Never Get Busted DVD Synopsis Part 2


Well-Known Member
Barry Cooper’s Never Get Busted Again Vol. 2: Never Get Raided

NOTE: This is an outline or synopsis of Barry Cooper's DVD. These are not my original thoughts or recommendations. No judgement or opinion is given as to the veracity or usefulness of Barry Cooper's advice and recommendations.

The DVD is divided into eleven sections (Introduction, Growing Marijuana Outdoors, Indoor Growing, Procuring Grow Equipment Safely, Knock & Talk, Canine-Proofing Your Home, Spotting Undercovers, Spotting Informants, Selling Marijuana Safely, A Plea to Police, Our Message to Parents ) summarized below.

Brief description of the chapters.

Growing Marijuana Outdoors:
Barry and Candi (his wife) fly in a helicopter spotting guerilla-style outdoor grows. He then sneaks into one grow area on foot and offers the following advice:
put duct tape on the bottom of your shoes (shoe/foot prints can convict you)
use nature to your advantage (if you see wildlife like deer then chances are VERY good there are no humans in that direction. Same goes for birds flying away or being startled.
Always carry ALL of your trash out with you (finger prints can be lifted from trash, you may leave incriminating evidence, and trash is usually very easy to spot from a helicopter. And litter-bugs suck (I added that one).
DEA looks for dead trees, paths (especially going to a water source), PVC pipe and patterns (rows, circles, snail-pattern, squares) better to plant a few plants 50 yards apart.
If the DEA finds a grow, they eradicate most of the grow - they usually leave a few plants along with a few cameras. NEVER GO BACK TO A KNOWN GROW AREA.
It would be great, if you are able, to grow away from a water source and tote your own water in.
If you are ever at your guerilla grow and aircraft flies over, do not look up - faces shine! Keep your head down and remain very, very still. He then says again - DO NOT LEAVE TRASH AROUND.
If you do have to leave stuff around, keep it hidden (example - use green-colored watering cans instead of fluorescent orange ones!)
The DVD then goes on to mention a few things about Barry’s former life as a cop and why he is now doing what he is doing.

Indoor Growing
Police are very interested in indoor growing because they can seize property and of course, it is all about the money.
A Grow Room’s Three Enemies (Heat, People, and Sloppiness)

Heat - Barry discusses FLIR (F orward L ooking I nfrared R adar) or a heat imaging system. The cameras can be mounted on a helicopter or hand-held. It can not see in your house. And while the US Supreme Court ruled a warrant is necessary before police can use FLIR on your residence, the police still do it illegally every day. This ruling does not include unattached outbuildings like a shed or free-standing garage.
Barry also demonstrates how FLIR cameras can EASILY see in the dark as he shows someone far away handing something to someone in a doorway (so doing deals out in the open is a big no-no).
He also shows the amazing ability to zoom-in with the helicopter mounted FLIR cameras.
The FLIR camera looks for two things - an area of your house much warmer than the rest and heat being pumped out of a house. So if you must pump the heat out of your house, it is much safer to pump it under your house which disperses the heat and makes it impossible to spot. The idea is to spread the heat out as much as possible. FLIR looks for concentrated heat signatures. He also recommends pumping the heat out of the clothes dryer vent. This would help with a fly-over.
He then says something us HID growers may want to listen to closely - he says he knows there is a lot of controversy around the quality of the bud using CFLs and LEDs but he recommends the T5s which renders FLIR useless. He then says you need to weigh the costs of jail vs. the perception of lesser quality bud.
He then mentions the suspiciously high electric bills generated by using HIDs and the risk of fire from such a hot light.

People - I love this one - he says every person that knows about your grow room increases your chances of getting busted by 10%. So if three people know, your chances are 30% for getting busted. If 10 or more people know.... it is just a matter of time. Consider yourself busted.
BEWARE - Did you know that the police will pay electric company employees to tell them about unusually high electric bills! Some places are paying as much as $1000 per high electricity report. Government programs are currently paying $20 per plant to tell on you so 200 plants means a $4000 paycheck to an informant.
Don’t steal electricity (duh!).

Sloppiness. Avoiding sloppiness is all about controlling the evidence and dedicates the next entire section to it.

Procuring Grow Equipment Safely:
Never, ever use your own computer to purchase anything incriminating. Use a public computer instead.
Pay using a gift credit card (impossible to trace back to you).
Have the equipment shipped to a safe address. He advises against using a fake ID to procure it since using a fake ID is a felony. He advises shipping it to a friend or relative using the excuse that it is a surprise gift for your significant other and you don’t want them seeing it.
You can also buy directly from a store using cash. Borrow a car to drive there (you won’t be jeopardizing someone who doesn’t grow). He also shows you how to avoid a tail. Fast stops, acting like you’re turning around, pull over and sit for awhile. Turn around and go the opposite direction and look in your rearview mirror for brake lights or if any cars are turning off or turning around to follow you. He recommends using these methods going to and from the shop. When you get to the grow store, drive around the parking lot looking for suspiciously parked vehicles or people watching the store (especially in rearview mirrors). Leave the grow store in the opposite direction and take the grow equipment somewhere else for a week or so and then go retrieve it.
He then gets into controlling odor. The ONLY safe way that really works is pumping the air from your grow room into a carbon filter. Although for small gardens, air ionizers can also work.
Controlling trash is controlling evidence. Trash can be picked up and used as evidence without a warrant. Fertilizer containers, grow equipment boxes and notes taken regarding the grow are all examples of things to get off your property and into a dumpster. Same thing goes for harvest cuttings (stems and leaves, etc..) - get it off your property!
Do not display or possess marijuana trinkets (like marijuana t-shirts, posters, etc..).

