First Grow! Australian Outdoors, Northern Lights 2011!


High guys!

I've had my non-feminised NL from (awesome stealth btw! :D) for a about a month. its time to germinate these bad boys.. or should i say girls. lol wishful thinking.
Anyway ill growing them in 52L pots (approx 13gal), slowly potting up from starter cubes to 4 gal to their final spots! I found a really good organic soil mix on this site. composed of chicken manure, bone meal, perlite and a touch of gypsum mixed into some bagged organic potting soil. thats all cooling off in my backyard atm,
i have a starter mix too for my seedlings. which also found on this site, bagged seedling mix with added worm castings and vermiculite. actually i had to use perlite i couldn't find vermiculite in my area :(

And it all starts TODAY! :D day 1 - germination! ive decided to do the paper towel method. Im open to any criticism, im always keen to learn more, but experience is something the internet cant teach. I'll be uploading plenty of pics as i progress. I'm sure there'll be a few WTF moments during my grow. well im off to sit back, relax and :joint:

Peace :peace:


Day 04 - 72hrs later and 100% germination! i think i've found the mother already ;) which i'm a little worried about. when i placed the biggest one into the soil, the seed shell just fell off. i know this is normal after the cotyledon has actually sprouted upwards, but before-hand i'm not sure has this happened to anyone?

my mini green house

my soil, just chillin'.. killin'..


Day 07 - 9/10 thorugh soil, WTF TOOK A CHUNK OUT OF MA CROPS!?!?! ive come to the conclusion it was slugs, but still wtf. a bite into one of the cotyledons, and on another they chomped the cotyledons and nibbled on the serrated leaves.



anyway, crushed eggshells in a small perimeter around it now, i also changed its spot to a higher harder to get place. put a bowl of beer outside, so the fuckers can drown to death! and gonna buy some copper wire aswell 2moro ;)


I'm probably just a paranoid first grower.. but iunno these lil ones are growin kinda slow! :( if i see nothing noticeable by day 17 (14 days in soil) i will change them from the starter mix to the main organic mix i have. Anyway here are some pics:

The seedling the slug ate both cotyledons and most of the serrated leaves, pretty much dead. might give it some superthrive, lol nothing to lose.

This one is the healthiest lookin, bout 2" now, most of them are starting their 2nd set of serrated leaves.

group shot, BUD LIFE <3

also as u can see there are only 9, the other one is still in the propagation dome, its just burstin thru.. ill give it a little longer but it looks like a weak ass soldier thats probably a f**king male anyway, so thinking of pissing it off soon... umm yeh does growth seem a lil slow to you guys?..anyone? its been 9 days since i put them in the soil.

anyway tym 4 bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie



SPIDER MITES!!!! :O i came home yesterday to webs on my seedlings, n little black n even smaller red specs. i rang some nurseries to find ladybugs but they didnt have any :( so i rang the hydrostore to see if they have anything good, nd i told him they were seedlings. he told me to very lightly add dishwashing liquid to water, and spray underneath the leaves. he reckons it chokes em.. well it worked!! but one of the seedlings looks like its slowly dying, the leaves are starting to curl up at the end, and change colour. but the rest are lookin sweet! 7/10 looking healthy n green! speaking of which, i am going to have another cone. peacccccce!

Wogtaz Ryder

Well-Known Member
Nice mate , I havnt got accurate dates of when mine sprouted . but this picture was around 15 days give or take .

15 days.jpg

Wogtaz Ryder

Well-Known Member
I got spider mites to it seems ( little white specks) on a few of mine . :(

I just used seedling mix from local nursery , and bought some nutrient stuff that was there ( Brand is Garden-Hydro. Stem-Seed Plus . and Stem-Seed Fert) Mix them together for best results for germinating they said .

Watered with it from seed . it seems to work good so far ?

I guess i will start a grow journal , and stop clogging yours up lol.


these pics r about a month old, theyre growing a bit slower than i expected. the starter mix hasnt worked as well as i saw pics of. but oh well they still look healthy! nd ive been battling spider mites like crazy! ive been using a Yates product called Naturasoap. it gets rid of mites n other insects, n its all natural as it claims n wont harm the young ones :) sooo ill be transplanting them soon, should've taken a pic of root development. waiting a tad longer...



I got spider mites to it seems ( little white specks) on a few of mine . :(

I just used seedling mix from local nursery , and bought some nutrient stuff that was there ( Brand is Garden-Hydro. Stem-Seed Plus . and Stem-Seed Fert) Mix them together for best results for germinating they said .

Watered with it from seed . it seems to work good so far ?

