good way to invest a few hundred bucks?


Well-Known Member
Gold is a terrible investment right now, it's at an all time high. The trick to investing is buy low sell high, not the other way around. Only invest in gold if you truly think that America is going to collapse in the near future, and the American dollar will be totally valueless. But if you believe we will bounce back from this recession like every other recession we've had, gold is a terrible investment. As our economy strengthens gold will drop. The time to buy gold is when the economy is strong, and gold is cheap.
It's not all time high. It's low right now. All those "Cash4Gold" places are making it cheap as fuck.
Then once the public doesn't have gold anymore, they're just gonna shoot the price up. They're selling it to the government right now. I know someone that worked for one of those places.


Well-Known Member
Part of the problem is that a few hundred bucks isn't really a usual amount to invest. If you really mean invest for long-term gain, and don't mind doing the necessary research, the right rare stamp or coin will gain value in just about any market ... and earn the "interest" entirely off-grid. cn
And on the stamp note.
Buy a bunch of "forever" Stamps. Then in 5-10 years you should be able to sell each one for a dollar more or maybe way more than before.


Well-Known Member
The price of gold goes up when we're in a state of zero or negative real interest rates on government bonds, we'll remain that way for at least another year but Gold isn't going to go up more unless Bernanke prints more money. At any rate, it's 1000x better to get gold while the economy is strong IMO. If you're just now getting into gold, and you aren't in for the LONG haul - you've missed the boat.


Well-Known Member
I'd be worried about gold, to be honest. It's been going up, up, up for quite a while now. It could keep doing so, and some people say that it will. There are also others who warn of a gold "bubble" and think it will fall hard.
No offense, but a few hundred bucks is not a lot of money in terms of investment. What I mean is, the marginal difference in profit from among your choices of investment is probably pretty minimal. What kind of return are you looking for, in what time frame? You will do very well to find anything above 5%, unless you go in a fairly risky direction. 5% on $300 is only $15 (in a year), so it's much ado about nothing really (again, no offense).
Find a good CD at your bank or credit union.


Well-Known Member
my grandmother has an icecream truck business goin. i did her paperwork for her inventory and she roughly spends about 25-60 on an icecream that she turns around sell for 1.00-2.50. so ya if you had the van, and a deep freeze in the van, you could possibly start that, she make betwenn 100-300 a day when its hot outside.

but i dont think a few hundred would buy you all the neccessary equipment


Well-Known Member
The price of gold goes up when we're in a state of zero or negative real interest rates on government bonds, we'll remain that way for at least another year but Gold isn't going to go up more unless Bernanke prints more money. At any rate, it's 1000x better to get gold while the economy is strong IMO. If you're just now getting into gold, and you aren't in for the LONG haul - you've missed the boat.
Or once money means 0 gold will raise in value. Which seems PRETTY close. Canada caught up or is REALLY close already.


Well-Known Member
my grandmother has an icecream truck business goin. i did her paperwork for her inventory and she roughly spends about 25-60 on an icecream that she turns around sell for 1.00-2.50. so ya if you had the van, and a deep freeze in the van, you could possibly start that, she make betwenn 100-300 a day when its hot outside.

but i dont think a few hundred would buy you all the neccessary equipment
That's a good idea. I used to know of Ice cream men that sold lazer pens and sacks to kids too.


Well-Known Member
now for the new millionaire nothing less than a top hat and cane
Switch that for a cowboy hat with a bandana around it or a leopard print base. Stick a feather in the hat, and call your ass a pimp. (Why do you call it "Yankeedoodle" when you stick a feather in your hat? Does that mean like "Hanky Panky"?)

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;dhWUenm28_g][/video]if this had been your thread fin id suggest that you buy yourself a clue