How is everyone i been missing you guys. Hope everyone had a great summer

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
the shitty winter weather im sure will be bringing all of us back together alot more. how do we post video on here you guys have to see my man cave. im still waiting on my animation laser software to get here but its still sick on sound mode. the 3d laser should be here within 2 weeks. add that to my 100 inch kaleidoscope my hd projector makes and a double sub klipsch sound system = retarded ass good time.
i cant wait to buy a bigger house your going to be like what an asshole when you see how much shit i have in this not very big room. but fuck it get all the big ticket items out of the way while the payments are lower. next summer we need to find the state that has passed the least laws and throw a riu fest