Knock & Talk (or Tap & Rap)
It is not illegal for police to knock on your door and begin discussing the possibility of you being involved in criminal activity. Knock & Talks are usually triggered by informants, someone seeking revenge or some other suspicious activity (like a lot of foot traffic going in and out of your house). If you open the door, the police will lie and cheat their way in.
How do you avoid this problem? DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR. Do not go out on the porch and shut the door to talk to the cops. The cops will do anything to get in your house. Just do not open the door. The bottom line is - if the police have a legal right to be in your house, they will NOT be knocking - they will be kicking your door in. Cops also do not care if they trample your rights and lose the case. A drug seizure is a drug seizure and having the case thrown out of court is no problem to a cop. One of my favorite parts of the DVD shows Barry doing what you should do. You hear a knock at the door and upon investigating (looking out the window) you see police. If your door is not locked, lock it. He then yells through a window (or the door) the following: “I don’t open the door for police if you need to talk to me, have your dispatcher call my cell phone or we can shout through the window like this. If you have a search warrant, here are my hands (shows hands) go ahead and kick the door in”.
Bottom line - do not ever, ever, EVER open the door for the police.

Canine-Proofing Your Home:
The easiest way to do this is to contaminate the entire house (and yard) with the smell of marijuana so the canine can not focus because marijuana is everywhere! Grind up the seeds and stems (you don’t want little plants appearing) and throw it out in the yard. For the inside, take a bag of marijuana and rub the bag everywhere which will cause the dog to alert all over the place (never finding your super-secret-awesomely concealed stash).

Spotting Undercovers
Barry explains that he includes this controversial segment for several reasons. First, it is a lie that police are dying everyday in the “war on drugs” and says that only 28 law officers were feloniously killed in drug-related cases from 1996-2005. Compared to the number of citizens that have been imprisoned or killed by the police the number becomes even less significant. Besides, it is the cop’s job to lay down their lives for American citizens - not the other way around.

He then addresses fellow police officers that are disturbed by what he is sharing (how to sport narcs) he says then stop being an undercover officers and channel your energy into finding violent offenders (amen Barry!).
Remember that undercover officers are trained liars. So pay close attention to a suspected persons body language (hand to head contact, grooming, and/or palms up). And they can legally lie to you. The top two lies they tell to purchase is 1) I’m buying it for a someone else (friend/girlfriend/whomever) and 2) I’m buying it to re-sell. These two excuses should sound alarm bells.
Police are operating on their own clock. If you say 3:00 PM and you aren’t there - they will freak. So if you are dealing with someone who isn’t on “pot time” ... beware.
It is a myth that an undercover officer has to reveal his true identity if asked. But one thing undercover police officers are forbidden to do is to put drugs back out on the street. Meaning, cops buy drugs all the time but seldom sell them. If they do sell, they MUST make the arrest shortly after. So if you suspect somebody is an undercover officer, tell them to bring you a joint. Have them bring it and and walk away from them. If they let you go - it’s all good. Otherwise, eat that joint!
Now police will set-up what is called “road-kill” operations, They sell it to you while you’re in your vehicle and then shortly after the purchase they pull you over for a traffic stop and you’re busted. So if you do buy while in your vehicle, as soon as you get it, get it ready for eating before or as you pull away.
They will also try to sell you LARGE amounts to bring in the money. So be suspicious of large transactions. Change locations constantly because police spend a lot of time setting up surveillance. If the people you are dealing with aren’t willing to change locations (even a short distance) just prior to the deal, you are probably dealing with the police.
Never go to another persons hotel/motel room make them come to yours and do not reveal the location until the last minute.
Don’t forget to change your phone frequently (per transaction) and use prepaid phones.
To avoid wiretapping/microphones on an informant, do your business in a hot tub or jacuzzi - can’t hide a wire in there!
Something to keep in mind is undercover cops are trained to simulate drug use - even hitting a joint and “not inhaling”. So bong hits for everybody - can’t fake those! The DVD then shows Barry doing a bong hit with Mark Emery (Cannabis Culture magazine)
And undercover police will also be constantly scanning for evidence, writing down license plates, and even trying to take roaches with them as evidence.

