Well-Known Member
Are you trying to say I look stupid? Just say it.Haha yes "hes" the one that looks stupidlol thats a riot.
Then explain how I look stupid.
Are you trying to say I look stupid? Just say it.Haha yes "hes" the one that looks stupidlol thats a riot.
Yes I'm lying..... feel better?Or a cell phone with one right.
lol just admit it you dont grow and your a lying pos. Come on now its not that hard.
lol yes i'm the one pouting like a 10 year old threatening to leave unless everything is to your stats lol. Go away kid. There is a ignore option as wellAlright so I'm done for now until sutra acts mature, sativa shows me the evidence I ignore, or a person with a tad bit of intelligence talks some sense into you two.
Could you possibly be any more crass and unlikable? I would rather hang out with someone who believes in God for no reason than a self righteous pompous douche like you. If every Sunday I had to choose between going to church or smoking a joint with you, i'd pick God every time. You suck at debate, you suck at conduct, and you suck at being an atheist. You are nothing more than a half-wit rebellious malcontent who blames others for the divine chip on his shoulder.dbkick you truly are a typical stupid person , you look around you , have no idea why or what you are so you happily insert 'god did it ' , you truly are a disgrace to the human race with logic like that humans would never evolve im glad there are much more clever people than you out there .
Gotta spread some rep before I can rep you again, lol. Very well said though, his debates do honestly suck. So does his crappy attitude. And he still didn't show me this evidence I'm ignoring, oh man worst argument I've ever had.Could you possibly be any more crass and unlikable? I would rather hang out with someone who believes in God for no reason than a self righteous pompous douche like you. If every Sunday I had to chose between going to church or smoking a joint with you, i'd pick God every time. You suck at debate, you suck at conduct, and you suck at being an atheist. You are nothing more than a half-wit rebellious malcontent who blames others for the divine chip on his shoulder.
I respect your beliefs, and see where you're coming from. I call myself a Christian by definition. I follow Christ, but in the sense that people follow their parents rules. I honestly believe people in the bible didn't know shit about god, and have no right to teach his rules. I don't know shit about afterlife, if their is one. I don't know crap about anything to be honest. I would like to have hard facts on either side. Like either science finds out everything about our existence or "god" comes and explains everything, lol.belief without evidence , i can't disbelieve without evidence either so what is the point of this thread , i am still agnostic until one side or the other can come up with some tangible evidence
Im not trying to fight with you,Just a simple point on the proof side of things, we have proof that a dinosaur existed and that man has been on earth for a very long time, much longer than the 12000 years that the bible claims the Earth has been around.
I do not personally believe in a magic space fairy sitting on a cloud listening to every prayer in the world at the same time and selecting which ones to listen to and which to ignore.
If it does exist, thanks for giving kids cancer and other diseases you cunt!
Im not trying to fight with you,.
I understand dinosaurs exist, what was the point if that? Like seriously, I don't see the point.
The point is the Bible says the Planet Earth is 12000 years old, we know it is in fact Millions of years old. (see carbon dating due to the half life of radiation if you doubt that simple piece of science).
So if the Bible is so fundamentally wrong on this simple "FACT" then the rest of it is all bollocks to.
I also dont want to fight you because people who believe in a religion are rarely converted to reality.
My personal belief is that no child anywhere should be taught religion, let them become adults then introduce them to it and see how many fall for the Dogma then.
My bet, not many would fall for it.
Hmm fair enough, I think the bible is wrong on many parts. I believe that if there is a god he would be the only one who has the rights to teach us how to live. Once again the bible is wrong, but remember it's was written by a bunch of guys that didn't know shit back then.Im not trying to fight with you,.
I understand dinosaurs exist, what was the point if that? Like seriously, I don't see the point.
The point is the Bible says the Planet Earth is 12000 years old, we know it is in fact Millions of years old. (see carbon dating due to the half life of radiation if you doubt that simple piece of science).
So if the Bible is so fundamentally wrong on this simple "FACT" then the rest of it is all bollocks to.
I also dont want to fight you because people who believe in a religion are rarely converted to reality.
My personal belief is that no child anywhere should be taught religion, let them become adults then introduce them to it and see how many fall for the Dogma then.
My bet, not many would fall for it.
I didn't want to fight with you because I don't want an enemy.
But you seem to not want to argue with me because you think I will just ignore your points and give no thought to what you say. I disagree. I will listen to your points and I will question my beliefs.
