The scary shit thread.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I wanna hear some of your true stories of scary shit that has happened to you. Like I don't want to say "ghosts", but you know stuff that has happened to you that goes unexplained. I'll share some stories later, but yeah doesn't everyone have stories?

Like anything, a strange light, creepy creature, UFO's, or just "ghosts".

Lol I'm so high, paranoid, and scared so I wanna embrace it by hearing your stories.:mrgreen::blsmoke::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
As a kid, we were pretty poor and our play area was the courtyards, back porches and basements of the apartment complexes of our neighborhood. A favorite game was hide & seek, and there was one basement in which the more experienced kids would not would not hide. They said that a man killed 4 children there many years ago, and that the place was haunted by his ghost. There was a child's picture of him in chalk that one of the children supposedly drew of him on the basement wall right before death. Well, at 8 years of age I mustered up the courage to hide down there, after all, who would dare come to find me? Once down there, I saw the picture and suddenly I was so frightened I could barely move. I could hear children whispering fuzzy warnings to me. When I was finally able to get the fuck out of there, I told the other kids about my ordeal. I took a couple of the more courageous children back with me with a bucket of soapy water and a couple of brushes and we scrubbed that wall down for about 15 minutes, determined to get all traces of this image so future kids wouldn't have to experience it. I came back the next day (in the well lit sunlight hours of course): the killer's image was exactly the same as when I initially saw it. I shit you not. I haven't thought about that in years, and it still gives me goosebumps...


New Member
^^^^^^^^^^^@TYLER That is some Steven King caliber shit F**K . Are you ok? I mean it HAD to have some kind of effect on you. That is some crazy shit for an 8 year old to experience. ^^^^^^^^^^^^


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^^^^^@TYLER That is some Steven King caliber shit F**K . Are you ok? I mean it HAD to have some kind of effect on you. That is some crazy shit for an 8 year old to experience. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
I am okay today. I live a healthy and rewarding life. I sometimes still hear those children's whispers, and it freaks me out. They usually stop after I murder another small child, but not always. J/K...


Active Member
One time, at band camp. All the kids told me that one of the bathrooms was haunted because a distraught councilor named Johnson had hung himself in there the previous year. Being the brave child that I was, I snuck into the bathroom late one night. Then, while relieving myself in one of the stalls, I was suddenly confronted by this chillingly massive one-eyed creature. As it turns out, it was only my dick. Someone was hung in that bathroom alright.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Our summer cabin at Vallecito, Lake was a little spooky. No one wanted to stay there alone. Nothing really happened when my family stayed there, we just got a creepy feeling up in the loft area. Years ago, me and some college friends spent a week there during a particular summer. We had a really good time. One of the last nights we ended up in the loft telling ghost stories. There were two beds and everyone was sprawled across them or sitting by them while we were scaring the shit out of each other. The beds were on opposite sides of the stairway leading up to the loft so we were kind of separated into two groups.

It was getting late and the stories were getting more and more spooky when we noticed the air was getting really cold. One of the girls screamed and said someone tried to pull her off the bed. We had the lights off so we were sure it was someone playing a practical joke. Then one of the guys said he saw a black shadow dart out of the closet and go under the bed. Well that ended that and we all ran down the stairs and slept in sleeping bags on the floor in the main room. No one wanted to use the loft.

Several years later I decided to spend a weekend up there by myself and arrived in the afternoon on a Friday. I was feeling a little tired because I had just driven down from SLC so I decided to take a nap. There is a main bedroom downstairs just off the main room and facing the front door. I locked the front door and went to bed. I woke after the sun went down to the sound of someone opening the front door. There are only two keys to that cabin. The one I had (which my folks mailed to me) and the second one they kept. I thought maybe they had come up to surprise me and I started to get up. I heard heavy footsteps head towards the bedroom. It sounded like someone wearing boots. Just when they got to the bedroom door I opened it to scare whoever it was (we're a bunch of practical jokers). There was no one there. When I opened the door the main room was freezing. It was midsummer. I started looking around, not suspecting anything and was headed towards the bathroom next to the kitchen when the bedroom door slammed shut. Then I heard a whisper next to my ear. I couldn't make out what it said but it was definitely a human sounding voice. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I drove all the way back to SLC. Left my stuff behind. I never went back. Some family members picked up my stuff and I drove down that Christmas to pick them up.

