Ebb and grow (4x super critical, 1x ak47, 7x bubba kush)


Well-Known Member
Yo next couple weeks they should be showing the purp on the underside of he leaves. I'm glad she is smelling like the poo. It really is a wonderful shit smell. The diarrhea and weed smell. Omg nothing like it. Also you will start to notce the berry smell to the buds. It's ridiculously fruity. :) keep us posted on the Pheno brotha
i will indeed keep you guys posted, i cant get over the visual difference between the two i have, the one has perfect looking (more defined) leafs as the other has a fat wrinklie type indica leaf, both have a very sturdy frame and very thick stems which hopefully means heavier buds:)
im planning on poping mine in a couple of weeks at least when I get my cloning center setup
looking forward to seeing yours grow as well buddy, hope you get the pheno as well will be epic.
guess i did lol..stella mate..
thanks buddy
hows the god bud doing?
looking good bro the more fine cut pheno is a branchy bitch with thick stems which makes it hard to lollipop because i really dont want to cut allot of valuable material lol here are a few pics of them today.



Well-Known Member
yo DrGreenTM the plants looks very good in the pictures...looks like they re going to be bushy soon ?


Well-Known Member
yo DrGreenTM the plants looks very good in the pictures...looks like they re going to be bushy soon ?
ya i wanted to keep them pretty short and bushy, i have been defoliating the centers of all of them which is why the inner branches have really shot up. bc says that these dont stretch much in flower and they are showing it for sure. i just cant wait to see some buds on these stems lol.


Well-Known Member
they are looking good drg, im paying attention...keep up the good work!!!
thanks bro, i will do my best to keep this grow on track for the entire 8 weeks (hopefully nothing goes wrong). also forgot to mention i have 13 clones in cubes on a tray as well as 5 more going in tomorrow, looking to fill both trays in veg and going to have 8 mothers total (2 bubbas, 2 of each GB pheno and 2 super criticals) this will ensure as many cuts as i need for my up and coming perpetual harvest schedule.

kevin murphy

New Member
ornin mate theyre looking sweeter everytime i see em how long left now mate u reckoning...did u take any cuts from em before flower or you goin with a different strain next time round..


Well-Known Member
they will be 2 weeks in 12/12 this thursday so they are still about 6 weeks out and HR got it right i took as many clones as possible (about 4 from each plant) totaling 12 GB clones.


Well-Known Member
looking like a little over a week and i have 9 out of 12 rooted, so not to bad really. pretty average i would say, not to hard to clone:)


Well-Known Member
whats up guys so im 2 weeks completed flowering now and just thought i would post a little picture update of the ladies. all is going well they do look a bit hungry so on the next res change im going to get the ppm's up around 1000 and see if they like it. also took a pic of the root mass of one of the bubba's and they are trying to make there way up and out the pot lol you can see the little tail coming off the mass where the roots actually grew into the fill tube, so i am now going to be rotating all the plants 1/4 turn a day to prevent them from growing into the hole.

