin pooder now or some guff.
That's messed up. Wonder why they removed the vital ingredient. Substitutes never work IMO


Well-Known Member
I always thought black pudding was a British thing that no other country would entertain but too my amazement I just found out there is loads of different country's that do there own versions some of which sound rather tasty


Well-Known Member
I had some amazing blackpudding in Austria, and the Dutch also eat what they call, Bloedworst (blood sausage). I guess any of the farming nations will make it.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
outdoors are looking good man. really filled up this last week. your probably on top of it already but in the 6th pic down there looks like the beginning of a bit of mould bru :(


Well-Known Member
If you mean this one...

Nope, it ain't mould, I have checked a few times as I have taken a couple of pics of this cola, and each time have gone, shit, mould, only to run out and see it's just some stigmas that have gone orange already, lol. Thanks for the keen eye though;)
outdoors are looking good man. really filled up this last week. your probably on top of it already but in the 6th pic down there looks like the beginning of a bit of mould bru :(


Well-Known Member
Here's a close up of it....very deceiving. I think I may have pulled a bad leaf off there in the past so I will def be monitoring it....


Well-Known Member
The reason I put my heater in there was because the dehumidifer kept pausing and the Frost indicator kept coming on. So basically over night when it gets cold everthing stops working. With such low temps do you still think I should ditch the heater? The heater is not something that is on constantly. It is designed for greenhouses and you basically turn it on, set the desired level of the temp in the greenhouse, and the thermostat does the rest. Switches itself off and on as required. Pluss it is also an ocilating fan....whatcha reckon? I am still leaning towards having it on to keep the temp constant.
Haha d i think i ve used exactly the same heater bro they are good but i ditched it as it was nt needed in my setup, do u find it lowers humidity if there is nt any water lying round?


Well-Known Member
It's a weird one Don, was again checking it out with the magnifying glass. I had some male Engineers Dreams in there for a while so pollination could be it...not sure though.

I have only started really using it now Cheddar. I would imagine so as all electrical heaters produce that dry heat. I am all for that in my greenhouse. Problem I have with my roof terrace is on the corner that gets the least sun. There is always a puddle under the concrete slabs if it has been raining (which it has done almost every day here this whole summer). The builders have basically put together a roof terrace that doesn't drain properly, the fuk wits.


Well-Known Member
It's a weird one Don, was again checking it out with the magnifying glass. I had some male Engineers Dreams in there for a while so pollination could be it...not sure though.

I have only started really using it now Cheddar. I would imagine so as all electrical heaters produce that dry heat. I am all for that in my greenhouse. Problem I have with my roof terrace is on the corner that gets the least sun. There is always a puddle under the concrete slabs if it has been raining (which it has done almost every day here this whole summer). The builders have basically put together a roof terrace that doesn't drain properly, the fuk wits.
you know d i still have the heater somewere ill dig it out and put picture up if its the same 1 id crack on bro trust me that and a nice ocilating fan will work wonders bro!! The reason i took it out my room is because of cost issues and took humidity down to a level i did nt need!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the welcome, it all looks proper in your space D! Sounds like your getting fed right too! :D
Sleep straightening out for ya?
Those lovely ladies are sure frosty, good work! You talk of thrips and pm but your ladies look well tended, pampered and loved! Very good work!
Good afternoon to ya!


Well-Known Member
no wonder they wear clogs with all that water :lol:
Surrounded by water, but still pay through the nose for it!!!

you know d i still have the heater somewere ill dig it out and put picture up if its the same 1 id crack on bro trust me that and a nice ocilating fan will work wonders bro!! The reason i took it out my room is because of cost issues and took humidity down to a level i did nt need!!
I can imagine the cost to be high, but keep that on the down low, the wife will crack up even more....

Thanks for the welcome, it all looks proper in your space D! Sounds like your getting fed right too! :D
Sleep straightening out for ya?
Those lovely ladies are sure frosty, good work! You talk of thrips and pm but your ladies look well tended, pampered and loved! Very good work!
Good afternoon to ya!
Sleep has been a bit better cowboy, cheers. I think it was just some stress at work that was doing it.
You gotta keep on top of them creepy crawleys outdoors!!!! The PM is managable and the organic stuff I have seems to work well to keep it in check.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear!
Don't I know it, damn crawleys. lol I can only hope they don't claim more than a fair share. Working on some long term solutions to some of the perils of the great outdoors with a greenhouse too. Caterpillars this year are a bunch of bastards. If I do it again out there its chives carpet. I am lucky to have no pm but there are grapes nearby and that damn blight will bounce around and it hits both with force. A fig tree nearby has pm but recently made a water diversion in the yard irrigation which seems to have cleared the issue there. Luckily there's only moisture here where you put it, it has its advantages.
Anywho, Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Checking the weather and it's looking not too bad for the next week or so. If I can get less than 30% rain (precipitation to weather heads) for the next 2 weeks I'll be good to go I think with harvesting most of this outdoor stuff. The stand along plant (I think possibly deep blue- i could be wrong) will take a bit longer.


Well-Known Member
yo d!
I think your good ....
Ive had pm much worse ....
Seems like now that ive dealt with it so many times ...ill pick up on it early and put it in a choke hold fast...
but as soon as i put my gaurd down (after back to back pm free grows) ... the beast rears it ugly head...

What i do now is even though it can affect yield ... i chop most the leaves with spots....
and spray down watever i can .... even using a paintbrush if its anywhere close to the bud leaves...
luckily this time not many leaves had it...

As u know it starts in the fans ... and continues (phaze 2) into the stems ... and then to the sugar leaves and buds(phaze3)....
But since u havent went to phaze 2 yet ...it can be contained ...
i managed to spray off most of all my pm and contained it from spreading....
I already am aware you cant killl it (well not organically)...but if its early enuff you can contain it and provide an enviroment where it cannot spread ....
I can see very little of the reminents of where my pm showed now....
the heater at night really helped me with humidity .... and i kept my temps over 75 all night seeing as when my temps dip at night my humidity skyrockets...

I think the majority of my pm is gone.... the very little i had .... but i know once the enviroment changes and once i stop treating it ...the beast will return.... so at this point looks like its gonna be an ongoing battle...

Easy for me to say im not dealing with mother nature right now temps have helped ... i do realize its not as easy in a greenhouse...
i would suggest chopping those leaves off ...
At this point looks like youre gonna definately get some mold free buds off that one tree..


Well-Known Member
Hey cheezey, cheers for stopping by. I think I will manage to pull them through. Like you say, if you can stop the rot at the fan leaves it seems a tad easier to control. Silinal (spray by ecostyle which contains sodium) seems to do the trick for me. I haven't cloned these outdoors so this should be the end of it. Now I just need to pray for a bit of sun, lol.

Pissing with rain this morning, and the street cleaner has been out cleaning in his psecial van (with sprays and brushes) all the paths around our house. Which is nice considering I think the guy done the whole estate in reverse at 7:00 oclock in the fukkin morgen...beep beep beep beep beep beep beep (yeh, we get the picture, you like to reverse!!! - prick!!!)

Tell me, anyone who works in the building trade. Do you get taught in your training schools how to BE FUKKIN NOISY IN THE MORNING?????? a tired lol!!!