I guess i will start a grow journal , and stop clogging yours up lol.
hahaha thats cool man i feel like a loner on here no'1 commentin haha. but yeh man whatever they gave u worked real well lookin heaps healthy!

Wogtaz Ryder

Well-Known Member
Yours are looking real good!

That picture i linked the seed was Laughing buddha/fem.

I got a journal up now as well.

I have been using that yates stuff to , it seems to do the job!

I re potted a bunch of mine and one of them had some crazy big ass creatures all through the roots! it was the laughing buddha which is the fastest growing one i got and it still looks all good so i just repotted and we shall see what happens lol .

That last couple weeks have been shitty weather hey , so they havnt been growing a heep , havnt needed to water them from all the rain to .


Thanks bro,

yeh? its pretty good stuff hey. nd yeh i took a look, laughing buddha looks real healthy!

no shit weathers been fukn annoying, todays a wicked day tho, theyre loving the sun, looovin it :)

btw i had a look at demon seeds. they look really good, i was thinkin of buying some fem autos. how were they stealth wise?

Wogtaz Ryder

Well-Known Member
Yer i have got 2 orders through them , and my mate has got 2 as well , all come through nice and easy . both using the stealth shipping .
Ill continue to use them for sure .

Yer i want to get a few more auto's going , just for practice and a few early harvests!


yeh had a look at attitude seeds (apparently they the shit) n keen on grabbin a pack of 3 fem auto AK47, 3 afghan kush x lowryder, and maybes lowryder2 dunno yet. n yeh i dont wanna wait til middle next year for fat organic buds lol (hoping all goes well!!)


i finally transplanted my girls into my heavier organic mix.. they seem to be doing ok. i did wait a bit too long to transplant them, the lower leaves started yellowing a bit due to nitrogen deficiency. before i did though i added some more gypsum to break up a bit of the clay in the final mix, and some more perlite for drainage. its about 70/30 soil to perlite ration. i also noticed the 52L pots i bought had 4 very small drainage holes, compared to the dozens of holes my smaller pots had. so i cut a few extra holes into the bottom to help with drainage.

And earlier today i noticed the leaves are a bit droopy, some droopier than others, they seemed to stiffen up a bit during the day, i assume this is because they had just been tranplanted. but now as we speak, its 8pm here, i went outside to check on em again and the leaves are curling downwards, like claws.

IMG_1699.jpg IMG_1701.jpg IMG_1702.jpg

yellowing and drooping. ill upload more pics 2moro if theyre still lookin like claws

now im scared its a heavy hit of nutes, but when i transplanted i mixed in a handful of untouched soil, and worm castings with a small layer of the hotter mix, to let the plants ease into the strength. so before the roots get full strength theyll have to grow through that. orrrrrr i just plain over-watered them. which i thought was very hard to do during transplanting. but i guess i could be wrong. so yeh any advice would be much appreciated.

anyways i know its like 8pm but its always 4:20 in my house! time to roll a mass doobs n crank some khalifa. taylor gang or die y'all! :eyesmoke: :peace:


growth wise, my babies r doing great! last week 12-14", now theyre 15.5-18"!!! crazy stuff :)

anyways i have a few small issues. 1, the main prob is the yellowing between the veins of the new growth and newer leaves. so i assumed this was some sort of defficiency, either magnesium or something. so i did some research n figured it could be nute lockout. i tested my soil with a color changing tester, none of that inaccurate probe bullshit. and on the colour scale it looks to be between 7.5-8 :O

not good i know, so i added some sulfur to the top couple inches of soil and watered it in. a week later, still pre much same lookin on the test. thinking of ammonium sulfate, its quicker to lower ph and well... yeh.

so that had me thinking again, quite noobish of me to not to of done this earlier, but i bought a cheap water ph tester. and on the colour scale it looks about 8 aswell!! i want 6.8 mah fuckaz!!! But i ordered a proper digital tester for $50 on ebay, should be here soon! soo im guessing that prob is nute lockout from being too fucking alkaline. not getting enough mg or cal.

and theres this other problem, on one plant, on this one leaf, it looks like it has down syndrome! its really crimpled and ugly lookin, and half of one of the blades has folded itself underneath.. somehow. anyway if ANYONE knows what this might be. pleeeeeeeeeeease help :)

here r some pics!

crazy demon infested leaf- IMG_1775.jpgIMG_1782.jpg

yellowing, hardcore. - IMG_1777.jpgIMG_1778.jpgIMG_1779.jpg

<3 they look healthier from a distance lol IMG_1780.jpgIMG_1781.jpg

oh, n one more thing. this one blade of a leaf just wants to reach for the stars man, just him, no1 else. see for urself IMG_1776.jpg