I did not get religion stuffed down my throat as a child, I was older when I got into religion. It is not because I am easy to manipulate, I have my own reasons for following. Besides why are you bringing up children being stuffed with religious dogma? That is not the point of this thread.
this is something your simpleton mind will never understand. Your small mind cannot understand complex thinking, only small bits of gathered information and techniques that you have gotten from really good atheists on here.how is it seriousley possible people believe in gods without evidence
You are truly retarded. So, when you were of age, you asked your mom, oh wait sorry, your MUM, to give you evidence that she was your mumther? You most certainly would have told that you have got to be kidding, but when nothing was produced, your so called "evidence" you should have left your home correct? You are a logical man or child right, so why stay there?anything else in life requires evidence, to believe its true
let me see if this help, what computer are you using? Dell, hp, apple? you chose it not because someone else told you to get, but because you have personal preferences that may differ greatly from the next person. Quit being a hermephadite !yet when it comes to believing in a god ,
this has been discussed already. Just because people believe, you claim they are stupid, yet some of the people that did the work to help you hate on believers were believers themselves. You are stupid.stupid people disregard this vital point
what is shocking is your craving for believer cock. All you do is call out believers. I think you have a sick philia for believers.its truly shocking
Here you go this is what many people believe is the reason god allows evil....quasi-philosophical evidence god (in traditional sense) cant exist, If god were all powerful how could the presence of evil exist (devil) unless god were to allow it. If god were to allow evil then he is not a wholly good being... or the simplest one, make a rock so big god itself couldnt lift... If one is true then the god cannot be all powerful.
also evolution is a fact that is completely contradictory to the beginnings of the bible. If it lied to you once, you can be sure it will again.
our hang up on religions, and denial of science based knowledge is preventing us from progressing as a society.
the more science based knowledge(life outside our planet, evolution, heliocentric theory rejected, the world is round) that comes out the more the religion or term of god is reformed, which shows a weak understanding at best.
All radiometric dating methods are based on assumptions about events that happened in the past. If the assumptions are accepted as true (as is typically done in the evolutionary dating processes), results can be biased toward a desired age. In the reported ages given in textbooks and other journals, these evolutionary assumptions have not been questioned, while results inconsistent with long ages have been censored. When the assumptions were evaluated and shown faulty, the results supported the biblical account of a global Flood and young earth. Christians should not be afraid of radiometric dating methods. Carbon-14 dating is really the friend of Christians, and it supports a young earth.Im not trying to fight with you,.
I understand dinosaurs exist, what was the point if that? Like seriously, I don't see the point.
The point is the Bible says the Planet Earth is 12000 years old, we know it is in fact Millions of years old. (see carbon dating due to the half life of radiation if you doubt that simple piece of science).
So if the Bible is so fundamentally wrong on this simple "FACT" then the rest of it is all bollocks to.
I also dont want to fight you because people who believe in a religion are rarely converted to reality.
My personal belief is that no child anywhere should be taught religion, let them become adults then introduce them to it and see how many fall for the Dogma then.
My bet, not many would fall for it.
The RATE scientists are convinced that the popular idea attributed to geologist Charles Lyell from nearly two centuries ago, “The present is the key to the past,” is simply not valid for an earth history of millions or billions of years. An alternative interpretation of the carbon-14 data is that the earth experienced a global flood catastrophe which laid down most of the rock strata and fossils.... Whatever the source of the carbon-14, its presence in nearly every sample tested worldwide is a strong challenge to an ancient age. Carbon-14 data is now firmly on the side of the young-earth view of history.
Like everyone else, you don't know shit. We are all searching for something, go look for yours.
You might want to pick up a book on radiometric dating rather than rely on YEC websites for your information. We don't use carbon-14 to date rocks, EVER.All radiometric dating methods are based on assumptions about events that happened in the past. If the assumptions are accepted as true (as is typically done in the evolutionary dating processes), results can be biased toward a desired age. In the reported ages given in textbooks and other journals, these evolutionary assumptions have not been questioned, while results inconsistent with long ages have been censored. When the assumptions were evaluated and shown faulty, the results supported the biblical account of a global Flood and young earth. Christians should not be afraid of radiometric dating methods. Carbon-14 dating is really the friend of Christians, and it supports a young earth.
The RATE scientists are convinced that the popular idea attributed to geologist Charles Lyell from nearly two centuries ago, The present is the key to the past, is simply not valid for an earth history of millions or billions of years. An alternative interpretation of the carbon-14 data is that the earth experienced a global flood catastrophe which laid down most of the rock strata and fossils.... Whatever the source of the carbon-14, its presence in nearly every sample tested worldwide is a strong challenge to an ancient age. Carbon-14 data is now firmly on the side of the young-earth view of history.
Like everyone else, you don't know shit. We are all searching for something, go look for yours.