So the N American Continent had no humans up until that point?Native Americans were said to have entered the continent somewhere between 20,000 - 40,000 years ago.
So the N American Continent had no humans up until that point?Native Americans were said to have entered the continent somewhere between 20,000 - 40,000 years ago.
When I read music coming from a cell just now ... i pictured (?term for an audio impression) a harmonica.When I read music coming from a cell I lol'd
We have no idea how old oral traditions can be. I'll wager the Atlantis myth and perhaps the Noah story have their roots more than ten thousand years back, when the sea levels rose far and fast. cnI don't think we know as much as we think we do.
For instance the natives in interior Alaska (Athabascans) still maintain an oral history of Mammoth hunting - and unless I'm mistaken, oral history typically spans no more that several hundred years.
she has no business discussing such things if she thinks clouds and music are composed of cells and that the whole human experiment began 6,000 years ago with two people in a garden eating fruit given to them by a talking snake.The point she was trying to make is the Belief in the Big Bang theory.
Oh, I wasn't disagreeing or arguing. While I have no facts or juicy factoids to back me up, I think the idea of truly old human experiences making their way to us through hundreds of generations of campfire story time is cool. Trippy. Deep time, human style. cnI brought up the "oral history" thing to illustrate that I believe that at least a portion of our Science is simply educated guesswork, no more.
We are "guessing" that the Mammoth went extinct 4500 years ago, but a very good example of the inaccuracy of this guesswork is the Coelacnth, extinct for 65 million years - but discovered off of the coast of Africa in 1938.
That's all I was trying to point out.
Yeah, she should have said atoms instead of cells. I think it is a forgone conclusion that the idiots are the ones who do the voting, how else would you explain the moron congresspersons?she has no business discussing such things if she thinks clouds and music are composed of cells and that the whole human experiment began 6,000 years ago with two people in a garden eating fruit given to them by a talking snake.
what's scary is that she represents a sizeable portion of the american public, and they VOTE.
We, as men, ARE missing a rib bone. See, its like this: Women keep complaining about the pot bellies men seem to grow over time. Well, those pot bellies are the fault of women. In the beginning, God made man. Then God noticed that man needed a help-mate. So, God removed a rib that originally went from the side of the rib cage and extended all the way around the stomach. This rib, in the strictest medical term, was called "The Beer Rib." It's intent was to hold the stomach in and prevent the pot belly. So, the next time your wife or girlfriend complains about your protuberant midsection, just tell her its all her fault. Finish up by saying: "Hon, would you get me a beer from the fridge?"If the bible were literal, men would have one less rib bone because Eve came from Adam's rib and they were "the blueprint" for people. (There is no animal on earth with an odd or uneven number of ribs.)
wtf? Lol!!!!we, as men, are missing a rib bone. See, its like this: Women keep complaining about the pot bellies men seem to grow over time. Well, those pot bellies are the fault of women. In the beginning, god made man. Then god noticed that man needed a help-mate. So, god removed a rib that originally went from the side of the rib cage and extended all the way around the stomach. This rib, in the strictest medical term, was called "the beer rib." it's intent was to hold the stomach in and prevent the pot belly. So, the next time your wife or girlfriend complains about your protuberant midsection, just tell her its all her fault. Finish up by saying: "hon, would you get me a beer from the fridge?"![]()
I have never met your friend and have not seen the entire context of the convo, but could she have been being a little humurous in an attempt to make her point?i have a friend i went to college with. real religious type, believe in the literal translation of the bible, ardent bush supporter back during the 2004 election (not surprisingly).
an actual conversation we had on facebook....
her: So its inconveivable that the mongoloid, caucasian, and begroid races all came from originally two people and just adapted to their environments over time but it is totally possible to you that giraffes, clouds, octupus, dinosaurs, humans, moss, music, stars, antimatter, and so on and so forth all came from one original cell?
me: Music and clouds came from a cell? Are you sure you should be in charge of adult education? Let me ask you, are clouds single-celled organisms, or are they multi-cellular? LOL!
the scary part? she is in charge of adult education.
we're doomed![]()
men and women have 12 pairs of ribs each if you got a fat belly its no ones fault but you ownWe, as men, ARE missing a rib bone. See, its like this: Women keep complaining about the pot bellies men seem to grow over time. Well, those pot bellies are the fault of women. In the beginning, God made man. Then God noticed that man needed a help-mate. So, God removed a rib that originally went from the side of the rib cage and extended all the way around the stomach. This rib, in the strictest medical term, was called "The Beer Rib." It's intent was to hold the stomach in and prevent the pot belly. So, the next time your wife or girlfriend complains about your protuberant midsection, just tell her its all her fault. Finish up by saying: "Hon, would you get me a beer from the fridge?"![]()
Not true, its the and women have 12 pairs of ribs each if you got a fat belly its no ones fault but you own![]()
i don't understand why your drinking buweiser in the first place...Not true, its the Budweiser.
Evil Budweiser.
Because I like it - am I not allowed?i don't understand why your drinking buweiser in the first place...
lol its an awful beer but if you like drinking piss water and getting fat from it who am i to questionBecause I like it - am I not allowed?
Wow, snappy comeback, but you do know what they its an awful beer but if you like drinking piss water and getting fat from it who am i to question![]()
missed the smiley there i see...Wow, snappy comeback, but you do know what they say.
Opinions are like )o( and that's what you appear to be acting like.
Nice to meet you too.