6under6 GDP


Well-Known Member
DEZ it may be geto but i found a hundred of these behind a local mexican market/deli. they get cheese n sour cream in them. i went in n told them i wanted to grow chillies in them. a little elbo grease is all it took. i used the lids to my bucket system n they are perfect. also makes pulling and maintenance easy, you can just pick up plant up n put in bucket. easypeasy :)
Too funny...my 7yr old son says that all the time.

I actually found a place online that I can order them from but will check out the restaraunts first. The same place also sells those black buckets and lids that you see in the hydro shops fpor less than half the price. They have some that are more heavy duty that are still less, even with shipping. I thought it was interesting.
I think it was US Plastic or something like that. I'll have to double check ti know for sure


Well-Known Member
i got a few sites for suppliers but mostly in bulk size, was kicking the idea of setting up shop. hell somebodys got to fill yhe void. the units comparable to mine are like 1200 bucks, only dif was the hinged lids n i found those too


Well-Known Member
I'm going to hit up the taco shops that are close to my house this morning and if I don't score some there, I'll head down to San Juan Capistrano to where theres a restaraunt with a deli type deal attached and see what they have.

All the best suppliers I found with those square buckets were a bit pricey, even when bought in bulk. The round ones are much cheaper for some reason but I'm not sure why that is.

That's not a bad idea you have. I have something in the works that I've been messing with for almost a year now that could possibly do very well at the shows and stuff. I just need to get serious about it and see about marketing it to the right people. I don't want to say what it is because I was asked about it recently by another grower that heard about it from the only person that has seen the one I have. They are interested in possibly doing a partnership that would make it a lot easier for me to get it off the ground so out of respect for them, I'll keep it on the low.


Well-Known Member
i got a few sites for suppliers but mostly in bulk size, was kicking the idea of setting up shop. hell somebodys got to fill yhe void. the units comparable to mine are like 1200 bucks, only dif was the hinged lids n i found those too
need young help?


Well-Known Member
so i just opened the tent to check on the girls, i had not looked since last night @ 8pm when lights come on. i adjust the light every night @ lights on to 2in above canopy. when i opened the doors i found 7 tops cramed against the glass n many more almost touching.i did a bit of supercropping on the ones that were touching and raised the lights 3in this time. today is day 10 and they are showing sex but no pre flowers. soon very soon :) :) :)


Well-Known Member
so i just opened the tent to check on the girls, i had not looked since last night @ 8pm when lights come on. i adjust the light every night @ lights on to 2in above canopy. when i opened the doors i found 7 tops cramed against the glass n many more almost touching.i did a bit of supercropping on the ones that were touching and raised the lights 3in this time. today is day 10 and they are showing sex but no pre flowers. soon very soon :) :) :)
Damn man they are just reaching for the heavens huh!! Told you you would have to constantly move them puppies :)


Well-Known Member
every time i open this is what i see :)
in my quest to get the maximim amount of likht possable to the sites i have adjusted the light every lights on up 2inches. evryr night its the same thing, plants touching the glass lol.
its very exciting to see the growth and daily progress they are making. i veged too long for the area im working with, these could easily fill a 4x8 area. that would be about the right size to do them justice. if you had the room to accesss them they would be great scrog canidates. two could easily fill this tent. im installing supports and doing a trim so pics tp follow.



Well-Known Member
so here is the support system. they are 24inches tall, made from 1/2'' pvc.
the girls look good all trimmed up n ready for the prom :)



Well-Known Member
ive had 13inches of stretch since flip. they are snowballing now so i think stretch will slow down. at least i hope it does or i will run out of headroom for the lights. ive still got a bit over a foot left.


Well-Known Member
You should be fine. I had one run in a flood/drain tray that stretched to the point where my cool tube was all the way up as high as it could go without taking out the hi/lo hangers and I still got light bleaching on a few buds, LOL.


Well-Known Member
lol bet its bomb!!! how3s the trim looking? are you doing all at once or letting the lower ripen more?
Really isnt much lower stuff. Everything under the canopy is not worth trimming, lol. Gonna be loads of trim just crying for the bubble bags :) Or Iso, not quite sure yet.


Well-Known Member
Real niice 40 oz man I've been kicking it around for the longest about trying the headband some of the best smoke ever fosho just everyone I know running it has to go thru hell to do so far as training those bytches get crazy lolz.
Also man I got my undercurrent rdwc built man vegging some babies to put in it now.
So simple man thanks again for the ideas!


Well-Known Member
Really isnt much lower stuff. Everything under the canopy is not worth trimming, lol. Gonna be loads of trim just crying for the bubble bags :) Or Iso, not quite sure yet.
I ran what I had left through the bags when I got home earlier so I have a little hash drying now :) I made some ISO with the trimmings from the first few plants and some trim Jig gave me, some butter with the little nugs that aren't worth trimming and now some bubble hash, hehe. Me thinks I'm in pretty good shape at the moment ;)


Well-Known Member
Damn dude! haha, those things stretched like they're fitty yearz old. Looking good bro.



Well-Known Member
Damn dude! haha, those things stretched like they're fitty yearz old. Looking good bro.

swag thats gome funny shit bro lmao SALLY OMALLY LMAO how do you find such as that :)