Yellowing dying leaves!


I've been growing my northern lights plant since July 18th and started to flower in august 13th, now she has been yellowing from her bottom leaves up and 3 (full) fan leaves have fallen off already! Her leaves have dark brown spots on the edges and are drying from the tip up the leaf, they are a pale-yellow color. She is in a pot of %50 hydroponic beads and %50 MG Moisture Control Soil, and I water her once a day. I nutrient her approximately every 4 days with MG Bloom Booster half strength. Her Soil Ph level is at 7.2, and her water Ph level is 7.0! She is about 1 1/2' away from a 400w HPS light w/ reflector. I water her about 6 fl. ounces each watering. If you have any questions feel free to ask, Thanks a lot!




Well-Known Member
magnesium def, treat with either epsom salt or calmag.. Next time you flower start supplementing with calmag right before they start flowering.

Grow mo

Active Member
dude thats normal, just like plaants do outside toward fall, its because with nutrients the nitrogen level is greatly reduced when you start feeding it the flowering nutrients, because plants do not require as much of this during flowering. read the bible man

Grow mo

Active Member
although the leaf curling and the browning may be a def. or an overdose, not sure. jus certain about the yellowing


Active Member
yea its normal to have fan leaves die off, as far as if its best for the plant or not if they do im not going to get into, but as far as your plant its fine.


Well-Known Member
NO its not normal for leaves to die off, your lacking a nutrient... Don't listen to anyone that says leaves dying off is normal cause they are WRONG!!!