Arizona Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
do not pay this ticket. if you do not pay it in 90 days it is automatically dismissed. because they sent it to you in the mail, there is no proof that you were ever served with it. so do not pay and do not open your door for anyone you do not know. this is one of the many reasons why az got rid of the cameras on the highways. it is a loophole that many have been using with no impunity. some towns depend on the revenue solely and hire process serveres to make sure they maintain the revenue stream. paradise valley does this. i dont think tempe does. i am not sure about mesa.
They will try to serve you with it.


Well-Known Member
do not pay this ticket. if you do not pay it in 90 days it is automatically dismissed. because they sent it to you in the mail, there is no proof that you were ever served with it. so do not pay and do not open your door for anyone you do not know. this is one of the many reasons why az got rid of the cameras on the highways. it is a loophole that many have been using with no impunity. some towns depend on the revenue solely and hire process serveres to make sure they maintain the revenue stream. paradise valley does this. i dont think tempe does. i am not sure about mesa.
i appreciate your input! it sounds like an interesting approach but i've got plants in the ground, and i will never knowingly piss off cops or gubment officials, as long as i'm doing what i do!


Active Member
i appreciate your input! it sounds like an interesting approach but i've got plants in the ground, and i will never knowingly piss off cops or gubment officials, as long as i'm doing what i do!
You are spot on, bro! I was gonna be a process server but than I realized those photo tickets are going the way of the dinosaur

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Lmao! AZCS, really??? You speak of business as if you know how to run one. For starters, you have shitty medicine. SECONDLY, you scam people into signing over their rights so you can grow your shitty medicine for them. And last but certainly not least, you are scared of competition. I have posted pictures of my la and kushberry on your site just to show patients what they are missing and guess what? BAN! It's funny that you or your little "posse" keep banning me because you don't want patients to catch wind of what good medicine really is. All you do is take advantage of the old and the sick. That is how all of us feel in this large community. So if I were you I'd either close shop and do something you are good at, because you are definitely not made fir this industry. Or you can continue selling shitty medicine and end up in federal prison. :)


Well-Known Member
Lmao! AZCS, really??? You speak of business as if you know how to run one. For starters, you have shitty medicine. SECONDLY, you scam people into signing over their rights so you can grow your shitty medicine for them. And last but certainly not least, you are scared of competition. I have posted pictures of my la and kushberry on your site just to show patients what they are missing and guess what? BAN! It's funny that you or your little "posse" keep banning me because you don't want patients to catch wind of what good medicine really is. All you do is take advantage of the old and the sick. That is how all of us feel in this large community. So if I were you I'd either close shop and do something you are good at, or continue selling shitty medicine and end up in federal prison. :)
Every time a patient or a potential patient asks me where they should go I always tell them to not go to AZCS.


Well-Known Member
Last time I tried to get served, the guy asked me my name and I told him francisco! Ha ha I got out of it for about a week :)
I was getting my bag out of my car in the drive way, he must have teleported because he showed up out of no
I'm going to go in your store and ask for " Fransisco" and then tell all the customers AZCS sucks.:clap:

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Ha ha my boss will trip! But yeah man i tell them the same. If I trusted more people in this industry I'd tell everyone I'm a caregiver, but right now I kinda pick and choose who my medicine goes to. And like I said before about AZCS, they hate competition. When you are trying to sell outdoor for $60 per 8th and then a kid walks in with 10x better meds and for only $45 it's hard to compete. It's just all these "compassion" clubs have to get their meds from other states so they have to charge more but when I come around and tell these elderly people that I grew this and it is 100% organic it's like an INSTANT patient. I kinda hope all these clubs take a fall. Half of them don't even have anything good and when they do they charge more like $70-75.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha my boss will trip! But yeah man i tell them the same. If I trusted more people in this industry I'd tell everyone I'm a caregiver, but right now I kinda pick and choose who my medicine goes to. And like I said before about AZCS, they hate competition. When you are trying to sell outdoor for $60 per 8th and then a kid walks in with 10x better meds and for only $45 it's hard to compete. It's just all these "compassion" clubs have to get their meds from other states so they have to charge more but when I come around and tell these elderly people that I grew this and it is 100% organic it's like an INSTANT patient. I kinda hope all these clubs take a fall. Half of them don't even have anything good and when they do they charge more like $70-75.
I tell patients the same thing and usually point them in your direction.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Well stop! Ha ha i need to stop being lazy and always busy so my buddy and I can start our "pro" grow. Then I dont mind who I tell because the meds should be endless :)


