Issue On My Rooms Plz.


Well-Known Member
yea looks real gud cuz... but yea thhat aluminum foil may cause heat issues... on top of that it is wrinkled so the reflective properties are not as gud as if thhere where no wrinkles at all... get some mylar or just paint it white on the inside but make sure you use some type of heat resistant paint that wont start givin off fumes....this could be hazardous to your plants and yourself


Well-Known Member
yes thats a foil but I fan 220v fan top of box and i see that it didn't have any het stress yet and also i have a big fan bottom of my system under plants....
Now i confused about my watering that I watered with dripp sys and One time they had up ppm one time low ppm but
I read some thread that u should one day nut one day water .....??!!


Well-Known Member
if heat issues do occur attach some ducting to the fan so that the air exits outside the grow area. dont know much about hydro. i do dwc so if its nit a question about that i cant really help ya cuz


Well-Known Member
Hey dear friends....
I have ??? that when can I use highest ppm on my ladies .....? Now I put my ppm around 800-1100 ....
One day high and one day low .....
I hope to increase my ppm up to 1400 ...Is that okey?
When I should have my highest ppm for feeding her on flowering time?


Active Member
leds ok for tiny grows (pc box) of someone that can be suplied yearly with lets say around 20-30g's , in that scale yes leds are the way to go , but , nuggets are not buds , nothing can produce buds as a huge dildo like hps lamp , now i know its really hard to admit urself that an expensive purchase of a led grow fixture is pretty much a waste of money


Well-Known Member
hey dude ...
Now I use 1 *hps 400w and ,4*48w leds for my flowering room.....I will add 1 more hps 400w and relocated my leds so...
I started with Cfl lamp for preflowering but I c its not complete ....Now I use MH 400W for my 4 weeks old plants(in veg) I put it 5 days ago and cancel 8*70w cfls ....I c really they go bigger..
I have to put some new pics of my rooms ....
I made every things by myself so .....


Well-Known Member
how often do u water and for how long
I water with simple and very easy drip system
I put one timer so that my pump run for 10 min every morning( 20 min after my lamp turn on)
I use one day low ppm one day high and i play with them and c my plants health
hope useful
I will take some pics today i wonder about them in my first flowering room


Well-Known Member
btw neved your plants look very good buddie. youre obviously doing something very right! keep up the good work!!
Ty man
I hope to have big buds and flowers
Really i c hps and led work nice on them
2 days ago i change my preflowering room so
i will put some pics about


Well-Known Member
8in 1000w HPs = the coolest $h!t around.... quite literally
Hey dude
First tnx God for my place located in dark place of building and its
good for my temp so
I use every i needed but i didnt by temp meter yet !!!! Thats funny
I paid about 1500-1700 $ for complete my rooms and now Im really have spare parts and different pomps diffrent cfl lamps different fans and ...
Now i dont need to go out to buy anything else
wish all the best
**** i used seeds .they were6 years old that i put them in dark as 6 years ago and into flower as before i save them very hard u know****


Well-Known Member
I search for way that my plants build more flower like LST ......
Now I use one old way that I cut the top for have 2 branches
Anybody have complete issue on there?