We finally sold the cabin but I never stepped foot in that place again.


Back many years ago I had an Aunt. I'm of Italian decent and the custom was to dress in black for a year after a relative died. She had had her husband die and a son die a year after. I can never see her dressed in anything but black. One night back when I was a teen I went to sleep and can remember nothing but something buzzing around my head all night. It was something black. The next morning when I woke up, my mom told me that Aunt Rose had died that night. It was REALLY strange.


Well-Known Member
the other night i was chillin with 2 friends outside smokin when up in the air these blue flashes kept on flashin in the sky, guessin it was a storm comin in i watched and realized no thunder is comin after these flashes then we started to hear loud ass blasts like anti-aircraft blasts for about 45 seconds then the blue lights went away and never saw them since.

same backyard doin the same shit as we always do gettin high out there we like to look at the stars and i noticed somethin that looked like a star but was movin across the sky. i tell my friends and they all look and its flyin high as shit, makin no noise, no blinkin lights and it looked like it was movin pretty quick. they had another plane in the air so we could use it as reference to see they werent the same. it was movin one direction tho so i was like it maybe could be a satellite and not too long after i say that it changes direction in the opposite way. it started movin faster and then it just vanished.

i think my friends backyard is a ufo hotspot lol


New Member
I typed this story out before so you might remember. When I was a kid on the military base me and my friend were walking to my place at night. I noticed every time we walked under a street light it'd turn off. I said lets wait for the light to turn off a head so we aren't walking in the dark. So we stopped, and the light just stayed off the whole time. Jokingly I said lets walk back and see if that light turns off, guess what, the light we were under turned on and the light we just went under turned off. We timed 5 minutes of just standing there and the light was off the whole time. So we walked forward and sure enough the light turned on behind us and the one just ahead of us turned off.

My friend said recently his grandma or great grandme died, and she really liked him. He didn't get a chance to say goodbye so he yelled out "Good bye grandma I love you!" and it all stopped instantly.


Well-Known Member
You guys are crazy, lol Jk, :).

Let me explain the upstairs of my house. Currently me and my older sister are staying home and so is my little brother and sister.
So you go upstairs and take a right. Then there's a big open space (my older sisters room) to the left is my room and to the right my little brother and sister share a room (5 and 9).

Alright so I was hanging out in my sisters room and my door started shaking, like bad. I just said it's probably a draft or something, like a gust of wind is going perfectly through the doors small openings on the top and bottom.
Then I jokingly said if it was a ghost it will stop right now, and it did. My sister told it to start again and it did.
There was nobody else home so either she pulled a badass trick on me or it goes unexplained.


Active Member
I think i saw the mothman once. Not really sure what it was but it was there. I was young, early teens and had been invited to a halloween party. During a game of hide-and-go-seek, my brother, best friend, and self ran behind a hay bail to hide at the far corner of the property. There was something already there. I remember what seemed like a shadow that stood up, and rocketed into the sky with one flap of its wings. I was perfectly sober, as was my brother and friend who saw the same thing as I. Well it's been at least 15 years since that incident, and one night a similar conversation arised as this thread topic. I told the story, and remember lookiong over at my older brother (32 years old now) and seeing his eyes well up as i explained that nights events.


Well-Known Member
I remember one time me and my sister were playing in a ranch and she was looking at me and she was by a bunch if bushes. I heard some rustling in the bushes then a fucking lion jumped over her. Like no shit, it was probably bob marley's ghost. Nobody believes me but it turns out a lion did escape from a nearby zoo around that time. And it was a big enough ranch for a lion to live in. But the thing is she didn't see the lion that jumped straight over her head.


Staff member
ive seen some fucked up shit in my day...however I am a paranormal researcher.


New Member
ive seen some fucked up shit in my day...however I am a paranormal researcher.
ever have an entity follow you home? I always wanted to buy a ghost box and talk to some ghosts but I'm always scared they'd follow me home