The Seed Collectors Thread

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads up racer. I knew I saw it somewhere but I forgot where.

I hope the new skunk is out when I stop at the barnes and noble tomorrow. I really like that mag. I never even look through it I just buy it. And it never disappoints. I don't even buy high times anymore I'm always let down. And they run the same shit all the time. I'm burnt out on the hydro report! I wish they'd step their game up. Cause they have access to tight shit. But it seems like all they wanna do is run ads even in their articles.


bud bootlegger
Thanks for the heads up racer. I knew I saw it somewhere but I forgot where.

I hope the new skunk is out when I stop at the barnes and noble tomorrow. I really like that mag. I never even look through it I just buy it. And it never disappoints. I don't even buy high times anymore I'm always let down. And they run the same shit all the time. I'm burnt out on the hydro report! I wish they'd step their game up. Cause they have access to tight shit. But it seems like all they wanna do is run ads even in their articles.
lol, i hear you about high times.. i still buy it pretty much every month, but i think it's only out of loyalty and not much more as skunk kills them pretty much imo...
what i like more about skunk is they seem to be geared more towards the smaller breeders, while high times keeps trying to push the old bigger named crappier breeders imo.. but i guess it pays the bills, so they do what they must..
i really liked this mag called heads, but i think it went out of publication.. it seemed to be more of a lifestyle mag and not strictly about weed.. a lot of snowboarding and skateboarding life style kind of articles in it, which is what i used to be all about, so i loved it...
i'll also pick up weed world once in awhile, but they seem to have even more ads than high times does, i didn't know that was a possiblity till i got my hands on weed world, lol... it's a brit publication, so it's pretty cool to pick up once in awhile to see what's going on over the other side of the pond..


Well-Known Member
Lol that would be funny as hell if it was a cop that lived there.

Thanks for sayin so guys. Yeah man, I would never plant jack anyone...not even gona tell anyone where I saw it, would hate for my info leading to them gettin ripped off. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like if I came home and all my plants had been stolen. Plus, I bet what I'm growing is danker than theirs :D

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
we were tiling a farm one year and found about 30 plants...the land owner told us to "get rid of that goddamn shit" so we did lol...2 of us filled our lunch boxes and a ruck sack i had with tops, ended up with about 6oz of real good skunk

i used to smell it all the time out there but never could find most of it


Well-Known Member
Where are you guuuuuudkarma?

Dude this anesthesia is swellin up like a mofo. I was pissed I didn't veg her longer but she's got a lot of bud for how big she is. Now I can imagine doin sog with 150 16" anesthesias with 1 big bud each.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
most people are like that i think to.....for instance one of my outdoors was planted ina bush next a corn field...when i went to check em one day i noticed 3 shotgun shells in the hunters obviously saw them and left em guessing they had a crop around to lol


Well-Known Member
I think most growers would leave it alone, it is always the people with nothing that rip you off
Agreed... I've found quite a few outdoor plants goin and never felt the need to rip them as I feel lady karma would not take too kindly. And I have my own growing and never felt the need to tbh.


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if i dont know you dont bother.
Oh well nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Well-Known Member
Guys.. What would you consider to be the "holy grail" of seeds?.. from the past..? Present? What seed would cost the most if you found it?


Well-Known Member
I've had a few conversations in pm's with gk here, so I don't know why you can't?? maybe he needs to empty his inbox so he can recieve more...


Well-Known Member
I been doin A LOT of pruning lol. May have gone a bit overboard today. Experimenting. I hacked every fan leaf off my big nycd x kolossus except for the growth tip. The leaves were so big and its only 4 inches tall it was like a shell. I had to cut every leaf off to expose the branches growing beneath..

Well see how she reacts. Or he.