Spotting Informants
Trickier to spot than an undercover since they usually come in the form of a “friend”. They are motivated either by money or by trying to lessen a crime they are arrested for which are pretty strong motivators. This means informants tend to be very, very nervous, frightened, and stressed.
When Barry was a cop he was able to turn 95% of his drug arrests into informants through coercion, lies and even threatening to plant drugs! (though he says he never did that).
Stay away from people who just got busted or who have disappeared for awhile and reappear.
Bring up the subject of informants with someone you suspect and watch for body language.
And remember that police are on their own clock so an informant will also be time-sensitive. An informant will also always have to get an OK from their partner. One of the biggest jobs for an informer is to introduce an undercover.
Again, swimming pools and/or jacuzzis ensure to listening devices. If that is not possible, then simply whisper in their ear anything incriminating.
Note - unlike cops, informants have no qualms about doing drugs or putting them out on the street.
It is happening so be paranoid. They are out there trying to put you in prison.

Selling Marijuana Safely
Do not sell from your house. Ever.
First, place your stash in black trash bag and take it away from your home and hide it an isolated area safe from animals and people.
Second, communicate with the buyer to find out how much they wish to purchase.
Third, return to stash taking only what was ordered and conceal the main stash again (wiping fingerprints).
Fourth, take the small bag and drive away (making sure you weren’t followed) and look for a noticeable landmark. Drop the small bag (wiping your prints) by the landmark and drive away.
Fifth, go to your customer and take the money thanking them for paying back the money they owed you and then whisper the location of the bag in their ear.

Retrieving the stash is also important. Arrive at the drop point and walk straight to the stash and pretend to pick it up, return to your auto and drive away. If the cops are in on it, they will bust you minutes after leaving. If that didn’t happen, it is then safe to return and pick it up.

A Plea To Police
Barry begs the police to stop using SWAT teams to serve search warrants. He realizes they are adrenaline junkies and do not care who they harm in order for them to get high. There are easy ways to issue search warrants that is non-violent and safe for every one - cops and citizens alike. A sheriff in a Texas town demonstrated how to do this and all the cops know how to do it yet they choose the flash grenades and assault weapons drawn methods of SWAT. The sheriff simply set-up surveillance and when the people left the home, they were pulled over on a traffic stop and taken into custody. The police then use a key to exercise the search warrant. No harm to anyone or anything.

Our Message to Parents
Tell your kids the truth and stop trusting government programs like D.A.R.E. to teach your kids.
Consider this - when was the last time you heard about a kid dying in your neighborhood from an overdose of illegal drugs? It is very rare. More kids die from prescription medication than all illegal drugs combined. Aspirin has killed more people than marijuana.
The war on drugs is more dangerous to kids since there are many kids without one or both parents because they are in jail for smoking marijuana than die from illegal drugs.

The end sequence contains some out takes and news casts featuring Barry which really reveals the irrationalness of the some anti-drug folks.

A synopsis of the first volume: Never Get Busted Again Vol. 1: Traffic stops is located here:


Well-Known Member
Thanks - haven't seen #2, but saw the first one. I thought the first one was little on the basic side.

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
Looks like a very cool video!
Nice review posting.

Its a shame that it has to come down to this tho'.
Being all sneaky and shit so you can blaze a bowl.

Retarded Justice System needs to Wake the Fukk Up!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Thanks email.

I dont get it,every time anybody posts a Barry Cooper thread within a few posts somebody chimes in saying its just common sense or something else to play it down :confused:

Every last person on this site,no matter how cool we are can learn something of use from Barry Cooper,i learned a few things from his other videos.

+ REP.


Well-Known Member
Thanks email.

I dont get it,every time anybody posts a Barry Cooper thread within a few posts somebody chimes in saying its just common sense or something else to play it down :confused:

Every last person on this site,no matter how cool we are can learn something of use from Barry Cooper,i learned a few things from his other videos.

+ REP.
thanks panhead for the nice things you said and the rep. I agree and I love to learn. A lot of it is common sense but since sense isn't too common....

Even if I didn't learn anything from him, I'd still support his efforts because I like what he is doing and I especially like why he is doing it. This DVD has a lot of cool little asides in it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I think i'm going to buy this video now that I see It could really be worthwhile especially the part on indoor growing.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I think i'm going to buy this video now that I see It could really be worthwhile especially the part on indoor growing.
i bought it mostly to support what he is doing (and post this). If you can afford it, I recommend it but i do hit the main points if you prefer to keep your dough. And thanks!

If you get it i think you'll enjoy the scene that he is pretending to talk to the cops during a knock & talk!


Well-Known Member
sup.... yea i've been anticipating the release of his second video for a while now. i wish he would have hit on air cooling lights and thermal insulating polys and such..... instead of just warning against HID. give us better ways to combat it!

glad its out, i may actually go buy it...i like have the actual dvd


thanks email, def some good info here. id add to your rep, but already have recently. keep up the good work man, RIU and myself all appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
haha way too fuck'n long to read it wont be too long to read when yer sitting in jail (ganja gods forbid).....

never ever be afraid of knowledge...

wanna hide something from a *person* (editing to pertain to all)....put it in a book