Active Member
I was getting my bag out of my car in the drive way, he must have teleported because he showed up out of no
I'm going to go in your store and ask for " Fransisco" and then tell all the customers AZCS sucks.:clap:
Expect to get this response from the house help [video=youtube;QZP7or7hMS0][/video]
i just got done with a harvest and noticed they where ready to go in jars around three days of hanging in my closet, was this like any of you guys or what the fudge


Active Member
i just got done with a harvest and noticed they where ready to go in jars around three days of hanging in my closet, was this like any of you guys or what the fudge
3 days is all it takes in az, with proper ventalation.


Now as for everyone else, who gets POUNDS extra from a patient lol... what are you supposed to do with these POUNDS of extra.? I mean you say there is tons of money to be made... But that's where you're wrong. The patients you caregive for usually dont take much more then their 1 free oz, and if they do its only 1 or 2 extra a month at a discounted rate.. Now other then that, all the "extra" that im supposed to make millions of dollars with... How am I supposed to get my money out of it? Sell it? to who? people illegally? Cause thats what you're doing if you sell to anyone who isnt your patient....

This is why AZCS requests grow rights, in order to stay legal within the law, Now lets talk about this 60 or even 75 you keep saying they sell for an 8th... I have never seen them sell an 8th for more then 50$ the only thing they don't do is offer discounts for larger amounts. Personally I don't buy from any of the clubs, only have once from ACC but will never again, I grow my own, I also help lots of other people grow, I have given away many free clones, even to people on this forum. I don't sell them because.... ITS ILLEGAL.
So making money off your excess is hard to do without breaking some form of law... So is breaking the law, worth anything to you? or is it worth 35$ an 8th?

This horse is dead btw, don't we have better issues to talk about then fighting amongst each other for no reason at all?


Well-Known Member
i just got done with a harvest and noticed they where ready to go in jars around three days of hanging in my closet, was this like any of you guys or what the fudge

i cut mine down saturday night. they need another 1/2 day or so before i put them into ball jars and start the cure. i try to get the buds to between 60 and 65% moisture content when they are in the jars.

when you put them into a ball jar, they will probably get moist again. lots of moisture hiding deep in the buds. unless they were small buds, then they might be too dry. drying is only the first step, don't forget the cure!


Well-Known Member
i just got done with a harvest and noticed they where ready to go in jars around three days of hanging in my closet, was this like any of you guys or what the fudge
Thats where I messed up on my first grow I dried mine for like 7 days because I followed written directions by dudes from Cali. In AZ they should be dry within 3 days. Feel the buds if its dry to the ouch you're good to go.
wow you guys are awesome, thanks for the quick over night replies and info. yea the buds are all in jars now ready to be cured. honestly i was pretty disappointed with nirvanas master kush got a little over 8 ounces using a 1000 w hps from 6 of em, i knew i probably shouldn't of ordered such an old strain, eghh oh well its still some nice medicine,


Well-Known Member
i just got done with a harvest and noticed they where ready to go in jars around three days of hanging in my closet, was this like any of you guys or what the fudge
in my experience drying too fast is not good. a slower more even dry is better because it allows ample time for the sugars to start breaking down and the chlorophyll time to mobilize and evaporate. if you dry too fast you will have a green or hay smell and taste to your buds. i dry in 73 f with an rh between %45-%55. this usually gives a dry time of 5-10 days depending on strain and bud density. i like to jar them when the smaller buds snap off cleanly from the main stalk.